Inheritance in Java

Steven Zeil

Last modified: Mar 21, 2014

1. Class Inheritance

Inheritance among classes in Java works almost identically to C++. The only difference is a rather minor change in syntax. Instead of this C++ syntax, for example,

class NumericValue: public Value {

Java uses the reserved word extends to indicate the same thing:

class NumericValue extends Value {

What is different in Java is not how we do inheritance, but how often.

1.1 Shrubs and Trees

Inheritance in C++

C++ programs use inheritance only rarely and when there is an obvious need for it.

Spreadsheet inheritance in C++:

Inheritance in Java

Spreadsheet inheritance in Java:

In Java, our spreadsheet program has the same “topical” inheritance , but our other classes are gathered together into the common tree of Java classes.

The Java API makes a great deal more obvious use of inheritance than does C++ std.

1.2 Inheriting from Object

If a class declaration does not explicitly state a superclass, by default it inherits from Object.

What do we get from this?

Some examples of the members we inherit:

What Can You do to Any Object?

We’ll encounter other Object functions later.

2. Dynamic Binding in Java

Dynamic binding is more pervasive in Java, because

2.1 The Animal Example in Java

Same example, this time in Java. Start with the inheritance hierarchy.

public class Animal {
  public String eats() {return "???";}
  public name() {return "Animal";}

public class Herbivore extends Animal {
   public String eats() {return "plants";}
   public String name() {return "Herbivore";}

public class Ruminants extends Herbivore {
   public String eats() {return "grass";}
   public String name() {return "Ruminant";}

public class Carnivore extends Animal {
   public String eats() {return "meat";}
   public String name() {return "Carnivore";}

The Main Program

public class AnimalTest {

  private static void show (String s1, String s2) {
     System.out.println (s1 + " " + s2);

  public static void main (String[]) {
     Animal a = new Animal();
     Herbivore h = new Herbivore();
     Ruminant r = new Ruminant();

     Animal paa = a;
     Animal pah = h;
     Animal par = r;
     show(, a.eats());      // AHRC ?pgm
     show(, paa.eats()); // AHRC ?pgm
     show(, h.eats);        // AHRC ?pgm
     show(, pah.eats()); // AHRC ?pgm
     show(, par.eats()); //AHRC ?pgm

Note the absence of the * and & operators.

Animal Hierarchy: a

public class AnimalTest {

  private static void show (String s1, String s2) {
     System.out.println (s1 + " " + s2);

  public static void main (String[]) {
     Animal a = new Animal();
     Herbivore h = new Herbivore();
     Ruminant r = new Ruminant();

     Animal paa = a;
     Animal pah = h;
     Animal par = r;
     show(, a.eats());      // AHRC ?pgm
     show(, paa.eats()); // AHRC ?pgm
     show(, h.eats);        // AHRC ?pgm
     show(, pah.eats()); // AHRC ?pgm
     show(, par.eats()); //AHRC ?pgm

Animal Hierarchy: paa

public class AnimalTest {

  private static void show (String s1, String s2) {
     System.out.println (s1 + " " + s2);

  public static void main (String[]) {
     Animal a = new Animal();
     Herbivore h = new Herbivore();
     Ruminant r = new Ruminant();

     Animal paa = a;
     Animal pah = h;
     Animal par = r;
     show(, a.eats());      // Animal ???
     show(, paa.eats()); // AHRC ?pgm
     show(, h.eats);        // AHRC ?pgm
     show(, pah.eats()); // AHRC ?pgm
     show(, par.eats()); //AHRC ?pgm

Animal Hierarchy: h

public class AnimalTest {

  private static void show (String s1, String s2) {
     System.out.println (s1 + " " + s2);

  public static void main (String[]) {
     Animal a = new Animal();
     Herbivore h = new Herbivore();
     Ruminant r = new Ruminant();

     Animal paa = a;
     Animal pah = h;
     Animal par = r;
     show(, a.eats());      // Animal ???
     show(, paa.eats()); // Animal ???
     show(, h.eats);        // AHRC ?pgm
     show(, pah.eats()); // AHRC ?pgm
     show(, par.eats()); //AHRC ?pgm

Animal Hierarchy: pah

public class AnimalTest {

  private static void show (String s1, String s2) {
     System.out.println (s1 + " " + s2);

  public static void main (String[]) {
     Animal a = new Animal();
     Herbivore h = new Herbivore();
     Ruminant r = new Ruminant();

