Unit Testing Frameworks

Steven J Zeil

Last modified: Jan 7, 2022

Unit testing frameworks streamline the process of writing test drivers with automated oracles.

1 JUnit

JUnit is a unit testing framework for Java.

Introduced in 2002 by Kent Beck and Erich Gamma, JUnit (and it’s xUnit relations) have become near-universal.

1.1 Concepts


1.2 What Does a Unit Testing Framework Do?


Unit testing frameworks speed the process of

1.3 JUnit by Example

We will be looking at JUnit 5, also known as JUnit Jupiter.

We’ll start with a simple example, a mailing list application. The MailingList is a collection of Contacts.

1.3.1 Set up the project.

package mailinglist;
 * A contact is a name and address.
 * <p>
 * For the purpose of this example, I have simplified matters 
 * a bit by making both of these components simple strings. 
 * In practice, we would expect Address, at least, to be a
 * more structured type.
 * @author zeil
public class Contact 
  implements Cloneable, Comparable<Contact> {

 private String theName;
 private String theAddress;

  * Create a contact with empty name and address.
 public Contact ()
  theName = "";
  theAddress = "";

  * Create a contact
  * @param nm  name 
  * @param addr address
 public Contact (String nm, String addr)
  theName = nm;
  theAddress = addr;

  * Get the name of the contact
  * @return the name
 public String getName()
  return theName;
  * Change the name of the contact
  * @param nm new name
 public void setName (String nm) 
  theName= nm;

  * Get the address of the contact
  * @return the address
 public String getAddress()
  return theAddress;
  * Change the address of the contact 
  * @param addr new address
 public void setAddress (String addr) 
  theAddress = addr;

  * True if the names and addresses are equal 
 public boolean equals (Object right)
  Contact r = (Contact)right;
  return theName.equals(r.theName)
     && theAddress.equals(r.theAddress);

 public int hashCode ()
  return theName.hashCode() + 3 * theAddress.hashCode();

 public String toString()
  return theName + ": " + theAddress;
 public Object clone()
  return new Contact(theName, theAddress);

  * Compare this contact to another.
  * Return value > 0 if this contact precedes the other,
  * == 0 if the two are equal, and < 0 if this contact
  * follows the other.  
 public int compareTo (Contact c)
  int nmcomp = theName.compareTo(c.theName);
  if (nmcomp != 0)
   return nmcomp;
   return theAddress.compareTo(c.theAddress);

1.3.2 Set up the MailingList tests

1.3.3 Structure of a JUnit test

We wind up with something like this:

package mailinglist;

import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*;

import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;

class TestMailingList ➀ {

	@Test  ➁
	void testMailingList() {
		fail("Not yet implemented");

	void testAddContact() {
		fail("Not yet implemented");

	void testRemoveContactContact() {
		fail("Not yet implemented");

	void testRemoveContactString() {
		fail("Not yet implemented");

	void testMerge() {
		fail("Not yet implemented");

	void testClone() {
		fail("Not yet implemented");


1.3.4 Our first test case - the constructor

Let’s think about testing the MailingList constructor:

MailingList() {

What do we think should be true when this has completed?


We go to our skeleton testMailingList() and try to express those ideas:

	void testMailingList() {
		MailingList ml = new MailingList();
		assertEquals (0, ml.size());

Is that enough?

After construction…

    void testMailingList() {
        MailingList ml = new MailingList(); ➀
        assertEquals (0, ml.size());        ➁
        assertFalse (ml.contains("Jones"));
        assertNull (ml.getContact("Smith"));
        MailingList ml2 = new MailingList();
        assertEquals (ml2, ml);
        assertEquals (ml2.hashCode(), ml.hashCode());

Every good JUnit test can be read as

Reading the unit tests is often one of the easiest ways to discover how to use an unfamiliar class.

1.3.5 Running the test

Now would be a good time to run the test.

In Eclipse, right-click on the TestMailinglist.java file and select Run as...JUnit test.

1.4 Assertions

We’ve now seen several examples of JUnit assertions.

These are fundamental, but not as descriptive as other options:

More common basic assertions:

More specialized assertions:

“Meta-” assertions:

In these, the Executable is likely to be a Java lambda expression.


          () -> {longMailingList1.merge(longMailingList2);}); 

Each assertion can have an optional final argument of a string that will be printed when the assertion fails. For example,

Integer pos = search(arr, x);
assertNotNull (pos);
assertNotNull (pos, "Could not find x in arr");

1.5 Resuming the example…

Now let’s look at addContact.

Remember the basic pattern:

  1. Setup the parameters we need to the call to the function we want to test.
  2. Call the function.
  3. Use assertions to examine the effects of that call.

We can carryout the first two steps pretty easily.

    void testAddContact() {
        Contact holmes = new Contact("Holmes", "21B Baker St.");
        MailingList ml = new MailingList();

1.5.1 Examining the mailing list after adding a contact

Again we look at out list of accessors:

After adding holmes

    void testAddContact() {
        Contact holmes = new Contact("Holmes", "21B Baker St.");
        MailingList ml = new MailingList();
        assertEquals(1, ml.size());
        assertEquals (holmes, ml.getContact("Holmes"));
        assertNull (ml.getContact("Jones"));
        assertNotEquals(ml, new MailingList());
        MailingList ml2 = new MailingList();
        assertEquals (ml2, ml);
        assertEquals (ml2.hashCode(), ml.hashCode());

Run this and see if we pass.

1.5.2 Testing for multiple adds

Of course, adding a single contact to an empty mailing list is not much of a test.

