Constructors and the Rule of the Big 3

Steven J Zeil

Last modified: Mar 11, 2014

1. The Default Constructor
1.1 Default constructor examples
2. Copy Constructors
2.1 Copy Constructor Examples
2.2 Shallow vs Deep Copy
2.3 Deep Copy Examples
2.4 Trusting the Compiler-Generated Copy Constructor
3. Assignment
3.1 Assignment Examples
3.2 Trusting the Compiler-Generated Assignment Operator
4. Destructors
4.1 Destructor Examples
4.2 Trusting the Compiler-Generated Destructor
5. The Rule of the Big 3

Next we turn our attention to a set of issues that are often given short shrift in both introductory courses and textbooks, but that are extremely important in practical C++ programming.

As we begin to build up our own ADTS, implemented as C++ classes, we quickly come to the point where we need more than one of each kind of ADT object. Sometimes we will simply have multiple variables of our ADT types. Once we do, we will often want to copy or assign one variable to another, and we need to understand what will happen when we do so. Even more important, we need to be sure that what does happen is what we want to have happen, depending upon our intended behavior for our ADTs.

As we move past the simple case of multiple variables of the same ADT type, we may want to build collections of that ADT. The simplest case of this would be an array or linked list of our ADT type, though we will study other collections as the semester goes on. We will need to understand what happens when we initialize such a collection and when we copy values into and out of it, and we need to make sure that behavior is what we want for our ADTs.

In this lesson, we set the stage for this kind of understanding by looking at how we control initialization and copying of class values.

1. The Default Constructor

The default constructor is a constructor that takes no arguments. This is the constructor you are calling when you declare an object with no parameters. E.g.,

std::string s;
Book b;


A default constructor might be declared to take no parameters at all, like this:

class Book {

or with defaults on all of its parameters:

namespace std {
class string {
   string(char* s = "");

Either way, we can call it with no parameters.

Why Default?

Why is this called a “default” constructor? There’s actually nothing particularly special about it. It’s just an ordinary constructor, but it is used in a special way. Whenever we create an array of elements, the compiler implicitly calls this constructor to initialize each elements of the array.

For example, if we declared:

std::string words[5000];
 then each of the 5000 elements of this array will be initialized using the
default constructor for `string`

Compiler-Generated Default Constructors

Because arrays are so common, it is rare that we would actually want a class with no default constructor. The C++ compiler tries to be helpful:

If we create no constructors at all for a class, the compiler generates a default constructor for us.

That leaves us with an uninitialized value containing whatever bits happened to have been left at that particular memory address by earlier calculations/programs.

1.1 Default constructor examples

Book default constructor

If we haven’t created a default constructor for Books, we could add one easily enough:


To implement it, we need to come up with something reasonable for each data member:

Book::Book ()
   numAuthors(0), first(0), last(0)

(We’ll let the strings title and isbn default to the std::string default of "", and we trust that the Publisher class provides a reasonable default constructor of its own.)

Address default constructor


This class has no explicit default constructor. It does have another constructor, however, so the compiler will not generate an automatic default constructor for us.

There’s no good reason why we should not have a default constructor for this class. We might want arrays of addresses sometime.

class Address {
  Address (std::string theStreet, std::string theCity,
           std::string theState, std::string theZip);

  Address () {}

As you can see, there’s not much to it. All the data members are strings, and there’s really nothing much better for us to do than just rely on the default constructors for strings.

2. Copy Constructors

The copy constructor for a class Foo is the constructor of the form:

Foo (const Foo& oldCopy);

Where are Copy Constructors Used?

The copy constructor gets used in 5 situations:

1) When you declare a new object as a copy of an old one:

Book book2 (book1);


Book book2 = book1;

2) When a function call passes a parameter “by copy” (i.e., the formal parameter does not have a &):

void foo (Book b, int k);

Book text361 (0201308787, budd, 
     "Data Structures in C++ Using the Standard Template Library",
     1998, 1);
foo (text361, 0);   // foo actually gets a copy of text361

3) When a function returns an object:

Book foo (int k);
  Book b;
  return b; // a copy of b is placed in the caller's memory area

4) When data members are initialized in a constructor’s initialization list:

Author::Author (std::string theName, 
                Address theAddress, long id)
  : name(theName), 

5) When an object is a data member of another class for which the compiler has generated its own copy constructor.

