Inheritance and Dynamic Binding: idioms and common patterns

Steven Zeil

Last modified: Mar 11, 2014

1. Inheritance Captures Variant Behavior
2. Using Inheritance
2.1 Specialization
2.2 Specification
2.3 Extension
3. The Observer Pattern
3.1 Applications of Observer
4. Abusing Inheritance
4.1 Construction
4.2 Subset != Subclass

Inheritance, subtyping, and dynamic binding are powerful tools. And, like any new tool, it’s not always obvious how and when to use them. The notion that inheritance is the programming language realization of a generalization/specialization relationship helps. It also may help to think of it as the “is a” relationship. When we see these kinds of relationships existing among our classes (in analysis), we should at least consider the possibility that we should be using inheritance in our programs.

But not every situation where we see a generalization or as-a relationship in analysis deserves to be programmed as inheritance. There’s an old saying, “When the only tool you own is a hammer, every problem begins to resemble a nail.” We need to avoid trying to distort our designs into an inheritance mold if it does not actually fit.

Fortunately, you are not the first programmer to be faced with the problem of when to use inheritance. There are selected idioms that have evolved in practice that are worth knowing, both as examples of good ways to use inheritance and as counter-examples of ways to abuse inheritance.

1. Inheritance Captures Variant Behavior

Why bother with inheritance & dynamic binding at all?

Because it offers a convenient mechanism for capturing variant behaviors among different groups of objects.

For example, consider the idea of values stored in a spreadsheet. A Spreadsheet can contain many different kinds of values. Some contain numbers, other strings, others might contain dates, monetary amounts, or other types of data. Typically there is a special kind of “error value” that is stored in a cell when we have formulas that do something “illegal”, such as dividing a number by zero or adding a number to a string.

  string render(int width)
  Value* clone()

There are some things we expect to be able to do to any value. For values to be useful in a spreadsheet, we must be able to render them in a cell whose current column is of some finite width. The render function, in general, could be quite elaborate. For example, given a lot of room, we might be able to render a number as 12509998.0. If we sharing the column containing that cell, though, we might need to render it as 12509998. Shrink it some more and we might need to render it as 1.25E06. Shrink a little more, and we might need to say 1.3E06, then 1E06. Shrink the available space small enough, and a spreadsheet will typically render a number as “***”.

There may be other operations required of all values as well, such as clone().

Now, the information we have provided so far is general to all values.

But to actually store a numeric value, we need a data member to hold a number (and a function via which we can retrieve it, though we’ll ignore that for the moment). Similarly, we can expect that, to store a string value, we would need a data member to store the string.

We will assume, therefore, that

A pre-OO Approach to Variant behavior

 class Value {
   enum ValueKind {Numeric, String, Error};
   Value (double dv);
   Value (string sv);
   Value ();
   ValueKind kind;
   double d;
   string s;
   string render(int width) const;

Now, if we had never heard of inheritance (of if we were programming C, FORTRAN, Pascal, or any of the other pre-OO languages, we might have come up with an ADT something like this.\textbackslash{}footnote{Actually, there are ways to make this more memory-efficient in those languages using constructs called “unions” or “variant records”, but they would not change the point of this example. }

A pre-OO Approach to Variant behavior

 class Value {
   enum ValueKind {Numeric, String, Error};
   Value (double dv);
   Value (string sv);
   Value ();
   ValueKind kind;
   double d;
   string s;
   string render(int width) const;

Now, if we had never heard of inheritance (of if we were programming C, FORTRAN, Pascal, or any of the other pre-OO languages, we might have come up with an ADT something like this.\textbackslash{}footnote{Actually, there are ways to make this more memory-efficient in those languages using constructs called “unions” or “variant records”, but they would not change the point of this example. }

Multi-Way Branching

 string Value::render(int width) const {
   switch (kind) {
     case Numeric: {
       string buffer;
       ostringstream out (buffer);
       out << dv.d;
       return buffer.substr(0,width);
     case String:
       return sv.s.substr(0.width);
     case Error:
       return string("** error **").substr(0.width);

For example, to write the body for the render function, we would probably do something like this. First, we do a multi-way branch on the kind to get to the appropriate code for a numeric, string, or error value. Then in each branch we use a different technique to render the value as a string, then chop the string to the desired width.

Variant Behavior under OO


Now, compare that with the OO approach.

Variants are Separated


Here’s the OO take on the same render function.

Suppose, for example, that we later decide to add to our spreadsheet the ability to manipulate dates. In the pre-OO style, we would need to look through all our code for any place we had a multi-way branch on the kind, then add a new branch with code to handle a date. Heaven help us if we miss one of those branches! If we’re lucky, our code will crash during testing when we hit that branch with a date value. If we’re unlucky, the crash occurs just as we’re demo’ing the spreadsheet to upper management.

By contrast, to add dates in the OO style, we declare DateValue, a new subclass of Value. We write the code to render date values (which we would have to do in any case) and put it in its own DateValue::render body. Link it with the existing code, and we’re ready to go. None of the existing code had to be touched at all.


