Module 10 Summary

Thomas J. Kennedy


1 Objectives

Having completed this module students are now prepared to:

  1. Discuss the requirements for each of the Bisection method, False Position (Regula False) method, Secant method, and Newton’s method.
  2. Manipulate provided pseudocode and refine it into a form suitable for implementation in a selected language (e.g., C, C++, Python 3, or Rust).
  3. Identify the considerations inherent in converting pseudocode (theory) into usable code (application)–with particular emphasis on the impact of finite precition.

2 Questions to Consider

  1. Why can pseudocode not be immediately translated into a language such as C++, Java, Python or Rust?
  2. What are invariants?
  3. Why do multiple non-linear solvers exist?
  4. Under what conditions does each method find a solution (i.e., zero)?
  5. Under what conditions does each method not find a solution (i.e., zero)?