Sharing Pointers and Garbage Collection

Steven J Zeil

Last modified: Mar 21, 2014

1. Shared Structures
1.1 Singly Linked Lists
1.2 Doubly Linked Lists
1.3 Airline Connections
2. Garbage Collection
2.1 Reference Counting
2.2 Mark and Sweep
2.3 Generation-Based Collectors
2.4 Incremental Collection
3. Strong and Weak Pointers
4. C++11: std Reference Counting
5. Java Programmers Have it Easy

Swearing by Sharing

We’ve talked a lot about using pointers to share information, but mainly as something that causes problems.

In that case, we rely on implementing our own deep copying so that every “container” has distinct copies of all of its components.

class Catalog {
   Catalog (const Catalog& c);
   Catalog& operator= (const Catalog& c);
  Book* allBooks;     // array of books
  int numBooks;

Catalog::Catalog (const Catalog& c)
: numBooks(c.numBooks)
   allBooks = new Book[numBooks];
   copy (c.allBooks, c.allBooks+numBooks, allBoooks);

Catalog& Catalog::operator= (const Catalog& c)
  if (*this != c)
      delete [] allBooks;
      numBooks = c.numBooks;
      allBooks = new Book[numBooks];
      copy (c.allBooks, c.allBooks+numBooks, allBoooks);
  return *this;
  delete [] allBooks;

For some data structures, this is OK. If we are using a pointer mainly to give us access to a dynamically allocated array, we can copy the entire array as necessary. In the example shown here, we would want each catalog to get its own distinct array of books. So we would implement a deep copy for the assignment operator and copy constructor, and delete the allBooks pointer in the destructor.

1. Shared Structures

In this section, we will introduce three examples that we will explore further in the remainder of the lesson. All three involve some degree of essential sharing.

1.1 Singly Linked Lists

We’ll start with a fairly prosaic example. In its simplest form, a singly linked list involves no sharing, and so we could safely treat all of its components as deep-copied.

SLL Destructors

In particular, we can take a simple approach of writing the destructors — if you have a pointer, delete it:

struct SLNode {
   string data;
   SLNode* next;
   ~SLNode () {delete next;}

class List {
   SLNode* first;
   ~List() {delete first;}

Problem: stack size is \(O(N)\) where \(N\) is the length of the list.

If a List object gets destroyed, its destructor will delete its first pointer. That node (Adams in the picture) will have its destructor called as part of the delete, and it will delete its pointer to Baker. The Baker node’s destructor will delete the pointer to Davis. At then end, we have successfully recovered all on-heap memory (the nodes) with no problems.

Now, this isn’t really ideal. At the time the destructor for Davis is called, there are still partially executed function activations for the Baker and Adams destructors and for the list’s destructor still on the call stack, waiting to finish. That’s no big deal with only three nodes in the list, but if we had a list of, say, 10000 nodes, then we might not have enough stack space for 10000 uncompleted calls. So, typically, we would actually use a more aggressive approach with the list itself:

Destroy the List, not the Nodes

struct SLNode {
   string data;
   SLNode* next;
   ~SLNode () {/* do nothing */}

class List {
   SLNode* first;
      while (first != 0)
          SLNode* next = first->next;
          delete first;
          first = next;

This avoids stacking up large numbers of recursive calls.

But, if we weren’t worried about stack size, then our first approach will be fine.

First-Last Headers

But now let’s consider one of the more common variations on linked lists.

So, if we were to extend our basic approach of writing destructors that simply delete their pointers:

** Aggressively Deleting Pointers

struct SLNode {
   string data;
   SLNode* next;
   ~SLNode () {delete next;}

class List {
   SLNode* first;
   SLNode* last;
   ~List() {delete first; delete last;}

Then, when a list object is destroyed, the final node in the list will actually be deleted twice. Deleting the same block of memory twice can corrupt the heap (by breaking the structure of the free list) and eventually cause the program to fail.

1.2 Doubly Linked Lists

Now, let’s make things just a little more difficult.

If we consider doubly linked lists, our straightforward approach of “delete everything” is really going to be a problem.

struct DLNode {
   string data;
   DLNode* prev;
   DLNode* next;
   ~DLNode () {delete prev; delete next;}

class List {
   DLNode* first;
   DLNode* last;
   ~List() {delete first; delete last;}

Deleting the DLL

Deleting and Cycles

We’re now in an infinite recursion,

What makes this so much nastier than the singly linked list?

1.3 Airline Connections

Lest you think that this issue only arises in low-level data structures, let’s consider how it might arise in programming at the application level.

This graph illustrates flight connections available from an airline.

