Lab 4 - User Manual

Thomas J. Kennedy


You will use the Wiki feature in GitLab to write your user manual (or manuals).

1 Overview

Your team will complete a comprehensive Prototype User Manual. Depending on your Prototype, this may take the form of one large manual or multiple smaller manuals.

Each User Manual (UM) must be:

  1. Comprehensive - all prototype functionality with which the user will interact must be documented.

  2. Accurate - all prose, figures, and examples must document current functionality. Any time the prototype changes, the manual must change.

  3. Approachable - know your audience. The target audience for your User Manual (UM) is made up of end users (i.e., not developers).

    • In some cases your audience may include external developers (e.g., if you provide a REST API or importable library).

    • Discuss any possible exceptions with your mentor and teacher.

2 Requirements

Everyone must contribute to the user manual (or manuals). At the top of each wiki page or section heading add an author block.

Example 1: Sample Author Block Markdown
**Authors:** Thomas J. Kennedy, Janet Brunelle

That markdown will result in

Example 2: Sample Author Block Result

Authors: Thomas J. Kennedy, Janet Brunelle

This author block and the wiki edit history will be used to check individual contributions.

Any part of your Prototype that involves user interactions must be documented in the user manual (i.e., have figures/screenshots, and step-by-step instructions).

2.1 Wiki Structure

Your wiki must have a

  1. Home or Landing page.

    This page should include a brief introduction of your product (i.e., an abbreviated section based on Lab 1 Section 1 and Lab 2 Section 1).

  2. Glossary & Definitions page

    This is an updated version of the list of terms your team has maintained through CS 410 and CS 411W.

  3. Table of Contents page (or section).

    This can either be its own page, or a section on the home page.

  4. Collection of Process, Interface, and Task pages.

    Instructions and figures must be divided up into sections (and pages) based on functionality (e.g., how to log in, how to add a contact, how to not download more RAM).

    Your team has a fair amount of latitude in how the pages or organized or divided. However, this latitude must be combined with careful discussion and planning.

3 Submission

There is no formal document submission required. However, your team must have all User Manual content finalized in the GitLab Wiki associated with your repository before the Lab 4 deadline.

Your Lab 4 grade will be based on the document as a whole. Adjustments may be made for individual students based on their contribution (or lack of contribution).