     Animal paa = a;
     Animal pah = h;
     Animal par = r;
     show(, a.eats());      // Animal ???
     show(, paa.eats()); // Animal ???
     show(, h.eats);        // Herbivore plants
     show(, pah.eats()); // AHRC ?pgm
     show(, par.eats()); //AHRC ?pgm

Animal Hierarchy: par

public class AnimalTest {

  private static void show (String s1, String s2) {
     System.out.println (s1 + " " + s2);

  public static void main (String[]) {
     Animal a = new Animal();
     Herbivore h = new Herbivore();
     Ruminant r = new Ruminant();

     Animal paa = a;
     Animal pah = h;
     Animal par = r;
     show(, a.eats());      // Animal ???
     show(, paa.eats()); // Animal ???
     show(, h.eats);        // Herbivore plants
     show(, pah.eats()); // Herbivore plants
     show(, par.eats()); //AHRC ?pgm

Final Results

public class AnimalTest {

  private static void show (String s1, String s2) {
     System.out.println (s1 + " " + s2);

  public static void main (String[]) {
     Animal a = new Animal();
     Herbivore h = new Herbivore();
     Ruminant r = new Ruminant();

     Animal paa = a;
     Animal pah = h;
     Animal par = r;
     show(, a.eats());      // Animal ???
     show(, paa.eats()); // Animal ???
     show(, h.eats);        // Herbivore plants
     show(, pah.eats()); // Herbivore plants
     show(, par.eats()); // Ruminant grass

The overall output here is slightly different from that in the earlier C++ example because, in Java, the name() function is “virtual” and so is handled by dynamic binding.

2.2 The Key Pattern of OOP in Java

Just as in C++, suppose we have an inheritance hierarchy:

and that we have a collection of (references to) the BaseClass

 Collection collection;

Then this code:

BaseClass x;
for (each x in collection) {

uses dynamic binding to apply subclass-appropriate behavior to each element of a collection.

Examples of the key pattern

There are lots of variations on this pattern. We can use almost any data structure for the collection.

Example: arrays of Animals in Java

 Animal[] animals = new Animal[numberOfAnimals];
 for (int i = 0; i < numberOfAnimals; ++i)
    System.out.println (animals[i].name() 
        + " " + animals[i].eats());

Although the above loop form is familiar, it can be simplified:

 Animal[] animals = new Animal[numberOfAnimals];
 for (Animal a: animals)
    System.out.println ( + " " + a.eats());

Example: Linked Lists of Animals (Java)

 class ListNode {
    Animal data;
    ListNode next;
 ListNode head; // start of list
 for (ListNode current = head; current != null; 
        current =
    System.out.println ( 
         + " " + current.eats());

Example: vector (ArrayList) of Animals

 ArrayList<Animal> animals = new ArrayList<Animal>();
 for (int i = 0; i < animals.size(); ++i) {
    Animal a = animals.get(i);
    System.out.println ( + " " + a.eats());


 ArrayList<Animal> animals = new ArrayList<Animal>();
 for (Animal a: animals) {
    System.out.println ( + " " + a.eats());

Older Style Java

Older Java code would leave out the part within the angle brackets, in which case we would have to treat animals as a container of Objects, not Animals.

 ArrayList animals = new ArrayList();
 for (Object obja: animals) {
     Animal a = (Animal)obja;
    System.out.println ( + " " + a.eats());

The downcast is required because the loop variable, obja, is of type Object and therefore does not support the name() and eats() functions.

2.3 Abstract Classes in Java

Abstract classes work much the same in Java as in C++. The only differences are

Abstract Class Example

Here, for example, is the Java version of our abstract spreadsheet value class.

3. Interfaces In Java

Java offers an alternate, closely related, mechanism for relating classes to one another, the interface.

Example: AudioClip

public interface AudioClip { 
     * Starts playing this audio clip. Each time this method is called,  
     * the clip is restarted from the beginning.  
    void play(); 
     * Starts playing this audio clip in a loop.  
    void loop(); 
     * Stops playing this audio clip.  
    void stop(); 

Example: Cloneable

Signals that a class has a working clone() function.

3.1 Interface Implementation is Not Inheritance

So What is it, Then?

A class that implements an interface can be used wherever that interface is “expected”. That’s pretty much our definition of subtyping.

3.2 Example: Sorting in Java

Suppose we wanted to provide a class that collected a number of useful sorting algorithms.

How do we tell potential users of our sorting routines how to provide comparison functions that we can use?

A C++ style Solution - Inheritance

abstract class Comparable {
  public abstract boolean comesBefore (Object o);

One solution is to define the “comparable” protocol as a class.

