Website - Update 3

Thomas J. Kennedy


1 Overview

This is a final review of your team’s website.

2 Content & Deliverables

Your group website must include all of the following:

  1. Biographies
    • Each group member must have a short bio
    • All bios must be written in the same style (e.g, all in third person)
  2. Project Description
    • Elevator Pitch
  3. Presentations
    • Each presentation must be embeded directly
    • Each presentation must be available in PDF format (in addition to any other format or web platform)
  4. References
  5. Glossary of Project Terms
  6. Links to ODU and CS Department

3 Design & Usability

  1. All links must be active and valid.
  2. Links and menus must all be accessible from the Home Page.
  3. Design must be presentable.

4 Submission

One member of your team needs to submit the GitHub pages URL for your website.

While this is the same URL as in the previous website submission… submitting the URL here indicates that you are ready for your team’s website updates to be reviewed and graded.