Semester Project - Least Squares Approximation

Thomas J. Kennedy


1 Prerequisites

  1. If you have not already done so… read the Semester Project Description

  2. Revisit the Least Squares Approximation Introduction

  3. Revisit the $X^TX|X^TY$ method discussed during lecture.

  4. Revisit the $A|\vec{b}$ method discussed during lecture.

  5. Revisit the pre-solved version of the $A|\vec{b}$ method discussed during lecture.

2 Deliverables

Submit a single archive that contains a/an:

  1. updated
  2. input library in your selected language
  3. Piecewise Linear Interpolation module
  4. Globali Linear Least Squares Approximation module
  5. main driver

If you are attempting the Extra Credit Cubic Spline Interpolation portion of the Semester Project be sure to include it in this submission.

3 First Steps

If you received any feedback on your previous Semester Project Milestone submission. Make the required changes before continuing.

You will need to take one of the Discrete Least Squares Approximation methods discussed during lecture…

  1. $X^TX|X^TY$ method

  2. $A|\vec{b}$ method

  3. pre-solved version of the $A|\vec{b}$ method

and incorporate it into your codebase. You only need to implement one of the approximation methods.