Compiler-Generated Copy Constructors

As you can see from that list, the copy constructor gets used a lot. It would be very awkward to work with a class that did not provide a copy constructor.

So, again, the compiler tries to be helpful.

If we do not create a copy constructor for a class, the compiler generates one for us.

2.1 Copy Constructor Examples


In the case of our Address class, we have not provided a copy constructor, so the compiler would generate one for us.

The implicitly generated copy constructor would behave as if it had been written this way:

Address::Address (const Address& a)
  : street(a.street), city(, 
    state(a.state), zip(

If our data members do not have explicit copy constructors (and their data members do not have explicit copy constructors, and … ) then the compiler-provided copy constructor amounts to a bit-by-bit copy.

The compiler is all too happy to generate a copy constructor for us, but can we trust what it generates? To understand when we can and cannot trust it, we need to understand the different ways in which copying can occur.

Book - simple arrays


Consider the problem of copying a book, and for the moment we will work with our “simple” arrays version.

Book - simple arrays (cont.)

Book b2 = b1;
   because we have provided no copy constructor, the compiler-generated
  version is used and each data member is copied.

Compiler-Generated Copy

Of course, as we have noted before, this fixed-length array design has a lot of drawbacks, so let’s look at another one of our implementations.

Book - dynamic arrays

Now let’s consider the problem of copying a book implemented using dynamically allocated arrays.


Copying dynamic arrays

Book b2 = b1;

because we have provided no copy constructor, the compiler-generated version is used and each data member is copied.

Compiler-Generated Copy

The key factor here is that the authors data member, of data type AuthorNode* is copied using the default copy procedure for pointers, which is to simply copy the bits of the pointer. That has the result of placing the same array address in both book objects. That’s a really, really, bad idea!

Co-authors Should Not Share

   to remove the first author from book `b1`.

Afterwards, we would have something like this. Notice that the change to b1 has, in effect, corrupted b2. The book object b2 still believes it has two authors (numAuthors == 2) but there is only one in the array.

Unplanned Sharing Leads to Corruption


So if we start from this data state, and then add 3 authors to book 1 (“Doe”, “Smith”, and “Jones”), …

Corrupted Data

So any attempt to access b2’s authors is now essentially a throw of the dice - nobody can really predict what would happen.

Sometime it’s Better to Have 2 Copies

Book b2 = b1;

is something more like this:

But to get that, we will not be able to rely on the automatically generated copy constructor for Books.

2.2 Shallow vs Deep Copy

Copy operations are distinguished by how they treat pointers:

This was a Shallow Copy

This was a Deep Copy

Shallow versus Deep

For any ADT, we must decide whether the things it points to are things we want to share with other objects or whether we want to own them exclusively. That’s a matter of just how we want our ADTs to behave, which depends in turn on what we expect to do with them.

In this context, it should be noted that “shallow” and “deep” are actually two extremes of a range of possible copy depths - sometimes our ADTs call for a behavior that has us treat some pointers shallowly and others deeply.

2.3 Deep Copy Examples

Book - dynamic arrays

If we want to implement a proper deep copy for our books, we start by adding the constructor declaration:


Then we supply a function body for this constructor.

Book::Book (const Book& b)
  : title(b.title), isbn(b.isbn), publisher(b.publisher),
    numAuthors(b.numAuthors), MAXAUTHORS(b.MAXAUTHORS)
  authors = new Author[numAuthors+1];
  for (int i = 0; i < numAuthors; ++i)
    authors[i] = b.authors[i];

Most of the data members can be copied easily. But the authors pointer is copied by allocating a new array big enough to hold the existing data; then all the existing data has to be copied into the new array.

