Windows NT Systems Programming: Spring 2000

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Assignment 4: Flying the Spaceship

NOTE: You must do at least one of Assignment 4 or 5. If you do both you will receive extra credit that can be applied towards your grade on the first three assignments. To give you time to consider your options, I am making the due date the same for both assignments but advise you not to wait till the end to do these assignments.

Description: You are to make a small change in the ATL version of the SpaceShip server program demonstrated in class and found here and demonstrate its use by accessing it from a visual basic program. The modifications to the SpaceShip object handle a finite fuel supply. As the spaceship flys it uses fuel as a function of its velocity. When it runs out of fuel, it will stop. You must refuel it before you can move again.

Due: April 20


COM Server

  1. Add a Fuel Capacity property to the Space Ship
  2. When the space ship is out of fuel, it will stop.
  3. When flying, decrease the fuel capacity in proportion to the speed.
  4. Add a method to refuel which takes as an argument the amount of fuel (up to the capacity of the fuel tank)

COM Client

Write a set of Visual Basic functions in EXCEL that will do the following:

  1. LOAD: Load the COM object
  2. FLY: Fly the spaceship using a velocity found in an EXCEL spreadsheet cell and updating the current position in a second EXCEL spreadsheet cell
  3. REFUEL: refuels the spaceship using an amoutn found in a third EXCEL spreadsheet cell.
  4. UNLOAD: unloads the COM object

On an EXCEL spreadsheet which will be used to control the spaceship:

  1. Add a button for loading and unloading the COM object
  2. Add a button for flying the spaceship which when pressed will update the current position based on the velocity in the velocity cell.
  3. Add a button which will refuel the space ship.


  1. You must build the server using ATL (if fact you will modify the existing ATL program)
  2. You must use Visual Basic in Excel.



Copyright chris wild 1999/2000.
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Last updated: March 30, 2000.