We could make our existing test case for addContact longer, or we can add additional cases to explore these possibilities:


1.5.3 Adding a duplicate contact

The documentation for addContact says that duplicates are not added. We should test for that as well:


Look at how much of that test was devoted to the setup, much of which was identical to the setup of the previous testAddContact case. Looking ahead, we can guess that we will need much of the same setup for test cases for removeContact as well.

1.5.4 Collecting common setup code into a test fixture

A test fixture in unit testing is a reusable collection of data that provides support for running multiple tests.

In JUnit, we create test fixtures by

  1. Declaring the shared data values as members of the test class.
  2. Initializing them before each test case using a @BeforeEach function, and
  3. If necessary, cleaning them up after each test using an @AfterEach function.

So, if we create this fixture near the top of the test class:

class TestMailingList {
    Contact holmes;
    Contact adams;
    Contact baker;
    Contact charles;
    Contact dickens;
    Contact adams2;
    Contact[] inputs;

    MailingList ml;
    void setup() {
        holmes = new Contact("Holmes", "21B baker St.");
        adams = new Contact("Adams", "21 Pennsylvania Ave.");
        baker = new Contact("Baker", "Drury Ln.");
        charles = new Contact("Charles", "100 1st St.");
        dickens = new Contact("Dickens", "200 2nd St.");
        adams2 = new Contact("Adams", "32 Pennsylvania Ave.");
        Contact[] order = {dickens, adams, charles, holmes, baker}; 
        inputs = order;
        ml = new MailingList();

Then we can simplify our tests:

    void testMailingList() {
        assertEquals (0, ml.size());
        assertFalse (ml.contains("Jones"));
        assertNull (ml.getContact("Smith"));
        MailingList ml2 = new MailingList();
        assertEquals (ml2, ml);
        assertEquals (ml2.hashCode(), ml.hashCode());

    void testAddContact() {
        assertEquals (1, ml.size());
        assertEquals (holmes, ml.getContact("Holmes"));
        assertNull (ml.getContact("Jones"));
        assertNotEquals(ml, new MailingList());
        MailingList ml2 = new MailingList();
        assertEquals (ml2, ml);
        assertEquals (ml2.hashCode(), ml.hashCode());

    void testAddContactMulti() {
        for (int testSize = 1; testSize <= inputs.length; ++testSize) {
            MailingList ml0 = (MailingList)ml.clone();              
            assertEquals(testSize, ml.size());
            for (int j = 0; j <= testSize-1; ++j) {                 
                assertTrue (ml.contains(inputs[j].getName()), 
                        "failed after adding " + inputs[testSize-1].getName()); 
                assertEquals (inputs[j], ml.getContact(inputs[j].getName()),
                        "failed after adding " + inputs[testSize-1].getName());
                        "failed after adding " + inputs[testSize-1].getName());
            for (int j = testSize+1; j < inputs.length; ++j) {        
                assertFalse (ml.contains(inputs[j].getName()), 
                        "failed after adding " + inputs[testSize-1].getName());
                assertNull (ml.getContact(inputs[j].getName()),
                        "failed after adding " + inputs[testSize-1].getName());
                        "failed after adding " + inputs[testSize-1].getName());
            assertNotEquals(ml, ml0);
    void testAddDuplicateContact() {
        for (int i = 0; i < inputs.length; ++i) {
        MailingList ml0 = (MailingList)ml.clone();
        // Add a duplicate
        assertEquals(ml0.size(), ml.size());
        assertEquals(ml0, ml);
        assertEquals(ml0.hashCode(), ml.hashCode());
        assertTrue (ml.contains(baker.getName()));
        assertEquals (baker, ml.getContact(baker.getName()));

1.5.5 Are we keeping the contacts in the proper order?

The documentation of addContact says that we are supposed to keep the contacts in ascending order.

That’s not a problem for addTestContact, because we only have one contact (so it can hardly be out of order!). But it is something that we should be checking in the other two test cases.

But, how can we check that? Take another look at the interface of MailingList. There’s nothing in there that enables us to access all of the contacts. We can only get a Contact is we already know its name. Surely that’s not a good design!

It’s very common to discover flaws in a class’ interface when trying to write the unit tests. That’s because each unit test represents a kind of demonstration of how to use the class’ interface.

If you can’t write a desired unit test, you probably can’t do what you want with the class in the application either.

1.5.6 Providing access to the contacts

As a matter of Java style, when a class holds a collection of smaller items, we provide access to those by adding an iterator to provide access to the contained items and making the container class Iterable.

So, let’s modify the MailingList class accordingly:

public class MailingList implements Cloneable, Iterable<Contact> {

    private LinkedList<Contact> theContacts;

	 * Create an empty mailing list
	public MailingList() {
	    theContacts = new LinkedList<Contact>();


	 * Provide access to the contacts.
    public Iterator<Contact> iterator() {
        return theContacts.iterator();

Now, we can write a test to express the idea that the contacts are kept in order:

    void testAddDuplicateContact() {
        for (int i = 0; i < inputs.length; ++i) {
        MailingList ml0 = (MailingList)ml.clone();
        // Add a duplicate
        assertEquals(ml0.size(), ml.size());
        assertEquals(ml0, ml);
        assertEquals(ml0.hashCode(), ml.hashCode());
        assertTrue (ml.contains(baker.getName()));
        assertEquals (baker, ml.getContact(baker.getName()));
        Contact[] expected = {adams, baker, charles, dickens, holmes};
        int i = 0;
        for (Contact contact: ml) {
            assertEquals (expected[i], contact);

We’ll start with testAddDuplicateContact because it’s a bit simpler.