We use inheritance in our programming designs whenever we find ourselves looking at objects that

Conversely, if we don’t see that kind of variant behavior, we probably have no need for inheritance.

2. Using Inheritance

We’ll look at 3 idioms describing good ways to use inheritance.

2.1 Specialization

When inheritance is used for specialization,

The new class may therefore be substituted for a value of the parent.

This is, in many ways, the “classical” view of inheritance.

Recognizing Specialization

Consider this hierarchy. It’s quite likely that there are University Personnel who are neither teachers nor students (administrators, librarians, staff, etc.). As such, it’s entirely likely that some applications (e.g., printing a University telephone directory) will work purely from the attributes and functions common to all University Personnel.

At the same time, there are variant behaviors among the subclasses that would prove useful in some applications. For example, Students have grade point averages (and probably other grade info not shown in this diagram) that would permit us to print grade reports and transcripts.

2.2 Specification

Inheritance for specification (Yeah, it’s a real pain that “specialization” and “specification” both look and sound so much alike. But I didn’t make up these terms. And the words really don’t mean anything like the same thing in their normal use, so just concentrate on what the words mean instead of what they sound like.) takes place when

Defining Protocols

A protocol is a set of messages (functions) that can be used together to accomplish some desired task.

Recognizing the Specification Idiom of Inheritance

Example: Varying Data Structures

A common requirement in many libraries is to provide different data structures for the same abstraction.


For example, prior to the standardization of C++, the GNU g++ compiler was distributed with a library called libg++.

This library as extraordinary for the variety of implementations it provided for each major ADT. For example, the library declared a Set class that declared operations like adding an element to a set or checking the set to see if some value were a member of that set. However, the Set class itself contained no data structure that could actually hold any data elements.

Instead, a variety of subclasses of Set were provided. Each subclass implemented the required operations for being a Set, but provided its own data structure for storing and searching for the elements.

In addition to these, there were subclasses for storing the elements in expandable arrays (similar to the std::vector), in dynamically expandable hash tables, in skip lists, etc.

The idea was that each of these data structures offered a slightly different trade off of speed versus storage, sometimes depending upon the size of the sets being manipulated.

Working with a Specialized Protocol


A programmer could write code, like the code shown here, that could work an any set.

This meant that it was quite easy to write an application using one kind of set, measure the speed and storage performance, and then to change to a different variant of Set that would be a better match for the desired performance of the application.

libg++ provided similar options, not only for sets, but also for bags (sets that permit duplicates, a.k.a. “multi-sets”), maps, and all manner of other container ADTs.

Abstract Base Classes

Adding to a Set Subclass

If we are working with libg++ This is OK:

void foo (Set& s, int x)
   cout << x << " has been added." << endl;
int main ()
   BSTSet s;
   foo (s, 23);

Adding to a General Set

But what should happen here?

 void foo (Set& s, int x)
     cout << x << " has been added."   << endl;
 int main ()
     Set s;
     foo (s, 23);

How Do We Prevent This?

 void foo (Set& s, int x)
     cout << x << " has been added."   << endl;
 int main ()
     Set s;
     foo (s, 23);

Abstract Member Functions

class Set {
    virtual Set& add (int) = 0;

Abstract Classes

An abstract class in C++ is any class that

“Abstract classes” are also known as pure virtual classes.

Set as an Abstract Class

Set in libg++ is a good example of a class that should be abstract.

Limitations of Abstract Classes

Abstract classes carry some limitations, designed to make sure we use them in a safe manner.

class Set {
  virtual Set& add (int) = 0;
void foo (Set& s, int x) // OK
int main () {
   Set s;  // error!
   foo (s, 23);

Abstract Classes & Specification


We cannot expect, for example, to write a render function that would work for all values. We have to rely on the subclasses to provide the code for rendering themselves.


Look at the declaration and see which functions are marked as abstract. Ask yourself if you could implement any of those for all possible expressions. For example, can you write a rule to evaluate any expression? No. Can you write a rule to evaluate a PlusNode? Or perhaps a NumericConstant? Those seem much more plausible.

2.3 Extension

In this style of inheritance, a limited number of “new” abilities is grafted onto an otherwise unchanged superclass.

 class FlashingString: public StringValue {
   bool _flash;
   FlashingString (std::string);
   void flash();
   void stopFlashing();

Are Extensions OK?


A mixin is a class that makes little sense by itself, but provides a specialized capability when used as a base class.

Mixin Example: Noisy

Noisy is a mixin I use when debugging.



Using Noisy

 class TreeSet
   : public Set, public Noisy

Mixin Example: checking for memory leaks



3. The Observer Pattern


Here is an Observer mixin. Note that there’s not a whole lot to it. Observable need to be able to notify observers.