Then we can write our sorting functions to work on objects of this Comparable class (which we really never expect to ever see) or of any subtype of Comparable:

Calling on a Comparable Class

class Sorting {

   public static void
     insertionSort (Comparable[] array)
      for (int i = 1; i < array.length; ++i) {
        Comparable temp = array[i];
        int p = i;
        while ((i > 0)
          && temp.comesBefore(array[p-1])) {
           array[p] = array[p-1];
        array[p] = temp;

Extending Comparable

Here’s an example of how we might declare a class that overrides comesBefore to provide a “sensible” implementation we can use for sorting.

 class Student extends Comparable
   String name;
   String id;
   double gpa;
   String school;
   boolean comesBefore(Object o)
     return gpa > ((Student)o).gpa;

In this case, we can sort students by grade point average.

A Closer Look

The downcast in our application

is ugly (but required) to match:

abstract class Comparable {
  public abstract boolean comesBefore (Object o);

Making Comparable Generic

We can get rid of it by making Comparable generic, so that it knows what kind of objects it is actually comparing:

abstract class Comparable<T extends Object> {
  public abstract boolean comesBefore (T t);

and then letting the Student class pass that info along:

 class Student extends Comparable<Student>
   String name;
   String id;
   double gpa;
   String school;
   boolean comesBefore(Student s)
     return gpa > s.gpa;

A Lurking Problem

What if Student is already inheriting from another class?

 class Person
   String name;
   String id;
 class Student extends Person
   double gpa;
   String school;

Why is This a Problem?

That would be no problem in C++, which permits multiple inheritance:

class Student: public Person, Comparable {

But Java only allows a class to have a single superclass, so we can’t add extends Comparable

A Java style Solution - Interface

Java programmers are more likely to approach this problem using an interface:

 package java.lang;
 public interface Comparable<T extends Object> {
       Compares this object with the specified object for order.
       Returns a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer
       as this object is less than, equal to, or greater than
       the specified object.
   int compareTo (T other);

Calling on a Comparable Interface

We use interfaces in our sorting routine just like we would use any kind of data type:

  public static void
     insertionSort (Comparable[] array)
     for (int i = 1; i < array.length; ++i) {
        Comparable temp = array[i];
        int p = i;
        while ((p > 0)
          && temp.compareTo(array[p-1]) < 0) {
           array[p] = array[p-1];
        array[p] = temp;

Implementing the Comparable Interface

But now our student class does not have to inherit

This was Just an Example

 package java.util;
 public class Arrays
    public static void sort (Comparable[]);
    public static int binarySearch 
        (Comparable[], Comparable key);

3.3 Iterators in Java


The key operations are:

Example: Using an Iterator

 LinkedList<Book> books = new LinkedList<Book>();
 boolean found = false;
 Iterator<Book> it = books.iterator();
 while (it.hasNext() && !found)
   Book b =;
   found = b.equals(cs252Text);
 if (found)

Not as Strange as it Looks

Compare that to the C++ equivalent:

 list<Book> books;
 bool found = false;
 list<Book>::iterator it = books.begin();
 while (it != books.end() && !found)
   found = (*it == cs252Text);
 if (found)
   books.erase (it);

Iterators: java and C++

Some rough correspondences:

Java C++
Iterator<E> container<E>::iterator
container.iterator() container.begin()
it.hasNext() it != container.end()
x =; x = *it; it++;
it.remove(); container.erase(it);

Limitations of the Java Iterator

list<Book>::iterator find (list<Book>& books, 
                           string title)
  for (list<Book>::iterator it = books.begin();
         it != books.end(); ++it)
     if (it->getTitle() == title)
        return it;
  return books.end();

*  There's no equivalent to that using Java iterators. 

Limitations of the Java Iterator (cont.)

Similarly, there’s no easy equivalent in Java to the C++ practice of using iterators as starting and ending positions of an operation:

template <typename Iterator>
Iterator copy (Iterator start, Iterator stop, 
               Iterator dest)
   while (start != stop)
       *dest = *start;
       ++start; ++dest;

Iterators and the “for each” Loop

For any container type C that has a function iterator() that returns a value of type Iterator<T>, we can rewrite

 C c = <: ... :>
 for (Iterator<T> it = c.iterator();
         it.hasNext(); ) {
   T t =;


 C c = <: ... :>
 for (T t: c) {

Extending Interfaces

Interfaces can extend (inherit from) other interfaces.