Because this kind of comparison is so common, JUnit has an assertion specifically for that purpose:

    void testAddDuplicateContact() {
        for (int i = 0; i < inputs.length; ++i) {
        MailingList ml0 = (MailingList)ml.clone();
        // Add a duplicate
        assertEquals(ml0.size(), ml.size());
        assertEquals(ml0, ml);
        assertEquals(ml0.hashCode(), ml.hashCode());
        assertTrue (ml.contains(baker.getName()));
        assertEquals (baker, ml.getContact(baker.getName()));
        Contact[] expected = {adams, baker, charles, dickens, holmes};
        assertIterableEquals(Arrays.asList(expected), ml);

1.5.7 testAddContactMulti - ordering test

With that, we can then add a similar ordering test to the more complicated testAddContactMulti:

    void testAddContactMulti() {
        Contact[][] expected = {{dickens},
                {adams, dickens},
                {adams, charles, dickens},
                {adams, charles, dickens, holmes},
                {adams, baker, charles, dickens, holmes}
        for (int testSize = 1; testSize <= inputs.length; ++testSize) {
            MailingList ml0 = (MailingList)ml.clone();              
            assertEquals(testSize, ml.size());
            for (int j = 0; j <= testSize-1; ++j) {                 
                assertTrue (ml.contains(inputs[j].getName()), 
                        "failed after adding " + inputs[testSize-1].getName()); 
                assertEquals (inputs[j], ml.getContact(inputs[j].getName()),
                        "failed after adding " + inputs[testSize-1].getName());
                        "failed after adding " + inputs[testSize-1].getName());
            for (int j = testSize+1; j < inputs.length; ++j) {        
                assertFalse (ml.contains(inputs[j].getName()), 
                        "failed after adding " + inputs[testSize-1].getName());
                assertNull (ml.getContact(inputs[j].getName()),
                        "failed after adding " + inputs[testSize-1].getName());
                        "failed after adding " + inputs[testSize-1].getName());
            assertNotEquals(ml, ml0);
            assertIterableEquals(Arrays.asList(expected[i]), ml);

1.6 Parameterized Tests

That last test was a bit clunky because it was actually running a whole series of tests on mailingLists that had 1, 2, …, 5 contacts added to them. We can simplify this by using a facility called parameterized tests, which allow us to run a test repeatedly passing a different parameter to the test function each time:

    @ParameterizedTest                                      ➀
    @ValueSource(ints = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5})                    ➁
    void testAddContactMulti(int testSize) {                ➂
        Contact[][] expected = {{dickens},
                {adams, dickens},
                {adams, charles, dickens},
                {adams, charles, dickens, holmes},
                {adams, baker, charles, dickens, holmes}

        MailingList ml0 = (MailingList)ml.clone();
        for (int i = 0; i < testSize; ++i) {                ➃
        assertEquals(testSize, ml.size());
        for (int j = 0; j <= testSize-1; ++j) {
            assertTrue (ml.contains(inputs[j].getName()));
            assertEquals (inputs[j], ml.getContact(inputs[j].getName()));
        for (int j = testSize; j < inputs.length; ++j) {
            assertFalse (ml.contains(inputs[j].getName()));
            assertNull (ml.getContact(inputs[j].getName()));
        assertNotEquals(ml, ml0);
        assertIterableEquals(Arrays.asList(expected[testSize-1]), ml);

Parameterized tests can be useful in introducing boundary and special values testing into our test cases.

1.7 Finishing Up

1.7.1 testClone

Our test for the clone() function starts much like you would expect it to:

    void testClone() {
        MailingList ml0 = new MailingList();         ➀
        for (int i = 0; i < inputs.length; ++i) {
        MailingList ml = (MailingList)ml0.clone();   ➁
        assertThat (ml.size(), is(ml0.size()));      ➂
        assertThat (ml, equalTo(ml0));
        assertThat (ml.hashCode(), equalTo(ml0.hashCode()));
        assertIterableEquals(ml, ml0);
        assertThat (ml.toString(), equalTo(ml0.toString()));

Checking for Deep Copy

But the documentation of the MailingList.clone function indicates that it is supposed to carry out a “deep copy”. That means that an implementation like this:

 * Deep copy of the contacts.
public Object clone() {
    MailingList result = new MailingList();
    result.contacts = contacts;
    return result;

would not be acceptable, because any subsequent modifications of the clone would also alter the original, and vice-versa. So we should test to be sure that does not happen:

void testClone() {
    MailingList ml0 = new MailingList();
    for (int i = 0; i < inputs.length; ++i) {
    MailingList ml = (MailingList)ml0.clone();

    assertThat (ml.size(), is(ml0.size()));
    assertThat (ml, equalTo(ml0));
    assertThat (ml.hashCode(), equalTo(ml0.hashCode()));
    assertIterableEquals(ml, ml0);
    assertThat (ml.toString(), equalTo(ml0.toString()));

    // clone() should be a deep copy, so changing one list should
    // not affect the other.
    int size = ml.size();

    assertThat (ml0.size(), is(size));
    assertThat (ml0, not(equalTo(ml)));
    assertTrue (ml0.contains(baker.getName()));
    assertThat (ml0.getContact(baker.getName()), equalTo(baker));
    assertThat (ml0.toString(), not(equalTo(ml.toString())));

    ml = (MailingList)ml0.clone();

    assertThat (ml.size(), is(size));
    assertThat (ml, not(equalTo(ml0)));
    assertTrue (ml.contains(baker.getName()));
    assertThat (ml.getContact(baker.getName()), equalTo(baker));
    assertThat (ml.toString(), not(equalTo(ml0.toString())));

1.7.2 removeContact & merge

We still need tests for removeContact (both versions) and merge. None of these require any ideas that we have not already examined, so I won’t go through them in detail. The full source code for this example is here:

package mailinglist;
 * A contact is a name and address.
 * <p>
 * For the purpose of this example, I have simplified matters 
 * a bit by making both of these components simple strings. 
 * In practice, we would expect Address, at least, to be a
 * more structured type.
 * @author zeil
public class Contact 
  implements Cloneable, Comparable<Contact> {

 private String theName;
 private String theAddress;

