Opening Discussion

Steven J Zeil

Last modified: May 13, 2021
  1. Go to the course’s forums on Blackboard.
  2. Optional: Enter each forum and use the “Subscribe” button to request email notification whenever someone posts there.
  3. Enter the Hallway forum.

    If your ODU UIN ends in an even number, discuss

    • How do you expect professional software to differ from “academic” software development?
      • If there is no thread by that title yet, create one, using that question as the thread title.

      • If someone has already created that thread, add your comments as a reply to the existing thread.

    If your ODU UIN ends in an odd number, discuss

    • What are some of the factors that make some software development projects especially difficult?
      • If there is no thread by that title yet, create one, using that question as the thread title.

      • If someone has already created that thread, add your comments as a reply to the existing thread.