Aggressively Deleting a Graph

If we were to implement this airport graph with Big 3-style operations:

class Airport

   vector<Airport*> hasFlightsTo;

   for (int i = 0; i < hasFlightsTo.size(); ++i)
      delete hasFlightsTo[i];

we would quickly run into a disaster.

Deleting the Graph

Suppose that we delete the Boston airport.

This should not be a big surprise. Looking at the graph, we can see that it is possible to form cycles. (In fact, if there is any node in this graph that doesn’t participate in a cycle, there would be something very wrong with our airline. Either we would have planes piling up at some airport, unable to leave; or we would have airports that run out of planes and can’t support any outgoing flights.

The Airline

Now, you might wonder just how or why we would have deleted that Boston pointer in the first place. So, let’s add a bit of context.

class AirLine {
   string name;
   map<string, Airport*> hubs;

   for (map<string, Airport*>::iterator i = hubs.begin;
        i != hubs.end(); ++i)
     delete i->second;

The AirLine Structure

Can We Do Better?

Now, that’s a problem. But what makes this example particularly vexing is that it’s not all that obvious what would constitute a better approach.

Changing the Hubs

Suppose that Wash DC were to lose its status as a hub.

Even though the pointer to it was removed from the hubs table, the Wash DC airport needs to remain in the map.

Changing the Connections

On the other hand, if Wash DC were to drop its service to Norfolk, one might argue that Norfolk and Raleigh should then be deleted, as there would be no way to reach them.

2. Garbage Collection


Objects on the heap that can no longer be reached (in one or more hops) from any pointers in the activation stack (i.e., in local variables of active functions) or from any pointers in the static storage area (variables declared in C++ as “static”) are called garbage.

Garbage Example

Garbage Collection

Determining when something on the heap has become garbage is sufficiently difficult that many programming languages take over this job for the programmer.

The runtime support system for these languages provides automatic garbage collection, a service that determines when an object on the heap has become garbage anf automatically scavenges (reclaims the storage of) such objects.

Java has GC

Although Java and C++ look very similar, in Java there is no “delete” operator.

Java programmers use many more pointers than typical C++ programmers do.

But Java programmers never worry about deleting anything. They just trust in the garbage collector to come along eventually and clean up the mess.

C++ Does Not

Automatic garbage collection really can simplify a programmer’s life. Sadly, C++ does not support automatic garbage collection.

But how is this magic accomplished (and why doesn’t C++ support it)? That’s the subject of the remainder of this section.

2.1 Reference Counting

Reference counting is one of the simplest techniques for implementing garbage collection.

Reference Counting Example

For example, here’s our airline example with reference counts. Now, suppose that Wash DC loses its hub status.

Reference Counting Example II

Now, suppose that Wash DC drops its service to Norfolk

Reference Counting Example III

So the Norfolk object can be scavenged.

Reference Counting Example IV

Doing that reduces N.Y.’s reference count, but the count stays above zero, so we don’t try to scavenge N.Y.

Can we do this?

Implementing reference counting requires that we take control of pointers.

A Reference Counted Pointer

Here is an (incomplete) sketch of a reference counted pointer ADT (which I will call a “smart pointer” for short).

template <class T>
class RefCountPointer {
  T* p;   ➊
  unsigned* count;

  void checkIfScavengable()  ➋
    if (*count == 0)
        delete count;
        delete p;

  // This constructor is used to hand control of a newly
  // allocated object (*s) over to the reference count
  // system.  Example:
  //    RefCountPointer<PersonelRecord> p (new PersonelRecord());
  // It's critical that, once you create a reference counted
  // pointer to something, that you not continue playing with
  // regular pointers to the same object.
  RefCountPointer (T* s)   ➌
    : p(s), count(new unsigned)
    {*count = 1;} 

  RefCountPointer (const RefCountPointer& rcp)
    : p(rcp.p), count(rcp.count)
    {++(*count);}   ➍

  ~RefCountPointer() {--(*count); checkIfScavengable();} ➎

  RefCountPointer& operator= (const RefCountPointer& rcp)
      ++(*(rcp.count));  ➏
      p = rcp.p;
      count = rcp.count;
      return *this;

  T& operator*() const {return *p;}  ➐
  T* operator->() const {return p;}

  bool operator== (const RefCountPointer<T>& ptr) const
  {return ptr.p == p;}

  bool operator!= (const RefCountPointer<T>& ptr) const
  {return ptr.p != p;}


Now, as I noted, this is an incomplete sketch. Right now, we have no means for dealing with null pointers, and we haven’t provided the equivalent of a const pointer. Providing each of these would approximately double the amount of code to be shown (for a combined total of nearly four times what I’ve shown here). There’s also some big issues when combining these smart pointers with inheritance and Object-Oriented programming.