  * Create a contact with empty name and address.
 public Contact ()
  theName = "";
  theAddress = "";

  * Create a contact
  * @param nm  name 
  * @param addr address
 public Contact (String nm, String addr)
  theName = nm;
  theAddress = addr;

  * Get the name of the contact
  * @return the name
 public String getName()
  return theName;
  * Change the name of the contact
  * @param nm new name
 public void setName (String nm) 
  theName= nm;

  * Get the address of the contact
  * @return the address
 public String getAddress()
  return theAddress;
  * Change the address of the contact 
  * @param addr new address
 public void setAddress (String addr) 
  theAddress = addr;

  * True if the names and addresses are equal 
 public boolean equals (Object right)
  Contact r = (Contact)right;
  return theName.equals(r.theName)
     && theAddress.equals(r.theAddress);

 public int hashCode ()
  return theName.hashCode() + 3 * theAddress.hashCode();

 public String toString()
  return theName + ": " + theAddress;
 public Object clone()
  return new Contact(theName, theAddress);

  * Compare this contact to another.
  * Return value > 0 if this contact precedes the other,
  * == 0 if the two are equal, and < 0 if this contact
  * follows the other.  
 public int compareTo (Contact c)
  int nmcomp = theName.compareTo(c.theName);
  if (nmcomp != 0)
   return nmcomp;
   return theAddress.compareTo(c.theAddress);
package mailinglist;

import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.ListIterator;

 * A collection of names and addresses
public class MailingList implements Cloneable, Iterable<Contact> {

    private LinkedList<Contact> theContacts;

	 * Create an empty mailing list
	public MailingList() {
	    theContacts = new LinkedList<Contact>();

	 *  Add a new contact to the list. Contacts should be kept in ascending
	 *  order with no duplicates.
	 *  @param contact new contact to add
	public void addContact(Contact contact) {
	    ListIterator<Contact> it = theContacts.listIterator();
	    while (it.hasNext()) {
	        Contact c = it.next();
	        int compared = c.compareTo(contact); 
	        if (compared > 0) {
	        } else if (compared == 0) {

	 *  Remove one matching contact 
	 *  @param contact remove a contact equal to contact
	public void removeContact(Contact contact) {
        ListIterator<Contact> it = theContacts.listIterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            Contact c = it.next();
            int compared = c.compareTo(contact); 
            if (compared > 0) {
            } else if (compared == 0) {

	 * Remove a contact with the indicated name
	 * @param name name of contact to remove
	public void removeContact(String name) {
        ListIterator<Contact> it = theContacts.listIterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            Contact c = it.next();
            int compared = c.getName().compareTo(name); 
            if (compared > 0) {
            } else if (compared == 0) {

	 * Search for contacts
	 * @param name name to search for
	 * @return true if a contact with an equal name exists
	public boolean contains(String name) {
        ListIterator<Contact> it = theContacts.listIterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            Contact c = it.next();
            int compared = c.getName().compareTo(name); 
            if (compared > 0) {
                return false;
            } else if (compared == 0) {
                return true;
        return false;

	 * Search for contacts
	 * @param name name to search for
	 * @return contact with that name if found, null if not found
	public Contact getContact(String name) {
        ListIterator<Contact> it = theContacts.listIterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            Contact c = it.next();
            int compared = c.getName().compareTo(name); 
            if (compared > 0) {
                return null;
            } else if (compared == 0) {
                return c;
        return null;

	 * combine two mailing lists
	public void merge(MailingList anotherList) {
		// For a quick merge, we will loop around, checking the 
		// first item in each list, and always copying the smaller
		// of the two items into result
		LinkedList<Contact> result = new LinkedList<Contact>();
		ListIterator<Contact> thisPos = theContacts.listIterator();
        ListIterator<Contact> otherPos = anotherList.theContacts.listIterator();
        while (thisPos.hasNext() && otherPos.hasNext()) {
            Contact thisContact = thisPos.next();
            Contact otherContact = otherPos.next();
            int comp = thisContact.compareTo(otherContact);
            if (comp == 0) {
            } else if (comp < 0) {
            } else {
        // Now, one of the two lists has been entirely copied. 
        // The other might still have stuff to copy. So we just copy
        // any remaining items from the two lists. Note that one of these
        // two loops will execute zero times.
        while (thisPos.hasNext()) {
        while (otherPos.hasNext()) {
        // Now result contains the merged list. Transfer that into this list.
		theContacts = result;

	 * How many contacts in list?
	public int size() {
		return theContacts.size();

	 * Return true if mailing lists contain equal contacts
	public boolean equals(Object anotherList) {
	    if (!(anotherList instanceof MailingList)) {
	        return false;
		MailingList right = (MailingList) anotherList;
		if (size() != right.size()) { // (easy test first!)
			return false;
        ListIterator<Contact> thisPos = theContacts.listIterator();
        ListIterator<Contact> otherPos = right.theContacts.listIterator();
        while (thisPos.hasNext() && otherPos.hasNext()) {
            Contact thisContact = thisPos.next();
            Contact otherContact = otherPos.next();
            if (!thisContact.equals(otherContact)) {
                return false;
        return true;

	public int hashCode() {
	    return theContacts.hashCode();

	public String toString() {
		StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer("{");
		boolean first = true;
		for (Contact c: theContacts) {
		    if (!first) {
		        buf.append(", ");
		    first = false;
		return buf.toString();

	 * Deep copy of contacts
	public Object clone() {
		MailingList result = new MailingList();
		for (Contact c: theContacts) {
		return result;

