Which Language is It?

Thomas J. Kennedy


Sometimes you will come across an unfamiliar code snippet. Sometimes the snippet is a familiar language (e.g., C++, Java, or Python). Sometimes it is a less familiar language (e.g., Rust).

1 Intuition

Intuition is a powerful tool, but it will often mislead you. Let us start this discussion by ignoring all intuition (i.e.,gut feelings). This primarily includes ignoring:

2 Example 1

Example 1: A Point Match Function
// Function header/signature omitted
    for (int i = 0; i < numLocations; i++) {
        if (locations[i] == p) {
            return i;

        if (locations[i].x == p.x
         && locations[i].y == p.y
         && locations[i].z == p.z) {
            return i;
    return -1;

First, we need to figure out what this function does and is indended to do. This is a nuanced distinction (on the verge of a distinction without a difference). However, we know from experience (with our own mistakes) that what we want the code to do and what the code actually does are sometimes different.

2.1 The C++ View

Let us first examine this as C++ code:

  1. The first condition locations[i] == p checks for equivalence by calling Point::operator==.

  2. The second condition locations[i].x == p.x && locations[i].y == p.y && locations[i].z == p.z explicitly checks each attribute.

This is (syntactically) valid C++ code–albeit redundant. If this were written in proper (i.e., idiomatic) C++, it would be:

Example 2: Idiomatic C++ Point Math Function
// Function header/signature omitted
    for (int i = 0; i < numLocations; i++) {
        if (locations[i] == p) {
            return i;
    return -1;

If we wanted to take it a step further… we could use std::find.

Example 3: C++ Point Match Function - with std::find
// Function header/signature omitted
    auto it = std::find(begin(locations), end(locations), p);

    if (it == end(locations)) {
        return -1;

    return (it - begin(locations));

I do not think we need to be that obnoxious…

2.2 The Java View

Let us now examine this as Java code:

  1. The first condition checks if the memory addresses match–every object variable in java is a reference–analogous to a C++ pointer.

  2. The second condition–as in C++–explicitly checks each attribute.

This is valid Java code. This is code most likely extracted from a Java program. It is clear that the person who wrote this code violated the Java class checklist (i.e., did not provide an equals method).

Assuming the equals issue were addressed, we would end up with:

Example 4: Idiomatic Java Point Math Function
// Function header/signature omitted
    for (int i = 0; i < numLocations; i++) {
        if (locations[i] == p){
            return i;
        else if (locations[i].equals(p)) {
            return i;
    return -1;

2.3 A Little Python

With a few quick changes, we can turn this into Python code…

Example 5: Python - A Quick Conversion
    Function header/signature omitted

    for i in range(0, len(locations)):
        if hash(locations[i]) == hash(p):
            return i

        elif locations[i] == p:
            return i

    return -1

We can make it more idiomatic… using enumerate!

Example 6: Python - A Quick Conversion
    Function header/signature omitted

    for idx, a_point in enumerate(locations):
        if hash(a_point) == hash(p):
            return idx

        elif a_point == p:
            return idx

    return -1

3 Example 2

Example 7: Array Append & Resize
Encyclopedia newEdition = catalog[oldEditionIndex];
newEdition.edition = 3;

catalog[catalogSize] = newEdition;

3.1 The C++ View

Let us first examine this as C++ code:

  1. I define a new Encyclopedia, newEdition. This results a deep copy through application of the assignment operator.

  2. I take the new book and change the edition number to 3.

  3. I add newEdition to the end of the catalog array.

This is an instance of resizing an array.

3.2 The Java View

Let us next examine this as Java code:

  1. I define a new book reference, newEdition

  2. I take the new book reference and change the edition number to 3.

  3. I add this new book reference to the end ot the catalog array.

This code results in two references in the array–that both reference the same book. This code is extracted from a C++ program.

If I wanted this code snippet to be useful in Java, I would add a call clone:

Example 8: Adding the Java clone Method
Encyclopedia newEdition = catalog[oldEditionIndex].clone();
newEdition.edition = 5;

catalog[catalogSize] = newEdition;

3.3 A Little Python

With a few quick changes, we can turn this into Python code…

Example 9: Python - A Quick Conversion
new_edition = copy.deepcopy(catalog[oldEditionIndex])
new_edition.edition = 5

catalog[catalog_size] = new_edition
catalog_size +=1

Let us use a Python list instead of a faked array.

Example 10: Python - A More Complete Conversion
new_edition = copy.deepcopy(catalog[oldEditionIndex])
new_edition.edition = 5
