Website - Update 1

Thomas J. Kennedy


1 Overview

You (along with your team) will update your team website to include information about the team itself and project feasibility.

2 Deliverables

Update your teams website on GitHub pages.

  1. Add a presentations page or section.

  2. Embed an iframe referencing your team’s Working Draft Feasibility Presentation.

  3. Add a team bio page or section.

  4. Add an entry for each team member.

    • each team member must have a short bio.

    • include an image for each team member.

  5. Update the layout to be more presentable.

All materials must be readable, presentable, and, more nebulously, professional.

3 Submission

One member of your team needs to submit the GitHub pages URL for your website.

While this is the same URL as in the previous website submission… submitting the URL here indicates that you are ready for your team’s website updates to be reviewed and graded.