Web Analysis - Brainstorming

Thomas J. Kennedy


1 Overview

This lecture sequence is based on the Website Analysis Semester Project that I tend to use when I teach CS 350 during a Summer Semester.

This lecture is discussion of how I would approach identifying classes for the Web Analysis Project. The discussion will start with a sequence of Domain Models to capture the structure of a website.

2 Domain Models

Let us start with a set of classes to capture the basic pieces of a website. For each diagram the PlantUML markup will be listed followed by the resulting diagram.

Our focus is on how to store the data. The analysis and computation come later in the process.

2.1 Initial Diagram

PlantUML Markup

Take note of the first two classes:

After the first two classes we have a class for each type of resource:

Note that while we need to represent collections of data… we are not interested in a specific data structure. The Collection is a placeholder for any data structure that can hold multiple items and be iterated over (e.g., List or Vector).

2.2 Adding Some Detail

Let us explore what each class needs to store.

PlantUML Markup

2.3 Representing Types

Now we need a way to represent the notion of:

An Enumerated Type is perfect. An enum is similar to a boolean (true or false). While a boolean is restricted to yes (true) or no (false)… an enum is restricted to programmer-specified categories.

PlantUML Markup

Take note of the new Locality box and additions to each of the resource classes.

2.4 Dealing with Duplication

The Resource classes are (at the moment) identical. Let us define a Resource base class.

PlantUML Markup

Now that we have factored out the common data members… it is tempting to remove Anchor, Image, Script, and Stylesheet. However, I am not comfortable doing so just yet. I have a few concerns, including

  1. Are there behaviors (e.g., member functions) that need to be captured?
  2. Will abstract methods or dynamic binding be useful during analysis?
  3. Will class-specific static constants be used?

Let us leave the classes for now. We can always remove them later.

2.5 Introducing ResourceKind

Have you noticed that files are not represented in our current model? We could introduce an “other” type. However, I think using Resource and adding another enum is a better choice.

PlantUML Markup

I will leave adding all options to ResouceKind up to you and your team.

Take note of the two new fields in Resource:

2.6 Done for Now

Based on the Website Analysis Requirements Definition it appears that we have captured the structure of a website. It is safe to move on to capturing analysis, exceptions, and report generation.

3 Handling Analysis Details

Before starting this part of the lecture… I would like to discuss:

3.1 Meet in the Middle

There is quite a bit of logic to implement. However, we are interested in:

  1. identifying the types of analysis that occur
  2. determining where each piece of analysis will occur
  3. splitting the analysis into manageable pieces/phases

To that end let us take a meet-in-the-middle approach to design. We already have the structure of a website (i.e., where we will store the data generated during analysis). Let us explore how to represent the various reports.

PlantUML Markup

The reports will only examine the pieces of data that they need (and format that data for output). The actual extraction, parsing, and analysis operations (i.e., heavy lifting) should absolutely happen elsewhere in the software.

Take note of the Report.set method. I believe that a common report interface (via inheritance) is appropriate here.

3.2 Refining the Report Interface

Let us add a few methods to the Report interface.

PlantUML Markup

Take note of the three methods in Report:

Note that write is intended a common public function that each report derived class will implement. The actual logic to generate a given report should happen before write is called, e.g., in a prepare method.

3.3 Inspiration from the C++ std::ostream, Java BufferedWriter & Python TextIO

I do not like the names of the Report classes. I would argue that these classes do not represent the reports being generated, but the person who would create these reports in a manual process.

Let us rename

PlantUML Markup

3.4 Something Does Not Fit

Have you been wondering abour ConsoleReportWriter? It is different from the other reports:

  1. It does not examine the Website data.
  2. It does not have a filename.

Perhaps it should really be a ReportManager class. A class that handles the:

PlantUML Markup

I am much happier with that. Note the four functions in ReportManager

3.5 Where is the Actual Analysis?

This is where the Builder Pattern will come into play. Let us start by adding two classes:

  1. WebsiteBuilder
  2. HTMLDocumentBuilder

Note: Let us stick with “Builder” even though “Parser” might be a more “intuitive” name.

PlantUML Markup

But… where do WebsiteBuilder and HTMLDocumentBuilder fit?

  1. WebsiteBuilder will be responsible for collecting all information needed to create a Website object:

    1. one local directory path
    2. one or more URLs
  2. HTMLDocumentBuilder will be responsible for extracting all tags from a single file containing HTML content. This is where our HTML parsing logic will exist.

PlantUML Markup

Take note of how WebsiteBuilder depends on HTMLDocumentBuilder. While the former may identify files to examine… the latter handles the actual parsing.

You will also notice a few with methods. This convention is used to supply arguments or values needed to create a non-trivial object (e.g., one that requires File IO). In general… complicated initialization (e.g. random number generation, file IO, nested object initialization) should not be done in a constructor. This is where the builder pattern can be particularly useful.

The actual object creation does not occur until build is called.

3.6 Adding a Few Extraction Methods

Let us add the resource extraction methods.

PlantUML Markup

We have quite a few additions. The first two methods pass in the two pieces of data we need for path normalization and resouce classification:

The remaining four (4) methods handle extracting one type of Resource. While we might be able to factor out some common logic (and add a few utility functions)… these four public methods will simplify testing and debugging.

    extractAnchors() -> Collection<Resource>
    extractImages() -> Collection<Resource>
    extractScripts() -> Collection<Resource>
    extractStyleSheets() -> Collection<Resource>

Take note of how each method returns a Collection of Resource objects. I will write these functions so that they both:

  1. Store the Resource collection as an attribute (private data member).
  2. Return a reference to the collection for testing and debugging purposes.

4 Closing Remarks

  1. Use BufferedReader for input and BufferedWriter for output. This will make testing a lot easier.

    For example… BufferedReader can use either a File or a String as a data source. This allows us to

    • read a file in production code.

    • read a short piece of data from a hardcoded string in a unit test.

  2. There are quite a few missing methods. However, the only classes we need to add are Exceptions, utility classes (e.g., for path normalization), and a driver class to wrap:

    java public static void main(String... args)

  3. We could simplify the Resource handling by removing Anchor and its sibling classes (and ~20% of teams in previous Summer Semesters have taken this approach). However, my approach would introduce a ResourceFactory to simplify the creation logic.

  4. We still need to make sure that each class follows the Java Class Checklist, including accessors and mutators.