But, hopefully, it’s enough to serve as a proof of concept that this is really possible.

Is it worth the effort?

Disappearing Airline

Let’s return to our original airline example, with reference counts.

Leaky Airports

Here is the result, with the updated reference counts.

Ref Counted SLL

Here is our singly linked list with reference counts.

Assume that the list header itself is a local variable that is about to be destroyed.

Ref Counted SLL II

So that works just fine!

Ref Counted DLL

Now let’s look at our doubly linked list.

Again, let’s assume that the list header itself is a local variable that is about to be destroyed.

Ref Counted DLL II

Here’s the result.

Alas, we can see that none of the reference counters have gone to zero, so nothing will be scavenged, even though all three nodes are garbage.

Reference Counting’s Achilles Heel

What’s the common factor between the failures in the first and third examples?

2.2 Mark and Sweep

Mark and sweep is one of the earliest and best-known garbage collection algorithms.


The core assumptions of mark and sweep are:

The Mark and Sweep Algorithm

With those assumptions, the mark and sweep garbage collector is pretty simple:

void markAndSweep()
 // mark
 for (all pointers P on the run-time stack or
   in the static data area )
    mark *P;

 for (all objects *P on the heap)
     if *P is not marked then
        delete P
        unmark *P

template <class T>
void mark(T* p)
  if *p is not already marked
      mark *p;
      for (all pointers q inside *p)
          mark *q;

The algorithm works in two stages.

Mark and Sweep Example

As an example, suppose that we start with this data.

Then, let’s assume that the local variable holding the list header is destroyed.

Mark and Sweep Example II

We first come to the pointer to Boston, and recursively invoke mark() on that. But Boston is already marked, so we return immediately to the N.Y. call. Continuing on, we find a pointer to Wash DC. and invoke mark() on that.

The Wash DC object has not been marked yet, so we mark it and then iterate over the pointers in Wash DC. We first come to the pointer to Boston, and recursively invoke mark() on that. But Boston is already marked, so we return immediately to the N.Y. call. Again, that object is already marked so we immediately return to the earlier N.Y. call. That one has now visited all of its pointers, so it returns to the first Boston call.

The Boston call resumes iterating over its pointers, and finds a pointer to Wash DC. It calls mark() on that pointer, but Wash DC has already been marked, so we return immediately. The Boston call has now iterated over all of its pointers, so we return to the main mark and sweep algorithm.

That algorithm continues looking at pointers on the activation stack. We have a pointer to N.Y., and call mark() on that. But N.Y. is already marked, so we return immediately.

Mark and Sweep Example III

Once the mark phase of the main algorithm is complete,

The Sweep Phase

In the sweep phrase, we visit each object on the heap.

Assessing Mark and Sweep

In practice, the recursive form of mark-and-sweep requires too much stack space.

Practical implementations of mark-and-sweep have countered this problem with an iterative version of the mark function that “reverses” the pointers it is exploring so that they leave a trace behind it of where to return to.

every object on the heap can be quite time-consuming. On virtual memory systems, it can result in an extraordinary number of page faults. The net effect is that mark-and-sweep systems often appear to freeze up for seconds to minutes at a time when the garbage collector is running. There are a couple of ways to improve performance.

2.3 Generation-Based Collectors

Old versus New Garbage

In many programs, people have observed that object lifetime tends toward the extreme possibilities.

Generational GC

Generational collectors take advantage of this behavior by dividing the heap into “generations”.

The actual scanning process is a modified mark and sweep. But because relatively few objects are scanned on each pass, the passes are short and the overall cost of GC is low.

To keep the cost of a pass low, we need to avoid scanning the old objects on the heap. The problem is that some of those objects may have pointers to the newer ones. Most generational schemes use traps in the virtual memory system to detect pointers from “old” pages to “new” ones to avoid having to explicitly scan the old area on each pass.

2.4 Incremental Collection

Another way to avoid the appearance that garbage collection is locking up the system is to modify the algorithm so that it can be run one small piece at a time.

There is a difficuty here, though. Because the program might be modifying the heap while we are marking objects, we have to take extra care to be sure that we don’t improperly flag something as garbage just because all the pointers to it have suddenly been moved into some other data structure that we had already swept.

3. Strong and Weak Pointers

Doing Without

OK, garbage collection is great if you can get it.


One approach that works in many cases is to try to identify which ADTs are the owners of the shared data, and which ones merely use the data.

