Debugging in IDEs

Steven Zeil

Last modified: Dec 22, 2023

Next we turn our attention to automated debuggers.

As we have discussed earlier, there are certain common functions that we expect an automatic debugger to provide:

The gdb debugger provides these functions for C++, and the jdb debugger does the same for Java. The basic interfaces of these debuggers leave a bit to be desired, however, which is why we studied the emacs debugging mode as an interface to them.

Popular IDEs can also interface with gdb and jdb as well, and provide level of convenience that most programmers will prefer.

In the following sections, we’ll look at debugging java code in Eclipse and VSCode. If you find yourself needing to debug C++ code, you’ll find that working through these IDEs will be very similar.

1 The Primes Program

We will use the previously introduced Primes program as a case study for debugging.

We begin with a brief discussion on how this works, because it’s nearly impossible to debug code if you don’t know how it is supposed to work.

The heart of the program is the function isPrime:

    private boolean isPrime(int[] primes, int candidate) {     ➀
        int i = 0;
        boolean isPrime = true;
        while (isPrime && primes[i] * primes[i] < candidate) { ➂
            if (candidate % primes[i] == 0) {                  ➁
                isPrime = false;
            } else {
        return isPrime;

isPrime is called from `findNthPrime``:

    private int findNthPrime(int n) {
        int[] primes = new int[n-1];
        primes[0] = 2;                   ➀
        int primeCount = 1;
        int candidate = 3;               ➁
        while (primeCount < n) {
            // Check to see if the candidate is prime.
            if (isPrime(primes, candidate)) { ➃
                primes[primeCount] = candidate;
            candidate += 2;              ➂
        return primes[primeCount - 1];

2 Debugging in Eclipse

Eclipse includes a debugging interface that makes many debugging tasks simple.

We’ll look at two common tasks for which one might use a debugger:

  1. Investigating a crashed program.
  2. Tracking down a logic error.

Our focus on both of these will be Java programs, but debugging C++ and other programming languages is similar.

2.1 Investigating a crashed program in Eclipse.

In Java, program crashes are almost entirely indicated by the program throwing an exception, a named run-time error that causes execution of the program to halt.

Java allows programmers to write code to catch and recover from some exceptions, but we are concerned here with unexpected exceptions (for which the programmer has written no code to catch and recover).

An automatic debugger will stop execution just before an uncaught exception kills the program, presenting you with a snapshot of the execution at the moment of the crash. This snapshot wil show you:

The debugger will not only show you all of these functions, but it will allow you to examine the values of all variables held by those functions in that moment just before the crash.

Why all this emphasis on the chain of function calls leading to the crash?

Example 1: Try This: Crashes and the Eclipse Debugger
  1. Launch the Eclipse IDE. You will probably find that your former Eclipse project is already open and waiting for you. Eclipse tends to keep projects open until you close them. (If you leave many projects open, Eclipse will take a long time to start up because it begins by recompiling all open projects.)

  2. You should have a run configuration still set up that runs the program on an input of “5”.

    Right-click on and select “Run as…Java application” to run the program again.

  3. Now let’s make the program crash. We’re going to do this in a rather contrived, artificial manner, just for educational purposes.

    Right-click on and select “Run as…Run Configurations…”. Select the run configuration for Primes, and on the Arguments tab, change the “5” to an “x” and click “Run”.

    In the Console area, you will see a rather typical “Exception” message explaining that the program has crashed.

    Some people tend to ignore these messages, but there’s a lot of useful information in these, so let’s look closely at this one. It should look something like

    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "x"
       at java.base/java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(
       at java.base/java.lang.Integer.parseInt(
       at java.base/java.lang.Integer.parseInt(
       at cs252.Primes.main(
    1. The first line tells us the name/type of exception associated with this crash, a NumberFormatException. It even tells us the text that could not be converted to a number.
    2. The second line tells us what function the crash occurred in (forInputString) and the file name ( and line number (67) of the code causing the crash.

      Should we be concerned about the fact that this code being flagged is not actually part of our own project? Does this mean that there is something wrong with the compiler/system code installed on our system?

      No! Error messages like this one tell us where a problem was detected, not the location of the **cause*. In fact, that’s what debugging is all about – finding the location of the cause after we have detected a problem.

      The remaining lines fill in the information on where and how the problem was detected by telling us the call stack (a.k.a., the activation stack), the chain of calls that led us to the crash.

    3. The third line tells us that forInputString was called from the function parseInt at line 668 in

    4. The fourth line tells us that parseInt was called from a function also named parseInt at line 786 in
    5. The fifth and final line tells us that parseInt was called from our own function main in line 25 of

    So, if we want to hunt for the ultimate cause of this crash, we would be best off starting at line 25 of and trying to figure out what input we gave to parseInt that could have caused the crash.