	 * Provide access to the contacts.
    public Iterator<Contact> iterator() {
        return theContacts.iterator();
package mailinglist;

import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*;

import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.Arrays;

import org.hamcrest.core.IsNull;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.junit.jupiter.params.ParameterizedTest;
import org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.ValueSource;

import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat;                                                                    
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.*;                                                                                  
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*;

class TestMailingList {
    Contact holmes;
    Contact adams;
    Contact baker;
    Contact charles;
    Contact dickens;
    Contact adams2;
    Contact[] inputs;

    MailingList ml;
    void setup() {
        holmes = new Contact("Holmes", "21B baker St.");
        adams = new Contact("Adams", "21 Pennsylvania Ave.");
        baker = new Contact("Baker", "Drury Ln.");
        charles = new Contact("Charles", "100 1st St.");
        dickens = new Contact("Dickens", "200 2nd St.");
        adams2 = new Contact("Adams", "32 Pennsylvania Ave.");
        Contact[] order = {dickens, adams, charles, holmes, baker}; 
        inputs = order;
        ml = new MailingList();

    void testMailingList() {
        assertEquals (0, ml.size());
        assertFalse (ml.contains("Jones"));
        assertNull (ml.getContact("Smith"));
        MailingList ml2 = new MailingList();
        assertEquals (ml2, ml);
        assertEquals (ml2.hashCode(), ml.hashCode());

    void testAddContact() {
        assertEquals (1, ml.size());
        assertEquals (holmes, ml.getContact("Holmes"));
        assertNull (ml.getContact("Jones"));
        assertNotEquals(ml, new MailingList());
        MailingList ml2 = new MailingList();
        assertEquals (ml2, ml);
        assertEquals (ml2.hashCode(), ml.hashCode());

    @ValueSource(ints = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5})
    void testAddContactMulti(int testSize) {
        Contact[][] expected = {{dickens},
                {adams, dickens},
                {adams, charles, dickens},
                {adams, charles, dickens, holmes},
                {adams, baker, charles, dickens, holmes}

        MailingList ml0 = (MailingList)ml.clone();
        for (int i = 0; i < testSize; ++i) {
        assertEquals(testSize, ml.size());
        for (int j = 0; j <= testSize-1; ++j) {
            assertTrue (ml.contains(inputs[j].getName()));
            assertEquals (inputs[j], ml.getContact(inputs[j].getName()));
        for (int j = testSize; j < inputs.length; ++j) {
            assertFalse (ml.contains(inputs[j].getName()));
            assertNull (ml.getContact(inputs[j].getName()));
        assertNotEquals(ml, ml0);
        assertIterableEquals(Arrays.asList(expected[testSize-1]), ml);
    void testAddDuplicateContact() {
        for (int i = 0; i < inputs.length; ++i) {
        MailingList ml0 = (MailingList)ml.clone();
        // Add a duplicate
        assertThat(ml.size(), equalTo(ml0.size()));
        assertThat(ml, is(ml0));  // is() == equalTo()
        assertThat(ml.hashCode(), equalTo(ml0.hashCode()));
        assertTrue (ml.contains(baker.getName()));
        assertThat (ml.getContact(baker.getName()), equalTo(baker));
        Contact[] expected = {adams, baker, charles, dickens, holmes};
        assertThat(ml, contains(expected));       
    void testRemoveContactContact() {
        for (int i = 0; i < inputs.length; ++i) {
        MailingList ml0 = (MailingList)ml.clone();
        Contact[] expected = {adams, baker, dickens, holmes};
        assertThat (ml.size(), is(ml0.size()-1));
        assertThat (ml, not(equalTo(ml0)));
        assertFalse (ml.contains(charles.getName()));
        assertNull (ml.getContact(charles.getName()));
        assertThat (ml, contains(expected));   

    void testRemoveContactString() {
        for (int i = 0; i < inputs.length; ++i) {
        MailingList ml0 = (MailingList)ml.clone();
        Contact[] expected = {adams, baker, charles, holmes};
        assertThat (ml.size(), is(ml0.size()-1));
        assertThat (ml, not(equalTo(ml0)));
        assertFalse (ml.contains(dickens.getName()));
        assertNull (ml.getContact(dickens.getName()));
        assertThat (ml, contains(expected));   

    void testMerge() {
        for (int i = 0; i < inputs.length; ++i) {
        int divider = inputs.length / 2;
        MailingList ml1  = new MailingList();
        for (int i = 0; i <= divider; ++i) {
        MailingList ml2  = new MailingList();
        for (int i = divider; i < inputs.length; ++i) {
        MailingList ml0 = (MailingList)ml2.clone();
        assertThat (ml1.size(), is(ml.size()));
        assertThat (ml1, equalTo(ml));
        assertThat (ml1.hashCode(), equalTo(ml.hashCode()));
        assertIterableEquals(ml1, ml);
        assertThat (ml1.toString(), equalTo(ml.toString()));
        assertThat (ml2.size(), is(ml0.size()));
        assertThat (ml2, equalTo(ml0));
        assertIterableEquals(ml2, ml0);
        for (int i = 0; i < inputs.length; ++i) {
            assertTrue (ml1.contains(inputs[i].getName()));
            assertThat (ml1.getContact(inputs[i].getName()), is(inputs[i]));

    void testClone() {
        MailingList ml0 = new MailingList();
        for (int i = 0; i < inputs.length; ++i) {
        MailingList ml = (MailingList)ml0.clone();
        assertThat (ml.size(), is(ml0.size()));
        assertThat (ml, equalTo(ml0));
        assertThat (ml.hashCode(), equalTo(ml0.hashCode()));
        assertIterableEquals(ml, ml0);
        assertThat (ml.toString(), equalTo(ml0.toString()));
        // clone() should be a deep copy, so changing one list should
        // not affect the other.
        int size = ml.size();
        assertThat (ml0.size(), is(size));
        assertThat (ml0, not(equalTo(ml)));
        assertTrue (ml0.contains(baker.getName()));
        assertThat (ml0.getContact(baker.getName()), equalTo(baker));
        assertThat (ml0.toString(), not(equalTo(ml.toString())));
        ml = (MailingList)ml0.clone();
        assertThat (ml.size(), is(size));
        assertThat (ml, not(equalTo(ml0)));
        assertTrue (ml.contains(baker.getName()));
        assertThat (ml.getContact(baker.getName()), equalTo(baker));
        assertThat (ml.toString(), not(equalTo(ml0.toString())));


