Supplying Inputs to Programs

Last modified: Aug 31, 2017

In this exercise, we will look at some of the different ways that basic I/O information can be supplied to a running program.

It’s possible that most of the programs you have written and tested so far have been text-interactive. They were designed to print out a prompt on the screen (cout) requesting a single piece of data. Then they would read that info from the keyboard (cin). Then they would prompt for another piece of input, read another, and so on.

cout << "Enter a number between 1 and 10: "
     << flush;
int k;
cin >> k;
while (k < 1 || k > 10)
   cout << "Try again: "
        << flush;
   cin >> k;
cout << "Thanks!" << endl;
Enter a number between 1 and 10: 12
Try again: 9

It’s rare for a useful program to actually work that way. If we really want interaction with the human operator, we would expect some sort of Graphic User Interface (GUI) with windows, pop-up dialog boxes, etc. We’re not ready to start writing in that style yet. On the other hand, a lot of very useful programs are not designed to be interactive at all. They take their inputs from files, from other programs, and from parameters specified when the program is launched, and they send their output to files or other programs.

If you are going to write these kinds of programs, you need to know how to control their inputs and outputs so that you can execute and test them.

1 Running the Program

  1. Run Code::Blocks and create a new project named “io_lab” with the following function:

    #include <iostream> 
    #include <string>
    using namespace std; 
    int main (int argc, char** argv) {
       cout << "Now reading from standard in" << endl;
       string line; 
       getline (cin, line); 
       while (cin) 
          cout << "I saw: " << line << endl; 
          getline (cin, line); 
       return 0;

    Compile. Run the program using the Code::Blocks blue arrow icon. When the program says it is reading from standard in, type some lines of text. Watch as it echoes your input.

    This program reads until it encounters the end of input (a.k.a. end of file). How do you indicate this when you are typing?

    • In Windows, type Ctrl-Z.

    • In Unix/Linux, type Ctrl-D.

    In both cases, you should really only do this at the start of a new line of input.

  2. Now we are going to look at some other ways to launch that program. First, locate your project on your PC’s disk.

    • If you are on Windows, open up Windows Explorer (“My Computer”).
    • If you are on OS/X, open up Finder.
    • If you are on Linux, open up whatever program you normally use to view your directories.

    Navigate to the folder/directory where you have stored this project.

    You should see a bin folder and, inside that, a Debug folder.

    In there, you will find your executable, io_lab.exe.

    Double-click on that to run the program. A command window will open in which you can interact with the program. Type some input and watch what happens. Use the end-of-input character in indicate when you are done.

  3. Open a command window.

    • On Windows, click the Start button, select “Run…”, and type “cmd”.
    • On OS/X, launch Terminal.
    • On Linux, look through your menus for something named “Terminal” or some variation on that.
  4. cd to the directory where your executable resides.

    You should be able to tell what that directory is by looking at the file explorer window you opened two steps earlier.

    You’re going to enter a cd command into the command window you just opened to take you to that directory.

    • In Windows, first check to see if your executable is on a dive other than C:. If so, switch the command window to that drive by typing the drive letter, a colon, and then Enter/Return. For exmaple, if your executable is on your D: drive, type

    Then give a cd command with the path to your directory. For example, if your project is in D:\CS250\practice\io_lab, then you would type:

        cd \CS250\practice\io_lab\Debug\bin
    • In OS/X or Linux, give a cd command with the path to your directory. For example, if your project is in /home/george/CS250/practice/io_lab, then you would type:
      cd /home/george/CS250/practice/io_lab/Debug/bin

    You can “abbreviate” long directory names by typing a few characters and then hitting the Tab key. If you have typed enough characters to uniquely identify the directory, the remainder will be filled in for you.

    If you have difficulties with this:

    • You can do it in steps, e.g.,

      cd CS250
      cd practice
      cd io_lab
    • In between steps, use the pwd command to print your current location, and use the dir command in Windows or the ls command in OS/X or Linux to list the contents of that location.

  5. Once you have cd’d all the way to the directory containing your executable, you can run it by typing the file name in the command window.

    • In Windows, just type

    • In OS/X or Linux, type


      (The “./” means “in the current directory”.)

2 Supplying Standard Input

When you are testing and debugging a program, you often want to run the same input through it, over and over, as you work to fix the bugs. This can be rather tiresome if you have to actually type it out, over and over each time. It’s also easy to make mistakes so that you don’t quite run the tests the way you intended.

  1. Run the program again, using any of the launch techniques we tried earlier. This time, instead of typing your input, copy a few lines of text from this web page (or from any file you have handy.) to the clipboard. Paste it to your running program.

    To paste into a command window, try:

    • Hold the Shift key and type the “Insert” button.

    • In Windows, left click on the small box in the upper-left corner of the command window, then select edit -> paste.

    • In Linux or OS/X, click the middle mouse button (if you have one).