  4. There’s another way to get that same information. Right-click on and select Debug as...Java Application. This launches the debugger, using our most recent run configuration.

    Execution runs forward until the exception/crash. At that point, the debugger stops.


    Look in the left Debug column. You should see a similar display of the call stack.

    Click on each of the three function names in that display and notice how the source code displayed changes accordingly.

    Click on the Primes.main line. The source code shows us a call to parseInt. Our code passes args[0] to that function.

    We can find out what the values of args[0] is. Look on the right and you should see a listing of the variables in the currently displayed function call. In this case, the only variable so far is the array args.

    Click on the > symbol to expand the array into its components. Now we can see that args[0] is the string “x”. Of course, it makes no sense to try to parse “x” as an integer.

    In the toolbar, click on the small red square to stop the debugger.

  5. You can exit Eclipse now, or move directly to the next section.

2.2 Investigating Logic Errors in Eclipse

Investigating logic errors is, in essence, a process of working backwards from the symptom (an observed incorrect output, crash, or bad internal value) towards the cause.

The debugger aids us in this process by * letting us set breakpoints where execution will be paused to let us look at what’s going on, and * allowing us to examine the values of the program variables when our program is paused, so that we can see which ones have correct values and which ones do not.

This process often involves stopping and restarting the program multiple times, each time setting the breakpoints a little bit earlier in the computation as we try to work our way backwards towards the ultimate cause of the problem.

Example 2: Try This: Logic Errors and the Eclipse Debugger
  1. Restart Eclipse and open your Primes project, if necessary.

  2. Let’s go back to a legal input. In the left column, click on the Project Explorer tab to return to our list of files. Right-click on and select Debug as...Debug Configurations.... Change the command line argument from “x” to “5” and click the “Debug” button.

    You should see the familiar, incorrect output suggesting that 9 is a prime number.

    Let’s try to track down the reason for this mistake.

  3. Look at the file

    In the function main, place a breakpoint at the line that begins int prime = new

    To do this double-click in the margin just to the left of the line number.


    You should see a small blue circle appear, indicating that the breakpoint has been set.

    Right-click on and select Debug as...Java application.

    This time, execution will stop at our breakpoint location.

  4. Look in the toolbar, towards the left, and you should see a set of seven buttons that control the debugger.

    Hover your mouse over each of these to see what they do.

  5. Because we want to see what is happening inside the function findNthPrime, click the “Step into” button.

    This actually puts us into the constructor for the Primes class, which is not particularly interesting. So click the “Step Return” button to get back to main, then click “Step Into” again.

  6. Now we are in the findNthPrime function. There is a loop here that tries different candidate values to see if they are prime. We want to see why the program thinks that 9 is a prime. But the loop will check other candidates first.

    So let’s set another breakpoint at the line if (isPrime(

    Click the “Resume” button and execution runs forward to out new breakpoint. Look at the value of candidate on the left. It’s smaller than what we want. Click the “Resume” button gain, and continue clicking it until we stop with a candidate value of 9.

    We might suspect that isPrime is giving the wrong answer when the candidate is 9. To confirm this, click the “Step Over” button to let the isPrime call run.

    You can see that we drop down into the “then” part of the if statement, meaning that isPrime returned true, which it certainly should not have done.

    The next question is, why does isPrime return true for 9?

  7. In the “Debug” column, right-click on any part of the call stack and select “Terminate and Relaunch”. This restarts the program.

    Use the “Resume” button until we are once again at the if (isPrime(… line with a candidate value of 9.

  8. Now click the “Step Into” button to enter the isPrime function.

    Here you can see a loop that tries to divide the candidate by values taken from the array primes.

    In the right column, examine the contents of that array. You can see that, so far, it contains 2, 3, 5, and 7, which looks good. We would expect that this loop should discover that primes[1], which is 3, will divide evenly into candidate and thereby show that candidate is not prime.

    Use the “Step Over” button to move forward, one line at a time, keeping an eye on the values displayed in the right column, until we exit the while loop.

    • You should see that the function tried to divide 9 by primes[0] (2), discovers that 2 does not divide evenly into 9, and moves on.
    • But it exits from the loop without ever checking primes[1] (3), and therefore will falsely conclude that 9 is prime.

    The culprit here is the loop condition primes[i] * primes[i] < candidate, which is intended to exit the loop when trying values larger than the square root of candidate. In this case, 3 is exactly the square root of 9, so we needed to check that value. The fix is to change the < to <=.

    Use the red “terminate” button to stop the debugger.

  9. Make the suggested change, replacing the < by <=.

    Run the program again, and this time it should correctly report that the 5th prime number is 11, not 9.

  10. Exit from Eclipse.

3 The VSCode Debugger

Hearkening back to remote development, we can run the debugger remotely, displaying the results in a copy of the VSCode IDE running on our local PC. Unlike when working with Eclipse, we don’t need to be running X for this mode of debugging.