1.8 Is this Overkill?

We’ve illustrated here the mutator/accessor coverage introduced earlier.

Many, perhaps most, ADTs provide a small number of operations that manipulate the data in a non-trivial fashion, and a large number of get/set attribute functions that, conceptually at least, simply store and retrieve a private data member.

For example, suppose we wanted to test the following ADT:

package mailinglist;
 * A contact is a name and address.
 * <p>
 * For the purpose of this example, I have simplified matters 
 * a bit by making both of these components simple strings. 
 * In practice, we would expect Address, at least, to be a
 * more structured type.
 * @author zeil
public class Address implements Cloneable {

    private String name;
    private String streetAddress;
    private String city;
    private String state;
    private String zipCode;

     * Create an address with all empty fields.
    public Address ()
        name = "";
        streetAddress = "";
        city = "";
        state = "";
        zipCode = "";

     * Create an address.
    public Address (String nm, String streetAddr, String city, 
            String state, String zip)
        name = nm;
        streetAddress = streetAddr;
        this.city = city;
        this.state = state;
        zipCode = zip;

     * @return the theName
    public String getName() {
        return name;

     * @param theName the theName to set
    public void setName(String theName) {
        this.name = theName;

     * @return the streetAddress
    public String getStreetAddress() {
        return streetAddress;

     * @param streetAddress the streetAddress to set
    public void setStreetAddress(String streetAddress) {
        this.streetAddress = streetAddress;

     * @return the city
    public String getCity() {
        return city;

     * @param city the city to set
    public void setCity(String city) {
        this.city = city;

     * @return the state
    public String getState() {
        return state;

     * @param state the state to set
    public void setState(String state) {
        this.state = state;

     * @return the zipCode
    public String getZipCode() {
        return zipCode;

     * @param zipCode the zipCode to set
    public void setZipCode(String zipCode) {
        this.zipCode = zipCode;

     * True if the names and addresses are equal 
    public boolean equals (Object right)
        Address r = (Address)right;
        return name.equals(r.name)
                && streetAddress.equals(r.streetAddress)
                && city.equals(r.city)
                && state.equals(r.state)
                && zipCode.equals(r.zipCode);

    public int hashCode ()
        return name.hashCode() + 3 * streetAddress.hashCode()
        + 5 * city.hashCode()
        + 7 * state.hashCode()
        + 11 * zipCode.hashCode();

    public String toString()
        return name + ": " + streetAddress + ": " 
                + city + ", " + state + " " + zipCode;

    public Object clone()
        return new Address(name, streetAddress, city,
                state, zipCode);


You can see that, in this case, the bulk of the operations are simple gets and sets. There are a few operations that work, in some sense, on the whole ADT, mainly for the purpose of output and comparisons.

If we were to test this, we would identify the mutators (the two constructors, the five set… functions, and the clone function) and accessors (the five get… functions and the toString, equals, and hashCode functions). Then we would create a test function for each mutator. For example, for the setCity function, we might write:

public class TestAddress {

    final private String name0 = "John Doe";
    final private String street0 = "221B Baker St.";
    final private String city0 = "Podunk";
    final private String state0 = "IL";
    final private String zip0 = "01010";


public final void testSetCity() {

	String city1 = "Norfolk";   ➀
	Address addr0 = new Address(name0, street0, city0, state0, zip0);
	Address addr1 = new Address(name0, street0, city0, state0, zip0);

	addr1.setCity(city1);   ➁

	assertEquals (name0, addr1.getName());    ➂
	assertEquals (street0, addr1.getStreetAddress());
	assertEquals (city1, addr1.getCity());
	assertEquals (state0, addr1.getState());
	assertEquals (zip0, addr1.getZipCode());

	assertFalse (addr1.equals(addr0));
	assertTrue (addr1.toString().contains(city1));

This follows a pattern that should be increasingly familiar:

You can see that four out of the first five assertions actually assert that this value was unaffected by the mutator. Some students look at this and wonder why we bother. Isn’t that a lot of wasted code? It doesn’t seem to really be relevant to the mutator function (setCity) that we are testing in this function. And when you consider that there will be similar “waste” in each of the other functions for testing the other mutator functions, this can seem excessive.

But there are a number of reasons why these “does not change” assertions are worth performing:

In general, it’s always a bit dangerous to argue that tests are unnecessary based on our intuition about how the code will behave when it runs correctly. Our choice of tests really have to be more informed by the possibilities of how the code might misbehave when it has bugs.

Furthermore, these “extra” assertions are not really all that oppressive. Most of them, written once, can be copied and pasted into the next test function. For example, the testSetState function could be:

public final void testSetState() {

	String state1 = "VA";
	Address addr0 = new Address(name0, street0, city0, state0, zip0);
	Address addr1 = new Address(name0, street0, city0, state0, zip0);


	assertEquals (name0, addr1.getName());
	assertEquals (street0, addr1.getStreetAddress());
	assertEquals (city0, addr1.getCity());
	assertEquals (state1, addr1.getState());
	assertEquals (zip0, addr1.getZipCode());

	assertFalse (addr1.equals(addr0));
	assertTrue (addr1.toString().contains(state1));

The highlighted portions are the only changes from the earlier testSetCity function.