Here is the Java equivalent. The Observer/Observable pattern is so common that it is part of the standard Java API, and has been for quite some time. It has some minor differences. The function is called “update” instead of “notify” and can take a second parameter, but the basic idea is the same.


Observable is not much more complicated. It has functions allowing an observer to register itself for future notifications, and a utility function that the observable object calls to talk its current list of observers and notify each of them.


The implementation details are above.

The Java version of Observable is similar.

3.1 Applications of Observer

Example: Propagating Changes in a Spreadsheet

Anyone who has used a spreadsheet has observed the way that, when one cell changes value, all the cells that mention that first cell in their formulas change, then all the cells the mention those cells change, and so on, in a characteristic “ripple” effect until all the effects of the original change have played out.

There are several ways to program that effect. One of the more elegant is to use the Observer/Observable pattern.

Cells Observe Each Other

class Cell: public Observable, Observer

The idea is that cells will observe one another.

Changing a Cell Formula


Here’s the code that’s actually invoked to change the expression stored in a cell.

Evaluating a Cell’s Formula


Eventually the spreadsheets calls this function on our recently changed cell.

Notifying a Cell’s Observers

void Cell::notify (Observable* changedCell)
  theSheet.cellRequiresEvaluation (this);

What does an observing cell do when it is notified? It tells the spreadsheet that it needs to be re-evaluated.

Eventually the propagation trickles to an end, as we eventually re-evaluate cells that either do not change value or that are not themselves mentioned in the formulae of any other cells.

Example: Observer and GUIs

A spreadsheet GUI contains a rectangular array of CellViews. Each CellView observes one Cell

Scrolling the Spreadsheet

Not every cell will have a CellView observer.

Model-View-Controller (MVC) Pattern

This pattern has many advantages. GUI code is hard to test. Keeping the core data independent of the GUI means we can test it using unit or similar “easy” techniques. We can also change the GUI entirely without altering the core classes. For example, my implementation of the spreadsheet has both a graphic form (as shown in the prior section) and a text-only interface that can be used over a simple telnet connection.

Separating the control code means that we can test the view by driving it from a custom Control that simply issues a pre-scripted set of calls on the view and model classes

MVC Interactions

How do we actually accomplish this?

4. Abusing Inheritance

Just as there are idioms for good uses of inheritance, there are some that programmers have tried, and that new programmers often “rediscover”, that are really not advisable.

4.1 Construction

Occurs when a subclass is created that uses the superclass as the implementing data structure

 struct Cell {
    int    data;
    Cell* next;
    Cell (int i) {data = i; next = this;}
    Cell (int i, Cell* n)
                 {data = i; next = n};

Here is an example, drawn from a textbook that shall remain anonymous. This cell (no relation to the notion of a cell in a spreadsheet) class defines a “utility” linked list node.

 class CircularList {
     Cell* rear;
     bool empty();
     void addFront (int);
     int removeFront ();
     int addRear (int);

We can use this to create a circular list (a linked list in which the last node in the list points back to the first node). Circular lists are useful in that they support efficient adding at either end and removing from one end.

 class Queue: public CircularList {
    void enterq (int x) { addRear(x);}
    int leaveq()       {removeFront();}
    // inherit bool empty();

 class Stack: public CircularList {
    void push (int x) {addFront(x);}
    void pop() {removeFront();}
    // inherit bool empty()

This list could be used to implement stacks and queues.

So we can write applications like the following:

    Queue q;
    q.enterq (23);
    q.enterq (42);
    q.leaveq ();
    bool b = q.empty();
    q.addFront (21);  // oops!

The last call is a problem. We should not be able to add to the front of a queue.

Private Inheritance

 class Queue: private CircularList {
    void enterq (int x) { addRear(x);}
    int leaveq()       {removeFront();}

 class Stack: private CircularList {
    void push (int x) {addFront(x);}
    void pop() {removeFront();}

It is possible to solve this problem by private inheritance. We inherit, but all inherited members are private in the subclass.

Private inheritance hides inherited members from application code.

What’s Wrong with This?

 class Queue: {
    CircularList c;
    void enterq (int x) { c.addRear(x);}
    int leaveq()     {c.removeFront();}
    bool empty()     {return c.empty();}

Doesn’t this just seem simpler?

4.2 Subset != Subclass

A Bird in the Hand

 class Animal;
 class Bird: public Animal { ...
 class BlueJay: public Bird { ...

is Worth 2 in the Sky?

Let’s postulate some members for Birds:

 class Bird: public Animal {
    double altitude() const;
    void fly();
       // post-condition: altitude() > 0.
 class BlueJay: public Bird

Is an Ostrich a-kind-of Bird?

 class Ostrich: public Bird
   // Inherits
   // double altitude() const;
   // void fly();
   //post-condition: altitude() > 0.

 void Ostrich::fly()
 //post-condition: altitude() > 0.


The ostrich/bird hierarchy violates the substitutability principle:

Fixing a Broken Hierarchy

When two classes share code and data but do not share an is-a (protocol) relationship.