Language Checklists & UML Class Diagrams

Thomas Kennedy


One of the most difficult aspects of discussing object oriented code is visualizing the pieces. To visualize classes and ADTs we can use UML Class diagrams.

We will revisit Review 03 (Example 6) and build UML Class diagrams with PlantUML.

The recorded discussion is available here.

1 Keeping Track of the Pieces

Take another look through:

The number of classes (ADTs) ranges from 1 to 5. Think back to when you started Assignment 1. After reading the prompt:

  1. What was your first step?
  2. Where did you start?
  3. Did you try to examine all the pieces… at once?

The title of CS 330 is Object Oriented Programming and Design. We need a way to illustrate classes and objects. Let us start with UML Class diagrams.

2 Drawing UML Class Diagrams

You might be familiar with Dia or I quickly become frustrated by the amount of clicking required to create, or edit, even a basic UML Class diagram.

In class, and in the notes I reference Dia. As a Programmer–who likes vim and neovim–I like my keyboard, and dislike my mouse. For this discussion I will use PlantUML Class Diagram syntax. You can either:

2.1 An (old?) Example

Let us revisit Review 03 Example 6. Let us start with some quick markup:

hide empty members

class LinkedList {


class LinkedList::Node {


class House {


class Room {



This markup will generate:

2.2 Refining the Diagram

If we think back to Review 03 Example 6, we will recall a number of connections between classes. Let us take a step back. We want to model the Big Picture.

left to right direction

hide empty members

class LinkedList {


class LinkedList::Node {


class House {


class Room {


LinkedList *----- LinkedList::Node
House *----- Room
House ------> "container" LinkedList


Are you surprised that I did not draw a connection between Room and LinkedList::Node? We want to capture the Big Picture. We do not want to capture everything, all at once, at the same time.

The Big Picture is not simply showing everything (or understanding every single piece). The Big Picture is understanding the high-level abstractions (ADTs). The low-level pieces (e.g., variables, algorithms) and implementation details should be examined on-the-fly as needed.

2.3 The Pieces & Remaining Coherent

We do not want a single monolithic UML Class diagram. We want a set of UML Class diagrams that each focus on one aspect of the system. I see two perspectives that we want to capture:

  1. Domain Specific Constructs (e.g., House and Room)
  2. Data Structures (e.g., House, LinkedList, and Node).

I think we should start with the first one. Let us take another look at Room.h from Review 03 Example 6:


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <utility>

using namespace std::rel_ops;

 * Monetary cost. Note that in a non-academic setting,
 * this would likely be represented by a more robust
 * Money ADT--or API.
typedef double Cost;

 * A Room Blueprint. This struct, defines
 * a room. For the moment this is simply
 * a grouping of attributes (variables)
 * that describe a Room
class Room {
         * Units of length--e.g., meters
        static const std::string UNITS;

         * Flooring Record for a Room. Note
         * that this data-type is meaningless
         * outside the context of of Room ADT
         * for this scenario.
        struct Flooring {
            std::string type;
            Cost        unitCost;

             * Default Constructor

             * Non-Default Constructor
            Flooring(std::string n, Cost c);

         * One linear dimension. This can be one of
         * length, width, or height
        typedef double Dimension;

         * Container for length and width.
         * <p>
         * This will allow us to reduce the impact
         * of the addition of the height dimension in
         * a later example.
         * <p>
         * For the sake of clarity, I titled this data-type
         * DimensionSet, in practice, I would have more likely
         * named it Dimensions.
         * <p>
         * Note that this is now a proper class.
        class DimensionSet {
                Dimension  length;
                Dimension   width;

                 * Default to dimensions of 1

                 * Set the length and width to user
                 * specified values
                DimensionSet(Dimension l, Dimension w);

                 * Set the length
                 * @param v replacement value
                void setLength(Dimension v);

                 * Retrieve the length
                Dimension getLength() const;

                 * Set the width
                 * @param v replacement value
                void setWidth(Dimension v);

                 * Retrieve the width
                Dimension getWidth() const;

         * This is the DimensionSet object--i.e, instance.
        DimensionSet dimensions;

         * This is the Flooring object--i.e., instance
        Flooring     flooring;

         * This is the name of the room--i.e., a std::string object
        std::string  name;

         * Default Constructor

         * Second, Non-Default Constructor
         * @param l length
         * @param w width
         * @param c cost for 1 sq unit of flooring
        Room(Dimension l, Dimension w, Cost c);

         * Third, Non-Default constructor
         * @param n name
         * @param l length
         * @param w width
         * @param c cost for 1 sq unit of flooring
        Room(std::string n, Dimension l, Dimension w, Cost c);

         * Fourth, Non-Default constructor
         * @param n name
         * @param d dimensions
         * @param c cost for 1 sq unit of flooring
         * @param fn flooring type
        Room(std::string n, DimensionSet d, Cost c, std::string fn);

