Structured Data

Steven Zeil

Last modified: May 28, 2014

1. Structs
1.1 Accessing Fields
1.2 Working with Structured Data
2. Scope
3. Combining Data Structures
3.1 Structs Within Structs
3.2 Structs Within Arrays
4. Arrays Within Structs

Structured Data

Often we have data items that we would like to group together.

1. Structs

Example: An Online Auction

A running example through this semester will be an on-line auction.

Key ideas:

Let’s take a look at how we can represent some of these ideas as data:

Bidders: description

Bidders are described as

Different Data Items Describing one “Thing”

So there are two critical components to each bidder:

struct Bidder {
    std::string name;
    Money balance;

A struct declares a data type as a collection of

Using std::string for the first field type is pretty much a no-brainer.

The choice of data type to use for the account balance is trickier:

But floating point does not really work well. The representation is not exact, nor are the calculations. And company auditors really don’t ant to hear stories about round-off error.

But integers don’t read and write with decimal points, so we would need special functions for that purpose. It’s not impossible, but it could be annoying.

If I did decide to use one of these types for money, I would still like to use the name “Money” because it is more descriptive than a generic type name like “int” or “double”. I can do that with a typedef:

typedef double Money;

which creates a new type name “Money” as a synonym for double.

We’ll return to the question of how to represent Money

Items: description

An Item is described as

A struct for Items

struct Item {
  std::string name;
  Money reservedPrice;
  Time auctionEndsAt;

Take Your Time

Item introduces a new concept, “Time”. We could have dealt with it like this

struct Item {
  std::string name;
  Money reservedPrice;
  int auctionEndsAtHour;
  int auctionEndsAtMinute;
  int auctionEndsAtSecond;

but that’s

So What is Time?

The structure for Time is not complicated:

struct Time {
  int hours;
  int minutes;
  int seconds;

Now, let’s think about what making Time a struct gains for us.

Some Advantages of Using structs

struct Item {
  std::string name;
  Money reservedPrice;
  int auctionEndsAtHour;
  int auctionEndsAtMinute;
  int auctionEndsAtSecond;

struct Item {
  std::string name;
  Money reservedPrice;
  Time auctionEndsAt;

The version on the right is

structs Simplify Functions

One of the things we will need to know is whether a bid has been submitted after the official end of the auction.

With structs, we can write a function for this purpose:

bool noLaterThan (Time time1, Time time2);

Without structs, we would have to pass all the components separately:

bool noLaterThan 
  (int hours1, int minutes1, int seconds1,
   int hours2, int minutes2, int seconds2);


So, how would you design a struct to represent U.S. currency?


Bids are described as

How would you design a struct for this?


1.1 Accessing Fields

Fields are accessed by name, via the “.” operator:

struct Time {
  int hours;
  int minutes;
  int seconds;
Time t1;
t1.hours = 12;
t1.minutes = 0;
t1.seconds = 1;

int hourOfDay = t1.hours;
bool t1IsPM = (t1.hours >= 12); 

Dot Examples

struct Item {
  std::string name;
  Money reservedPrice;
  Time auctionEndsAt;
Item myItem; = "Tiffany Lamp";
bool inAM = (myItem.auctionEndsAt.hours < 12);
if (inAM) 
   cout << << " will sell before noon" 
        << endl;

“Chaining” dot Operations

bool inAM = (myItem.auctionEndsAt.hours < 12);

This is equivalent to

Time myItemTime = myItem.auctionEndsAt;
bool inAM = (myItemTime.hours < 12);

1.2 Working with Structured Data

Things We Can Do With structs

myItem = yourItem;
Time noon = {12, 0, 0};
Money twoBits = {0, 25};

With this structure for Money:

struct Money
   int dollars;
   int cents;

Example: Adding Monetary Amounts

Money add (const Money& left, const Money& right)
  Money result;
  result.dollars = left.dollars + right.dollars;
  result.cents = left.cents + right.cents;
  normalize (result);
  return result;

Most of this is pretty straightforward.


This function makes sure that the number of cents is kept in the range \(0 ... 99\):

void normalize(Money& m)
  while (m.cents > 99)
    m.cents -= 100;
  while (m.cents < 0)
    m.cents += 100;

So adding {1,50} and {2,75} would initially yield {3,125}.

