Inheritance: The is-a relation

Steven Zeil

Last modified: Feb 19, 2014

1. Generalization & Specialization

Specialization Example

For example, a check and a deposit are actually specializations of the more general concept of a “transaction”.

1.1 Inheritance

A class C inherits from class D if C has all the data members and messages of D.

D is called a base class of C.

Inheritance Example

This example suggests that Teachers and Students will inherit from University Personnel.

Inheritance Example

Multiple Inheritance

Inheriting from multiple base classes is called multiple inheritance.

It’s reasonably common in domain and analysis models, but designers often try to remove it before they get to the stage of coding. That’s because multiple inheritance can lead to complications.

1.2 Subtyping

A closely related idea:

D is called a superclass or supertype of C.

What’s the Difference?

Effects of Subtyping and Inheritance


For example, the last four statements in the code above are all legal, but the reasons vary:

C++ Combines Inheritance & Subtyping

In most OOPLs, including C++, inheritance and subtyping are combined.

That makes the distinction between inheritance and subtyping moot in C++.

The same does not hold, however, of Java, where only the first two of the four above statements are true.

2. Inheritance & Subtyping in C++

The construct

class C : public Super {

indicates that

2.1 Inheritance Example - Values in a Spreadsheet


Every cell in the spreadsheet contains


The interface for values is


Numeric Values

Numeric values hold numbers.


 void foo (NumericValue nv) {
     cout << nv.render(8) << endl;
void foo (Value v; NumericValue nv) {
    if (v == nv) {

String Values

String values hold numbers.


Error Values

Error values store no data at all, but are used as placeholders in a cell whose calculations have failed for some reason.


3. Overriding Functions

When a subclass inherits a function member, it may

Overriding: Declaring Your Intentions

class A {
  void foo();
  void bar();
  void baz();

class B: public A {
  void foo();       ➊
  void bar(int k);  ➋
  void bar() const; ➌
};                  ➍

  • B declares that it will override A::foo(). B inherits the declaration of foo() but will provide its own body.

  • This does not override A::bar().
    • Changing parameters overloads a function, but (access to) the original function is unaffected.
  • This does not override A::bar(), either. It also overloads it with different parameter types.
    • The implicit parameter this is a const B* instead of an A*.
  • Because B did not override A::bar() or A::baz(), it inherits those declarations and their bodies from A.

Access to Functions

B b;;     // calls B::foo()
b.A::foo();  // calls the original A::foo()

void B::foo()

Example of Overriding

As an example of overriding, consider these four classes, which form a small inheritance hierarchy.


Note that several of the inheriting classes override one or both functions in their base class.

Question: Now, suppose we run the following code. What will be printed by each of the show calls?

 Animal a;
 Carnivore c;
 Herbivore h;
 Ruminant r;
 show(, a.eats());        // AHRC fpgm
 show(, c.eats());        // AHRC fpgm
 show(, h.eats());        // AHRC fpgm
 show(, r.eats());        // AHRC fpgm


Inheritance and Encapsulation

An inheriting class does not get access to private data members of its base class:

class Counter {
   int count;
   Counter() {count = 0;}
   void increment() {++count;}
   int getC() const {return count;}

class HoursCounter: public Counter {
   void increment() {
     counter = (counter + 1) % 24; // Error!

Protected Members

Data members marked as protected are accessible to inheriting classes but private to all other classes.

class Counter {
   int count;
   Counter() {count = 0;}
   void increment() {++count;}
   int getC() const {return count;}

class HoursCounter: public Counter {
   void increment() {
     counter = (counter + 1) % 24; // OK

4. Example: Inheritance and Expressions

Expression Trees

Expression Inheritance Hierarchy

We would expect the lower-level classes like PlusNode and TimesNode to override the evaluate function to do addition, multiplication, etc., or whatever it is that distinctively identifies that particular “kind” of expression from all the other possibilities.