Societal Problem Identification


1 Overview

CS410 focuses on problem-solving, and begins with an ideation phase to identify societal problems that can/should be addressed. Such problems can be as simple as how to teach your children to tie their shoee… to complex (e.g., achieving world peace.)

We want to consider problems that can be addressed through software solutions. For example, interactive software could be created for teaching children how to tie their shoes, but we will never achieve world peace with software.

2 Your Tasks

For this assignment, you will select a societal problem that needs a software-based solution.

  1. Think about the elements of life that could be improved with the use of computer-based technologies.

  2. Think about possible solutions that are innovative and achievable (i.e. not “world peace”).

  3. Identify the key characteristics of this problem and outline a concept on how a software-based approach could be used to address the problem.

When constructing your post… focus on the following:

  1. describe the problem

  2. identify who would benefit a solution

  3. outline an approach to addressing the problem.

3 Submission

Post your completed post in the Societal Problem Identification Discussion Forum.