Function Members

Steven Zeil

Last modified: Dec 26, 2016

1 Function Members

Example: Times

struct Time {
  int hours;
  int minutes;
  int seconds;

void read (std::istream& in, Time& time);

void print (std::ostream& out, const Time& time);

bool noLaterThan(const Time& time1, const Time& time2);

We can move these functions inside the struct…

struct Time {
  int hours;
  int minutes;
  int seconds;

  void read (std::istream& in);

  void print (std::ostream& out);

  bool noLaterThan(const Time& time2);

Note that we remove a Time parameter from each function declaration.

2 Calling Member Functions

The parameter that we removed is now written to the left of the call:

Question: Where have you seen this style of call before?


3 Implementing Member Functions

void Time::print (std::ostream& out)

3.1 Fully Qualified Names

A fully qualified name of a C++ entity combines the name of the specific entity with the fully qualified names of any structs/classes/namespaces that contains it.

3.2 Let’s Say That Again


struct Time {
   void print (std::ostream& out);

we might write both

void print (std::ostream& out)

void Time::print (std::ostream& out)

4 Implementing Member Functions (Cont.)

void Time::print (std::ostream& out)
    if (hours < 10)
        out << '0';
    out << hours << ':';
    if (minutes < 10)
        out << '0';
    out << minutes << ':';
    if (seconds < 10)
        out << '0';
    out << seconds;

4.1 Implicit Access to Members

void Time::print (std::ostream& out)
    if (hours < 10)
        out << '0';
    out << hours << ':';
    if (minutes < 10)
        out << '0';
    out << minutes << ':';
    if (seconds < 10)
        out << '0';
    out << seconds;

4.2 Multiple Struct Arguments

Example: Time with Function Members

Example: Money with Function Members