Book - linked list


If we start with a single book object, b1, as shown here, and then we execute

Book b2 = b1;

because we have provided no copy constructor, the compiler-generated version is used and each data member is copied.

Shallow Copy of Linked List

Corrupted List

For example, suppose that we later did

   to remove the first author from book `b1`.

List-Based Copy Constructor

If we want to implement a proper deep copy for our books, we start by adding the constructor declaration:


Then we supply a function body for this constructor.

Book::Book (const Book& b)
  : title(b.title), isbn(b.isbn), 
    numAuthors(0), first(0), last(0)
  for (AuthorPosition p = b.begin(); p != b.end();
    addAuthor(end(), *p);

Most of the data members can be copied easily. But the first and last pointers are copied by setting the list up first as an empty list, then copying each author from the existing book into the new one.

Linked-List Deep Copy

Book - std::list


Now let’s consider the problem of copying a book implemented using std::list.

Book b2 = b1;

because we have provided no copy constructor, the compiler-generated version is used and each data member is copied.

Copy of std::list

We don’t need to override the compiler-generated copy constructor in this case.

But what’s so different between this case and the last one where we implemented our own linked list? Look at the authors data member. This is not a pointer. It’s an object of type std::list. Now, we don’t really know what’s in there, and we don’t need to (or particularly want to) know. But the documentation for std::list guarantees us that this class provides its own deep copy for the copy constructor, so we trust it. It’s certainly not the Book class’s job to know how to copy arbitrary other data structures. (For that matter, we have no idea at the moment whether the Publisher class contains internal pointers, but we trust that class to also provide a proper copy constructor.)

2.4 Trusting the Compiler-Generated Copy Constructor

By now, you may have perceived a pattern.

Shallow copy is wrong when…

And it follows that:

Compiler-generated copy constructors are wrong when…

3. Assignment

When we write book1 = book2, that’s shorthand for book1.operator=(book2).

We tend to do a lot of assignment in typical programming, so, once more, the compiler tries to be helpful:

If you don’t provide your own assignment operator for a class, the compiler generates one automatically.

A Compiler-Generated Assignment Op


For example, we have not provided an assignment operator for Address class. Therefore the compiler will attempt to generate one, just as if we had written

class Address {
  Address (std::string theStreet, std::string theCity,
           std::string theState, std::string theZip);

  Address& operator= (const Address&);

A Compiler-Generated Assignment Op (cont.)

The automatically generated body for this assignment operator will be the equivalent of

Address& Address::operator= (const Address& a)
  street = a.street;
  city =;
  state = a.state;
  zip =;
  return *this;

And that automatically generated assignment is just fine for Address.

Return values in Asst Ops

Address& Address::operator= (const Address& a)
  street = a.street;
  city =;
  state = a.state;
  zip =;
  return *this;

The return value returns the value just assigned, allowing programmers to chain assignments together:

addr3 = addr2 = addt1;

This can simplify code where a computed value needs to be tested and then maybe used again if it passes the test, e.g.,

while ((x = foo(y)) > 0) {

The compiler is all too happy to generate an assignment operator for us, but can we trust what it generates? To understand when we can and cannot trust it, we need to understand the different ways in which copying can occur.

3.1 Assignment Examples

Book - Simple Arrays


Consider the problem of copying a book, and for the moment we will work with our “simple” arrays version.

Book - Simple Arrays (cont.)

b2 = b1;

because we have provided no assignment operator, the compiler-generated version is used and each data member is copied.

Compiler-Generated Assignment

So in this case, we can rely on the compiler-generated assignment operator.

Book - dynamic arrays

Now let’s consider the problem of copying a book implemented using dynamically allocated arrays.


Assigning with dynamic arrays

b2 = b1;

because we have provided no assignment op, the compiler-generated version is used and each data member is copied.

Compiler-Generated Asst

This Seems Familiar…

Implementing Deep-Copy Assignment

If we want to implement a proper deep copy for our books, we start by adding the operator declaration:


Then we supply a function body for this operator.


