Set Up Team Git Repository


1 GitHub

This semester we will be using GitHub to host your team’s repository and (potentially) a few practice repositories). You will need a working GitHub account and a team repository.

Coordinate with your team. Decide who will create a team repository on GitHub. Your team will collaborate on the Semester Project using this single Git Repository.

2 Creating the Repository

If you are in charge of creating your team’s repository:

  1. Navigate to and make sure you are logged in.

  2. Click the new button. New Repo Button

  3. You will see the following form… Repo Settings

  4. Name your team’s repository based on the semester and your group name in Blackboard, e.g., Avocado 1 would (i.e., must) use s24-Avocado-1.

  5. Select Private.

  6. Select Add a README file.

  7. Select Add .gitignore and select Gradle as the .gitignore template.

  8. Click the green Create repository button.

Now that your team’s repository has been created… you need to grant access to each of your teammates and your instructor.

  1. Click the Settings button. Settings Button

  2. Click Manage Access.

    Manage Access

  3. Click the green Invite a collaborator button.

  4. Start by adding your instructor’s GitHub account or email.

  5. Add each of your team members, using either their GitHub accounts or ODU emails.

2.1 Populate the README File

Once you have access to your teams repo, add a members heading which lists each team member, their GitHub username and their ODU email. You should have something similar to the following:

Example 1:
Team Gold - Fall 2021

# Members

  - cstkennedy - Thomas Kennedy -
  - jsmith - John Smith -