Final Exam


1 Reviewing

Make use of the Final Exam Review

2 Taking the Exam

You will complete the Final Exam within Blackboard. You can locate the link to the Final under the Exams link in the Blackboard Navigation Menu.

2.1 When

You may complete the Final Exam during any contiguous 180-minute (3 hour) block on the specified dates.

3 Types of Questions

The Final is composed of the following question types:

4 Instructions

Before you begin the Final, you will be presented with instructions:

You are agreeing to abide by the following, in accordance with the ODU Honor Code:

  • All answers submitted must be your own work. You may not receive aid or information from anyone other than the instructor.

  • Printing or otherwise capturing any portion of this exam is forbidden.

  • You may not provide information to other students during the exam. You may not communicate with other students about the contents of the exam until the answer key has been released (which may be delayed if the instructor were to grant extensions due to illness, etc.)

During the exam, you may refer to any notes or books that you have brought with you. You may use the web browser to visit the course web site (directly or through Blackboard) and any materials I have provided to you (e.g., Example Code).

If you find yourself working for a long time on an essay-style question, please use the Save button every few minutes to guard against losing your work due to web browser timeouts or temporarily dropped network connections.

You may not visit other web sites, or make use of other electronic devices during the exam. You have 3 hours (180 minutes) to complete the exam.