Most of the data members can be copied easily. But the authors pointer is copied by allocating a new array big enough to hold the existing data; then all the existing data has to be copied into the new array.

Book - linked list

If we start with a single book object, b1, as shown here, and then we execute

b2 = b1;

because we have provided no assignment op, the compiler-generated version is used and each data member is copied.

Shallow Copy of Linked List

Shallow Copy of Linked List

Assignment via Linked Lists

If we want to implement a proper deep copy for our books, we start by adding the operator declaration:


Then we supply a function body for this operator.


Most of the data members can be copied easily. But the first and last pointers are copied by first emptying out any elements already in the list, then copying each author from the source book into the new one.

Assignment Result


If we assign something to itself:

x = x;

we normally expect that nothing really happens.

But when we are writing our own assignment operators, that’s not always the case. Sometimes assignment of an object to itself is a nasty special case that breaks thing badly.


What happens if we do b1 = b1;?

Self-Assignment Can Corrupt

So, instead of b1 = b1; leaving b1 unchanged, it would actually destroy b1.

Checking for Self-Assignment


This is safer.

You might think that self-assignment is so rare that we wouldn’t need to worry about it. But, in practice, you might have lots of ways to reach the same object.

For example, we might have passed the same object as two different parameters of a function call foo(b1,b1). If the function body of foo were to assign one parameter to another, we would then have a self-assignment that would likely not have been anticipated by the author of foo and that would be very hard to detect in the code that called foo.

As another example, algorithms for sorting arrays often contain statements like

array[i] = array[j];

with a very real possibility that, on occasion, i and j might be equal.

So self-assignment does occur in practice, and it’s a good idea to check for this whenever you write your own assignment operators.

Book - std::list


Now let’s consider the problem of assigning books implemented using std::list.

b2 = b1;

because we have provided no asst op, the compiler-generated version is used and each data member is copied.

Assigned std::list

We don’t need to override the compiler-generated assignment operator in this case.

3.2 Trusting the Compiler-Generated Assignment Operator

By now, you may have perceived a pattern.

Shallow copy is wrong when…

And it follows that:

Compiler-generated assignment operators are wrong when…

4. Destructors

Destructors are used to clean up objects that are no longer in use.

If you don’t provide a destructor for a class, the compiler generates one for you automatically.

A Compiler-Generated Destructor


We have not declared or implemented a destructor for any of our classes. For Address and Author, that’s OK.

4.1 Destructor Examples

Book - simple arrays


This version of the book has all of its data in a single block of memory. Assuming that each data member knows how to clean up its own internal storage, there’s really nothing we would have to do when this book gets destroyed.

We can rely on the compiler-provided destructor.

Book - dynamic arrays



Implementing the Dyn. ArrayDestructor

We start by adding the destructor declaration:


Then we supply a function body for this destructor.

  delete [] authors;

Not much needs to be done - just delete the pointer to the array of authors.

Book - linked list

In this version of the Book class, a portion of the data is kept in an array allocated on the heap.


Implementing a Linked List Destructor

We start by adding the destructor declaration:


Then we supply a function body for this destructor.

  AuthorPosition nxt;
  for (AuthorPosition current = begin(); current != end(); current = nxt)
      nxt = current;
      delete current.pos;

This one is more elaborate. We need to walk the entire list, deleting each node as we come to it.

Book - std::list


We can rely on the compiler-provided destructor.

4.2 Trusting the Compiler-Generated Destructor

By now, you may have perceived a pattern.

Compiler-generated destructors are wrong when…

5. The Rule of the Big 3

The Big 3

The “Big 3” are the

By now, you may have noticed a pattern with these.

The Rule of the Big 3

The rule of the big 3 states that,

if you provide your own version of any one of the big 3, you should provide your own version of all 3.

Why? Because we don’t trust the compiler-generated …

So if we don’t trust one, we don’t trust any of them.