         * Permit access to the DimensionSet object
         * <p>
         * We will explore this more in a later example.
         * Our emphsis will be on the return type
        const DimensionSet& getDimensions() const;

         * Allow the dimensions to be changed
         * @param l new length
         * @param w new width
        void setDimensions(Dimension l, Dimension w);

         * Permit access to the Flooring object
         * <p>
         * We will explore this more in a later example.
         * Our emphsis will be on the return type
        const Flooring& getFlooring() const;

         * Allow the flooring to be changed
         * @param t flooring type
         * @param c cost per unit
        void setFlooring(std::string t, Cost c);

         * Set the name
         * @param newName
        void setName(std::string newName);

         * Retrieve the name
        std::string getName() const;

         * Compute the area of this room
        double area() const;

         * Retrive cost of flooring for the entire room
        Cost flooringCost() const;

         * Generate and display a summary for a single (one) room
         * @param prt Room for which to print the summary
        void display(std::ostream& outs) const;

         * Logical Equivalence Operator
         * <p>
         * This is the member function implementation.
         * This operator can be implemented as a non-member function.
        bool operator==(const Room& rhs) const;

         * Less-Than (Comes-Before) Operator.
         * <p>
         * This is used to assign a lexicographical ordering.
         * <p>
         * This is the member function implementation.
         * This operator can be implemented as a non-member function.
        bool operator<(const Room& rhs) const;

 * Room Stream Insertion (Output) Operator
 * This is often written as a wrapper for a
 * display or print function.
 * <p>
 * This operator can *NOT* be implemented as a member function.
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &outs, const Room &prt)

    return outs;

This is an abbreviated listing (I removed many of the inline definitions). We see a few things missing, especially Room::Flooring and Room::DimensionSet. Let us update our diagram.

left to right direction

hide empty members

class House {

class Room {

class Room::Flooring {

class Room::DimensionSet {

House *----- Room
Room  *----- Room::Flooring
Room  *----- Room::DimensionSet


2.3.1 The Room Class

Now we need to add details:

  1. What are the attributes (data members)?
  2. What are the behaviors (member functions)?

left to right direction

hide empty members

class Room {
    std::string name

    Room(Dimension l, Dimension w, Cost c)
    Room(std::string n, Dimension l, Dimension w, Cost c)
    Room(std::string n, DimensionSet d, Cost c, std::string fn)

    double area()
    Cost flooringCost()
    void display(std::ostream& outs)
    bool operator==(const Room& rhs)
    bool operator<(const Room& rhs)

class Room::Flooring {
    std::string type
    Cost unitCost

    Flooring(std::string n, Cost c)

class Room::DimensionSet {
    Dimension length
    Dimension width

    DimensionSet(Dimension l, Dimension w)

Room  *----- Room::Flooring
Room  *----- Room::DimensionSet


I have added a lot of information, but you probably noticed missing pieces. What about:

  1. private vs public vs protected
  2. const vs non-const
  3. getters?
  4. setters?
  5. missing private data members?
  6. class House?

We want to capture the structure of a Room and all of its components, at a conceptual level. In other words, we want a high level view, the big picture.

  1. We can assume appropriate getters and setters.
  2. We will focus on the attributes relevant to the immediate discussion.
  3. We will leave class House until the data structure diagram.

2.3.2 The Data Structures

The data structure diagram is more nebulous. What do we want to capture? We probably want to capture:

  1. The role of the LinkedList.
  2. The iterator interface.
  3. The lifetime of Nodes.
  4. What a Node stores.

left to right direction

hide empty members

class LinkedList {
    LinkedList::Node* head
    LinkedList::Node* tail

    iterator begin()
    const_iterator begin()
    iterator end()
    const_iterator end()
    size_t size()

class LinkedList::Node {
    Room data
    LinkedList::Node* next

class House {
    Collection rooms

    House(std::string name)

    void addRoom(Room toAdd)

    iterator begin()
    const_iterator begin()
    iterator end()
    const_iterator end()
    size_t size()

    void display(std::ostream& outs)
    bool operator==(const House &rhs)

LinkedList *----- LinkedList::Node
House ------> "collection" LinkedList


2.3.3 A Bonus Diagram - Iterators!

If we are looking at data structures, we should probably look at any abstractions used to traverse, examine, or manipulate those data structures. What about iterators?



skinparam classAttributeIconSize 0

hide empty members

class House {


interface std::Container <<interface>> {
    +begin(): iterator
    +end(): iterator
    +begin(): const_iterator
    +end(): const_iterator
    +size(): size_t

class House::iterator {

interface std::iterator <<interface>> {
    +operator++(v: int)
    +operator*(): T&
    +operator->(): T&

House ..|> std::Container
House -> House::iterator: provides
House::iterator ..|> std::iterator


3 Let Us Stop Here

We are coming dangerously close to drifting from the purpose of this module, Object Oriented Design. We have covered the basics of UML Class diagrams–a whirlwind introduction, if you will.