3.1 Investigating a crashed program in VSCode.

Again, we will see that the debugger in VSCode will halt at the moment of a crash (uncaught exception), giving us an opportunity to view the activation stack (chain of function calls) and the values held by each function at that critical moment.

Example 3: Try This: Crashes and the VSCode Debugger
  1. On your local PC, launch VSCode and connect to

  2. Open the folder ~/playing/vscode/primes. You should find your project still waiting for you as you left it.

  3. You should have a run configuration still set up that runs the program on an input of “5”.

    Right-click on and select “Run Java” to run the program again.

  4. Now let’s make the program crash. This time we’ll use a somewhat more realistic error.

    Find the line of code in findNthPrime that says

    int[] primes = new int[n];

    and change it to

    int[] primes = new int[?*+*/n-1];

    Right-click on and select “Run Java” and observe the crash.

    In the Terminal area, you will see an exception message indicating the crash. You should be able to read this clearly enough.

  5. There are several ways to run the program within the debugger. You can use the F5 key, or right-click on and select “Debug Java”, or click on the debug symbol on the left and then select the small green triangle at the top of the Run and Debug column.

    Start the debugger running and let the program run till it crashes.

    You should see a large notice of the exception appearing in the main editor pane.

  6. In the Run and Debug column, expand the “Call Stack” and the [main] thread, if necessary. Click on either function in this listing to shift the editor back and forth between the relevant locations in each function.

    As you do this, notice that the display in the Variables area changes accordingly.

  7. Restore the line in findNthPrime back to the original

    int[] primes = new int[n];
  8. Click on the Orange box button in the center top to close this execution.

  9. You can exit VSCode now, or move directly to the next section.

3.2 Investigating Logic Errors in VSCode

Example 4: Try This: Logic Errors and the VSCode Debugger
  1. Restart VSCode and open your Primes project, if necessary.

  2. Right-click on and select Run Java.

    You should see the familiar, incorrect output suggesting that 9 is a prime number.

    Let’s try to track down the reason for this mistake.

  3. Look at the file

    In the function main, place a breakpoint at the line that begins int prime = new

    To do this, single-click in the margin just to the left of the line number.


    You should see a small red circle appear, indicating that the breakpoint has been set.

    Use F5 or another method to launch the debugger.

    Execution will stop at our breakpoint location.

  4. Look in the center toolbar, and you should see a set of six buttons that control the debugger.

    Hover your mouse over each of these to see what they do.

  5. Because we want to see what is happening inside the function findNthPrime, click the “Step Into” button.

    This actually puts us into the constructor for the Primes class, which is not particularly interesting. So click the “Step Out” button to get back to main, then click “Step Into” again.

  6. Now we are in the findNthPrime function. There is a loop here that tries different candidate values to see if they are prime. We want to see why the program thinks that 9 is a prime. But the loop will check other candidates first.

    So let’s set another breakpoint at the line if (isPrime(

    Click the “Continue” button and execution runs forward to out new breakpoint. Look at the value of candidate on the left. It’s smaller than what we want. Click the “Resume” button gain, and continue clicking it until we stop with a candidate value of 9.

    We might suspect that isPrime is giving the wrong answer when the candidate is 9. To confirm this, click the “Step Over” button to let the isPrime call run.

    You can see that we drop down into the “then” part of the if statement, meaning that isPrime returned true, which it certainly should not have done.

    The next question is, why does isPrime return true for 9?

  7. Click on the “Restart” button to terminate the current execution and restart.

    Use the “Continue” button until we are once again at the if (isPrime(… line with a candidate value of 9.

  8. Now click the “Step Into” button to enter the isPrime function.

    Here you can see a loop that tries to divide the candidate by values taken from the array primes.

    In the right column, examine the contents of that array. You can sse that, so far, it contains 2, 3, 5, and 7, which looks good. We would expect that this loop should discover that primes[1], which is 3, will divide evenly into candidate and thereby show that candidate is not prime.

    Use the “Step Over” button to move forward, one line at a time, keeping an eye on the values displayed in the right column, until we exit the while loop.

    • You should see that the function tried to divide 9 by primes[0] (2), discovers that 2 does not divide evenly into 9, and moves on.
    • But it exits from the loop without ever checking primes[1] (3), and therefore will falsely conclude that 9 is prime.

    The culprit here is the loop condition primes[i] * primes[i] < candidate, which is intended to exit the loop when trying values larger than the square root of candidate. In this case, 3 is exactly the square root of 9, so we needed to check that value. The fix is to change the < to <=.

    Use the orange “Stop” button to stop the debugger.

  9. Make the suggested change, replacing the < by <=.

    Run the program again, and this time it should correctly report that the 5th prime number is 11, not 9.

  10. Exit from VSCode.