Assignments to Finish the Semester

  1. Submit your peer evaluation for the Design Presentation.

  2. Make sure the team Website is complete.

  3. Determine Prototype Design Decisions.

    1. Meet with me and your mentor by early next week to confirm the user stories that will be part of the prototype next semester.

    2. Identify what components of the Real World Product will be fully functional in the prototype.

    3. Identify what components of the Real World Product will be partially functional in the prototype. This will include any simulations or use of fake data.

    4. Identify what components of the Real World Product will be eliminated.

    5. Determine whether or not to include a test harness in the prototype.

    6. Create a new Major Functional Component Diagram for the prototype.

    7. Ccreate a Table that compares the RWP and Prototype functionality. Rows are to be the functional elements (software to be developed) and columns will be RWP and prototype. Cells will be “fully functional”, “partially completed” – with description, or “eliminated.”