CS 281 Fianl Exam

April 30, 1998

1. Express the assertions given below as a proposition of a predicate logic using the following predicates. The universe is the set of numbers.

N(x): x is a natural number.
P(x): x is a positive number.

(a) Not every number is positive.
(b) A number is natural only if it is positive.
(c) Some natural numbers are positive.
(d) 10 is a natural number and it is positive.
(e) Only positive numbers can be natural.

2. Prove that for sets A and B, tex2html_wrap_inline39 .

3. Prove by induction that tex2html_wrap_inline41 for all natural numbers n.

4. Recursively define the following relations:
(a) Relation " x < y" on the set of natural numbers.
(b) Relation "x is a multiple of y" on the set of natural numbers.

5. Fill in the table below with "Y" if the relation has the corresponding property, else wit h "N".


S. Toida
Fri May 15 12:27:23 EDT 1998