Windows NT Systems Programming: Spring 2000

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More Hints on Assignment 3

What are the important design decisions?

Let's discuss each in term:

Communicating between client and server

There are several choices:

  1. pass requests in packets using TCP/IP directly.
  2. emulate Remote Procedure Call (which then uses packet in TCP/IP)
  3. serialize objects over a socket (Java likes this one)
  4. Uses distributed objects (DCOM, CORBA, RMI).

Marshalling CStudent (CString)

CStudent contains a name of type CString. While CString is a very useful and powerful Object, it is difficult to marshall into a data packet since it can be a varying size. We will take the easy way out and marshall it as a fixed length character array. Let's assume that the student name is no more than 50 characters.

Here is the packet for the return values for client_GetHeadPosition (there is no need for input arguments)

typedef struct { // output parameters
	NET_CONTROL status;
	char stuName[50];
	int stuGrade;
// And here is the stub function on the server
void server_GetHeadPosition(SOCKET socket2client)
	pcktOut.pos = m_studentList.GetHeadPosition();
	if(pcktOut.pos != NULL) {
		CStudent* pStudent = m_studentList.GetAt(pcktOut.pos);
		pcktOut.stuGrade = pStudent->m_nGrade;
		strncpy(pcktOut.stuName, pStudent->m_strName.GetBuffer(50), 50);
	} else {
		pcktOut.stuGrade = 0;
		pcktOut.stuName[0] = NULL;
	pcktOut.status = SUCCESS;
	if(!sendPacket(socket2client, LPBYTE(&pcktOut), sizeof (pcktOut))) {
// And here is the proxy for the client
bool client_GetHeadPosition(POSITION& position,CStudent& student)
	if (!sendControl(socket2server, HEAD))
		return false;
	if(!getPacket(socket2server, LPBYTE(&pcktOut), sizeof(pcktOut)))
		return false;
	if(pcktOut.status != SUCCESS)
		return false;
	position = pcktOut.pos;
	student.m_strName = pcktOut.stuName; // overload assignment from character arrays
	student.m_nGrade = pcktOut.stuGrade;
	if(pcktOut.pos == NULL) return false;
	else return true;

Implementing the list on the server

There are several choices for implementing a list on the server:

  1. Use CObjList. This emulates ex16b.
  2. Use any other List Object.
  3. Build a linked list directly (no object encapsulation)
  4. Use an array.

To demonstrat how to use MFC classes in a console mode program, we will use the first. There are several header files/libraries that need to be set:

Keeping track of which student records are being viewed

To prevent one user from deleting student record that another student is viewing, you need to keep track of which clients are viewing which record.

I suspect that the "position" of a Student record in the CObjList uniquely identifies that record.

Unless you are doing a team project, a client is only known by a socket connection to a dedicated thread. Maybe you could use the threadID or socket to uniquely identify the client's thread.


Copyright chris wild 1999/2000.
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Last updated: March 01, 2000.