Ownership Example

In this example that we looked at earlier, we saw that if both the Airline object on the left and the Airport objects on the right deleted their own pointers when destroyed, our program would crash.

Ownership Example

We could improve this situation by deciding that the Airline owns the Airport descriptors that it uses. So the Airline object would delete the pointers it has, but the Airports would never do so.

class Airport

   vector<Airport*> hasFlightsTo;

  /* for (int i = 0; i < hasFlightsTo.size(); ++i)
      delete hasFlightsTo[i]; */

class AirLine {
   string name;
   map<string, Airport*> hubs;

   for (map<string, Airport*>::iterator i = hubs.begin;
        i != hubs.end(); ++i)
     delete i->second;

Ownership Example

Thus, when the airline object on the left is destroyed, it will delete the Boston, N.Y., and Wash DC objects.

Asserting Ownership

I would probably resolve this by modifying the Airline class to keep better track of its Airports.

class AirLine {
   string name;
   set<string> hubs;
   map<string, Airport*> airportsServed;

   for (map<string, Airport*>::iterator i = airportsServed.begin;
        i != airportsServed.end(); ++i)
     delete i->second;

Asserting Ownership (cont.)

The new map tracks all of the airports served by this airline, and we use a separate data structure to indicate which of those airports are hubs.

Now, when an airline object is destroyed, all of its airport descriptors will be reclaimed as well.

Ownership Can Be Too Strong

Ownership is sometimes a bit too strong a relation to be useful.

Strong and Weak Pointers

We can generalize the notion of ownership by characterizing the various pointer data members as strong or weak.

When an object containing pointer data members is destroyed, it deletes its strong pointer members and leaves its weak ones alone.

Strong and Weak SLL

In this example, if we characterize the pointers as shown:

struct SLNode {
   string data;
   SLNode* next; // strong
   ~SLNode () {delete next;}

class List {
   SLNode* first; // strong
   SLNode* last;  // weak
      delete first;  // OK, because this is strong
      /*delete last;*/ // Don't delete. last is weak.

then our program will run correctly.

Picking the Strong Ones

The key idea is to select the smallest set of pointer data members that would connect together all of the allocated objects, while giving you exactly one path to each such object.

Strong and Weak DLL

Similarly, in a doubly linked list, we can designate the pointers as follows:

struct DLNode {
   string data;
   DLNode* prev; // weak
   DLNode* next; // strong
   ~DLNode () {delete next;}

class List {
   DLNode* first; // strong
   DLNode* last;  // weak
   ~List() {delete first;}

and so achieve a program that recovers all garbage without deleting anything twice.

4. C++11: std Reference Counting

The new C++11 standard contains smart pointer templates, quite similar in concept to the RefCountPointer discussed earlier.

shared and weak ptrs

There are two primary class templates involved

We can illustrate these with our doubly linked list. (I would not do this in real practice, because the prior version with informally identified strong and weak pointers is simpler and probably slightly faster.)

struct DLNode {
   string data;
   weak_ptr<DLNode> prev;
   shared_ptr<DLNode> next;
   ~DLNode () 
       // do nothing - the reference counting will take care of it

class List {
   shared_ptr<DLNode> first;
   weak_ptr<DLNode> last;
   ~List() {/* do nothing */}

Once this is set up, we use those four data members largely as if they were regular pointers. The only difference is when constructing new smart pointers. Some sample code:

void addToFront (List& list, string newData)
   shared_ptr<DLNode> newNode (new DLNode()); ➊
   newNode->data = newData;           ➋
   if (first == shared_ptr<DLNode>()) ➌
       // list is empty
       first = last = newNode;   ➍
      newNode->next = first;
      first->prev = newNode;
      first = newNode;

Once you figure out which data members should be strong (shared) and which should be weak, you can pretty much forget the difference afterwards.

5. Java Programmers Have it Easy

Java Programmers Have it Easy

Java has included automatic garbage collection since its beginning.

C++ programmers may sometimes sneer at the slowdown caused by garbage collection. The collector implementations, however, continue to evolve. In fact, current versions of Java commonly offer multiple garbage collectors, one which can be selected at run-time in an attempt to find one whose run-time characteristics (i.e., how aggressively it tries to collect garbage and how much of the time it can block the main program threads while it is working) that matches your program’s needs.

Java programmers sometimes face an issue of running out of memory because they have inadvertently kept pointers to data that they no longer need. This is a particular problem in implementing algorithms that use caches or memoization to keep the answers to prior computations in case the same result is needed again in the future. Because of this, Java added a concept of a weak reference (pointer) that can be ignored when checking to see if an object is garbage and that gets set to null if the object it points to gets collected.