A final comment on the “Is this excessive?” question:

2 Writing Expressive Tests

One goal is writing tests is to make them both easy to read and to set them up so that the messages they issue upon failure are as helpful as possible.

2.1 Choose the most limited assertion.

These two assertions mean the same thing:

assertEquals(string1, string2);

I would argue that the second is easier to read. Moreover, if these assertions fail, the second gives a more informative message:

import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;

public class testMessages {

    String string1 = "abcdef";
    String string2 = "abcZef";

    public void test1() {
       assertTrue (string1.equals(string2));

    public void test2() {
       assertEquals (string1, string2);

results in the messages:

test1: java.lang.AssertionError
       at testMessages.java:14
test2: org.junit.ComparisonFailure: expected:<abc[d]ef> but was:<abc[Z]ef>
       at testMessages.java:19

The second message is clearly more helpful.

You can alleviate this a bit by adding a message

assertTrue (string1.equals(string2),
    "string1 is not equal to string2");

but, really, it’s still not as good.

Use assertTrue and assertFalse only when more specific assertions do not apply. Then consider adding messages to them explaining what they are actually checking for.

For example, if what we really wanted to assert was that one string contained the other, then we would be stuck with

assertTrue (string1.contains(string2), 
     "string1 does not contain " + string2");

2.2 Matchers (Hamcrest)

Because the set of basic assertions is, of necessity, limited, a newer style of assertion has arisen that

  1. Tries to be more expressive for many common tests.
  2. Can be extended to new “kinds” of assertions fitted to custom ADTs.

The assertion style looks like

assertThat (object, matcher);

(Again, an optional message can be added to the front of the parameter list, but it is generally hopes that the new style reduces the need for this.)

In this new style,

assertThat (obj1, equalTo(obj2));

means the same thing as

assertEquals (obj1, obj2);

but uses the equalTo matcher instead.

2.2.1 Core matchers

The Hamcrest Matchers include a variety of primitives for checking one value, inlcuding

2.2.2 Core matchers – modifiers

Other core matchers are used to modify the way that matchers are applied

With these, we can write assertions like:

assertThat(x, not(equalTo(y));
assertThat(x, anyOf(nullValue(), not(equalTo(y)));

2.2.3 Additional Matchers

Also in the Hamcrest library, matchers for strings, numbers, iterable containers, etc.:

assertThat(x, lessThan(y));
assertThat(string1, isEmptyOrNullString());
assertThat(string1, startsWith("Hello"));
assertThat(myList, hasItem("Smith");
assertThat(myList, contains(smallerList);
assertThat(myList, containsInAnyOrder("Jones", "Doe", "Smith");

2.2.4 An Example in the Hamcrest Style

    void testAddDuplicateContact_Hamcrest_Style() {
        for (int i = 0; i < inputs.length; ++i) {
        MailingList ml0 = (MailingList)ml.clone();
        // Add a duplicate
        assertThat(ml.size(), equalTo(ml0.size()));
        assertThat(ml, is(ml0));  // is() == equalTo()
        assertThat(ml.hashCode(), equalTo(ml0.hashCode()));
        assertTrue (ml.contains(baker.getName()));
        assertThat (ml.getContact(baker.getName()), equalTo(baker));
        Contact[] expected = {adams, baker, charles, dickens, holmes};
        assertThat(ml, equalTo(Arrays.asList(expected)));       

Some personal preferences:

3 Running JUnit Tests

3.1 Eclipse

The Eclipse IDE for Java includes a copy of the JUnit library and a stripped-down (no matchers) version of Hamcrest.

If you are using Hamcrest matchers, you will need to

You should be able to run your unit tests by right-clicking on the Java file and selecting Run as -> JUnit Test. You might need to enter the Run as -> Run Configurations menu to confirm that you are using JUnit 5.

4 Command-Line

You will need to download the JUnit and Hamcrest libraries as .jar files and save them somewhere convenient.

These four jars need to be added to your CLASSPATH (the set of locations where Java looks for code, source or compiled). You can do this before issuing any commands by modifying your $CLASSPATH environment variable, or in the javac and java commands via the -cp option.

For the purpose of example, I am assuming you put them into into the same directory from which you will be running your javac and `java commands.

To compile, you would do something like this:

javac -cp junit-jupiter-api-5.6.2.jar:junit-jupiter-engine-5.6.2.jar:junit-platform-runner-1.6.2.jar:junit-jupiter-params-5.6.2.jar:hamcrest-all-1.3.jar mailinglist/*.java

If you have your jars in a different location, you will need to provide the correct path to each one.

To execute your tests, do

java -jar junit-platform-console-standalone-1.6.2.jar -cp .:junit-jupiter-api-5.6.2.jar:junit-jupiter-engine-5.6.2.jar:junit-jupiter-params-5.6.2.jar:hamcrest-all-1.3.jar  -c mailinglist.TestMailingList

The -c at the end names the test class you want to execute.

Admittedly, this is all a mess. Junit5 really seems to be designed for use inside IDEs and from inside build managers.

This will all be much easier when we have covered modern build managers.

5 C++ Unit Testing

5.1 Google Test

Google Test, a.k.a. gtest, provides a similar *Unit environment for C++


This time, the C++ version of the mailing list.