Then normalize corrects that to {4,25}.

Things We Cannot Do With Structs

(At least, not by default.)

if (myItem == yourItem) // error
cout << myItem; // error

If we want to do those, we need to craft custom functions

Example: Comparing Money

bool equal (const Money& left, const Money& right)
  return (left.dollars == right.dollars)
     && (left.cents == right.cents);

Example: Printing Money

(not counterfeiting!)

void print (std::ostream& out, const Money& money)
  out << money.dollars;
  out << '.';
  if (money.cents < 10)
     out << '0';
  out << money.cents;

Example: Printing Time

void print (std::ostream& out, const Time& t)
  if (t.hours < 10)
     out << '0';
  out << t.hours << ':';
  if (t.minutes < 10)
     out << '0';
  out << t.minutes << ':';
  if (t.seconds < 10)
     out << '0';
  out << t.seconds;

E.g., noon would print as “12:00:00”.


Is it a problem that both functions are named “print”?

void print (std::ostream& out, const Money& money);
void print (std::ostream& out, const Time& t);


2. Scope

The idea of “scope” is critical to understanding much of what goes on in a programming language.

Scope and Brackets

Scope Examples

Look at each of the declared names in the following code.

What are the scopes of those names?

int array1[MaxData]; // error
const int MaxData = 1000;
int array1[MaxData]; // OK

int k;

int foo (int i)
  bar(i-1); // error
  int x = i - 1; // OK
  return x;

void bar (int j)
  double k; // OK, not the same k
  i = j; // error
  int x = j; // OK, this is not the same x
  cout << foo(x) << endl; // OK
  int k = j-1; // error
  int x; // OK

int main (int argc, char** argv)
  int nData;
    istringstream in (argv[1]);
    in >> nData;  // "converts" a string to an int
  double value;
    istringstream in (argv[2]); // OK - a different "in"
    in >> value;  // "converts" a string to a double
  int* data = new int[nData+1];
  data[0] = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < nData && data[i] >= 0; ++i)
     cin >> data[i+1];
  if (i < nData) // error!
    cout << "We ended early" << endl;
    for (int i = 0; i < nData && data[i] >= 0; ++i) // OK
      cout << data[i+1] << "\n";

The Scope of Data Members

Data Member Scope

struct Item {
  std::string name;
  Money reservedPrice;
  Time auctionEndsAt;

struct Bidder {
  std::string name; // OK, not the same name
  double balance;

Dot Opens Up a Scope

Item item;
Bidder bidder;
cout << name << endl; // error: neither "name" 
                      //        is visible
cout << "This is " 
     <<  ( + "'s " +; // OK

3. Combining Data Structures

Building New Types

We now have two ways to build new data types from existing ones:

  1. Create an array of an existing type.

  2. Create a struct with existing types for the data members

Combining Data Structures

We can combine structs and arrays with one another.

The challenge in working with these is

3.1 Structs Within Structs

if (latestBid.bidPlacedAt.minutes 
        < item.auctionEndsAt.minutes)

Interpreting Chains of Operations

Item myItem;
myItem.auctionEndsAt.hours = 13;

Move from left to right, being aware at all times of the data type that you are working with.

3.2 Structs Within Arrays

Arrays of structs follow the same general principles

Bidder bidders[100];

bidders[bidderNum].balance = highestBidSoFar;

Working from left to right:

4. Arrays Within Structs

We have seen that data members of structs can themselves be of any legal data type, including arrays.

We can also place arrays within a struct, e.g.:

const int MaxDailyBids = 5000; 
struct DailyBids {
   Bid bidsReceived[MaxDailyBids];
   int numberOfBidsReceived; // must be <= MaxDailyBids

Arrays Within Structs


DailyBids todaysBids;

Which of the following expressions is legal?

  1. todaysBids[0]

  2. todaysBids.bidsReceived[1]

  3. todaysBids[0].bidsReceived

  4. todaysBids.bidsReceived[1].amount.cents

  5. todaysBids.bidsReceived.amount.cents[2]

And how do you tell?
