Website Updates & Google Drive

Thomas J. Kennedy


1 Initial Website Updates

You will once again be working with GitHub Pages. You may either:

Once you have setup your team’s website on GitHub pages…

  1. Modify the biography page by adding (or removing) group members as necessary.

  2. Create a new Labs section on your 411 site.

    1. You will place copies of each written Lab here.

    2. You must keep this up-to-date as you write and revise your Labs.

2 Shared Google Drive Folder

There will be a fair bit of collaboration this semester (not unlike in CS 410). One member of your team must create a shared Google Drive folder (using his/her) ODU Midus account.

To create the shared folder:

  1. Log in with your ODU Google Apps Account (e.g.,
  2. Go to Google Drive
  3. Create a folder named “YYYY S 411 GroupColor” where
    1. YYYY represents the year
    2. S is the semester (either Fall or Spring)
    3. GroupColor is your group color
  4. Share the folder with your team and the instructor
    1. Mr Kennedy is
    2. Ms Brunelle is