  1. Source code is here.
    • Unpack into a convenient directory.
  2. With Eclipse create a C++ project in that directory.
  3. Compile
  4. Run the resulting executable as a local C++ application
  5. Run as a *unit test:
    • Right-click on the binary executable, select “Run as … Run configurations”.
    • Select C/C++ Unit, click “New” button
    • On the “C/C++ Testing” tab, select Tests Runner: Google Tests Runner
    • Click “Run”

Examining the ADT


#include <iostream>
#include <string>

#include "contact.h"
#include "mlIterator.h"

   A collection of names and addresses
class MailingList

  typedef MLConstIterator iterator;
  typedef MLConstIterator const_iterator;

  MailingList(const MailingList&);

  const MailingList& operator= (const MailingList&);

  // Add a new contact to the list
  void addContact (const Contact& contact);

  // Does the list contain this person?
  bool contains (const Name&) const;

  // Find the contact
  const Contact& getContact (const Name& nm) const;
  //pre: contains(nm)

  // Remove one matching contact
  void removeContact (const Contact&);
  void removeContact (const Name&);

  // combine two mailing lists
  void merge (const MailingList& otherList);

  // How many contacts in list?
  int size() const;

  bool operator== (const MailingList& right) const;
  bool operator< (const MailingList& right) const;

  // Provides iterator over contacts
  const_iterator begin() const;
  const_iterator end() const;


  struct ML_Node {
    Contact contact;
    ML_Node* next;

    ML_Node (const Contact& c, ML_Node* nxt)
      : contact(c), next(nxt)

  ML_Node* first;
  ML_Node* last;
  int theSize;

  // helper functions
  void clear();
  void remove (ML_Node* previous, ML_Node* current);

  friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& out, const MailingList& addr);

// print list, sorted by Contact
std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& out, const MailingList& list);


Should look familiar after the Java version

Examining the Tests

#include "mailinglist.h"

#include <string>
#include <vector>

#include "gtest/gtest.h"

namespace {

using namespace std;

// The fixture for testing class MailingList.
class MailingListTests : public ::testing::Test {  ➀
  Contact jones;                                 ➃
  MailingList mlist;

  virtual void SetUp() {
    jones = Contact("Jones", "21 Penn. Ave.");     ➄
    mlist = MailingList();
    mlist.addContact (Contact ("Baker", "Drury Ln."));
    mlist.addContact (Contact ("Holmes", "221B Baker St."));
    mlist.addContact (Contact ("Wolfe", "454 W. 35th St."));

  virtual void TearDown() {


TEST_F (MailingListTests, constructor) {
  MailingList ml;
  EXPECT_EQ (0, ml.size());                ➁
  EXPECT_FALSE (ml.contains("Jones"));

TEST_F (MailingListTests, addContact) {
  mlist.addContact (jones);                      ➅
  EXPECT_TRUE (mlist.contains("Jones"));         ➂
  EXPECT_EQ ("Jones", mlist.getContact("Jones").getName());
  EXPECT_EQ (4, ml.size());

}  // namespace

Roughly similar to the JUnit tests

5.2 Boost Test Framework

Boost UTF

Boost is a well-respected collection of libraries for C++.

Boost Test


Again, the C++ version of the mailing list.

  1. Source code is here.
    • Unpack into a convenient directory.
  2. With Eclipse create a C++ project in that directory.
    • Add path to Boost include directory
  3. Compile
  4. Run the resulting executable as a local C++ application
  5. Run as a *unit test:
    • Right-click on the binary executable, select “Run as … Run configurations”.
    • Select C/C++ Unit, click “New” button
    • On the “C/C++ Testing” tab, select Tests Runner: Boost Tests Runner
    • Click “Run”

Examining the Tests

#define BOOST_TEST_MODULE MailingList test

#include "mailinglist.h"

#include <string>
#include <vector>

#include <boost/test/included/unit_test.hpp>

using namespace std;

// The fixture for testing mailing lists.
class MailingListTests  {                        ➀
  Contact jones;                                 ➁
  MailingList mlist;

  MailingListTests() {                           ➃
    jones = Contact("Jones", "21 Penn. Ave.");
    mlist.addContact (Contact ("Baker", "Drury Ln."));
    mlist.addContact (Contact ("Holmes", "221B Baker St."));
    mlist.addContact (Contact ("Wolfe", "454 W. 35th St."));

  ~MailingListTests() {


BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE ( constructor ) {         ➄
  MailingList ml;
  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL (0, mlist.size());            ➅
  BOOST_CHECK (!mlist.contains("Jones"));

BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE (addContact, MailingListTests) { ➆
  mlist.addContact (jones);                         ➂
  BOOST_CHECK (mlist.contains("Jones"));           
  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL ("Jones", mlist.getContact("Jones").getName());
  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL (4, mlist.size());

5.3 CppUnitLite

CppUnitLite is my own C++ test framework, with features:

Future versions of this framework are intended to offer a mocking framework that is simpler and more intuitive than currently available elsewhere.

5.3.1 Example

#include "unittest.h"     ➀
#include "mailinglist.h"

#include <string>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

Contact jones;
MailingList mlist;

void setUp()
	jones = Contact("Jones", "21 Penn. Ave.");
	mlist = MailingList();
	mlist.addContact (Contact ("Baker", "Drury Ln."));
	mlist.addContact (Contact ("Holmes", "221B Baker St."));
	mlist.addContact (Contact ("Wolfe", "454 W. 35th St."));

UnitTest (constructor) {    ➁
	MailingList ml;
	assertThat (ml.size(), is(0));      ➂
	assertFalse (ml.contains("Jones"));

UnitTest (addContact) {
	setup();                     ➃
	mlist.addContact (jones);
	assertTrue (mlist.contains("Jones"));
	assertThat (mlist.getContact("Jones").getName(), is("Jones"));
	assertThat (ml.size(), is(4));
	assertThat (ml, hasItem(jones));  ➄