    In practice, you can use any text editor to create files of test input data, then use copy-and-paste to feed them to your program. This includes both NotePad and, perhaps more conveniently, the Code::Blocks editor, which can certainly be used to create text files with names that don’t end in .h or .cpp.

    Use the end-of-input character to close out the program.

  2. Using the Code::Blocks editor, or notepad, or any convenient text editor, create a plain text file testdata.txt in the same directory where you have your executable. Be sure you use a text editor, not a word processor. We want a file of plain text, not the binary codes that word processors use to store fancy formatting. It doesn’t matter what you put into the file – your name and address, a few lines from your favorite song, whatever. Make sure that you hit enter/return at the end of the last line.

    OK, now let’s say we want to use the text in that file as input to test our program We could use the copy-and-paste technique. But when we are running from the command line, there’s another option. Go to your cmd window and run your program like this:

    io_lab < testdata.txt

    (If you are in OS/X or Linux, add the “./” to the front of the program name, as you did earlier.)

    You should see the program print out all the text from your file. The < character in the command is used to request input redirection of the input. The program is still reading from cin, but now the data going to cin is being supplied from the file named after the < instead of from the keyboard.

    Redirection is a technique used heavily in Unix, and is covered in more detail in CS252. But even in Windows, it is very useful for testing programs that read large amounts of data from standard in.

3 Command Line Parameters

The main function receives two parameters. These are traditionally called argc and argv, although those aren’t the most descriptive of names. These are used to supply command-line options to the program.

  1. Let’s add a few lines to the program:

    #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main (int argc, char** argv) { cout << "This program received " << argc << " command parameters." << endl; for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { cout << "argv[" << i << "] is " << argv[i] << endl; } cout << "Now reading from standard in" << endl; string line; getline (cin, line); while (cin) { cout << "I saw: " << line << endl; getline (cin, line); } return 0; }

    Compile and run the program. Note the new output.

    argv is an array of C-strings (character arrays). Each item in this array is one item from the command-line.

    arg tells you how many things are in this array.

  2. Go to your cmd window and run the program like this:

    io_lab a b cdef

    (Again, add “./” to the front if you are in OS/X or Linux. I won’t bother adding that instruction in the rest of this document.)

    Notice that your command line has 4 items (including the name of the program itself), and the output shows that the argv array has the same 4 items (the program name might be altered slightly, but the others are given exactly).

    Stop the program and run it again like this:

    io_lab "a b" cdef

    Notice that the quotes can be used to group together a string that includes blanks, turning it into a single entry in the command parameter array.

  3. A lot of Windows programs accept command line parameters, though you may not realize this if you always launch them by double clicking on shortcuts or selecting them from the Start menu.

    If you are on Windows:

    • Go to any empty spot on your desktop, right-click and select New->Shortcut. For the “location of the item”, enter:


      Click Next, give the shortcut any convenient name, and click Finish. Now double-click on your new shortcut to run it.

      explorer” is the program that Windows uses to show you your folders. By default, it shows the folder “My Documents”. But we can change that with a command-line parameter.

    • Right-click on your shortcut, select properties, and to the “Target” line add a space and then the characters “c:”. Save this and then run your shortcut again. Notice that the command parameter (“c:”) controls which folder is displayed.

      The lesson here is that even Windows programs that will probably never be invoked directly from a command line will, nonetheless, often benefit from the ability to handle command-line parameters.

  4. When you run your own programs from inside Code::Blocks, you can also supply command-line parameters. This is particularly important if you want to use its built-in debugger to find bugs in a program that is designed to take information from the command line.

    In the Code::Blocks Project menu, select “Select programs’ arguments…”. In the “Program Arguments” box, enter a few lines of text.

    Run the program. You’ll see that each line is treated as one command line parameter.

  5. Some programs get all their input directly from their command line parameters. For example, the expr program on most Linux systems works like a calculator:

    > expr 1 + 4

    But one of the most common uses of command-line parameters is to supply file names to programs so that it will know from where to take its inputs and put its outputs. For example, change the io_lab program to

    #include <iostream>
    #include <fstream>
    #include <string>
    using namespace std;
    int main (int argc, char** argv)
       ifstream input (argv[1]);
       ofstream output (argv[2]);
       cout << "This program received " << argc << " command parameters." << endl;
       for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i)
           cout << "argv[" << i << "] is " << argv[i] << endl;
       cout << "Now reading from " << argv[1] << endl;
       cout << " and writing to " << argv[2] << endl;
       string line;
       getline (input, line);
       while (input) {
           output << "I saw: " << line << endl;
           getline (input, line);
       return 0;

    In your cmd window, run the program as

    io_lab testdata.txt output.txt

    Then open output.txt in any text editor (including the Code::Blocks editor) to view the output.

In CS250 or most other typical programming courses, you will be working on programs that take their inputs from a variety of sources. Try to remember that you have many options on how you supply your test inputs, whether you work entirely inside Code::Blocks or work directly at the command line.