Where Are We Now? - Future Work

Thomas J. Kennedy


At the end of each semester… a few students ask:

These are the types of questions you should ask at the end of every course. I enjoy answering these types of questions.

1 Workshops & Whirlwind Introductions

I have given a few colloquium/seminar/workshop talks. Two of these workshops focused on Python:

2 Books

I enjoy reading programming books. A few of my favorite books include:


3 Tools

There are quite a few tools. One of the most valuable is Git.

3.1 Git

On March 3, 2020 ACM-W and the Computer Science Graduate Student Society held a Git Workshop.


The presentation included:

  1. discussions on how git allows code history to be examined.
  2. how to set up an example git repository using the command line (i.e., terminal).

This is probably the first time you are working with git. I recommend you take some time to:

  1. Read through the presentation materials.
  2. Watch the recording.