Common Modifications of Class Members

Steven Zeil

Last modified: Dec 26, 2016

1 Static

Class members can be marked static to show that they are “shared” by all variables of that class type.

1.1 Static Data Members

A static data member is a single, shared data value that can be accessed by all variables of the class.

Example: Shared Constants

In our auction program, we have collections like this one:

struct BidCollection {
  int MaxSize;
  int size;
  Bid* elements; // array of bids 

   * Create a collection capable of holding the indicated number of bids
  BidCollection (int MaxBids = 1000);

  ~BidCollection ();
   * Read all bids from the indicated file
  void readBids (std::string fileName);

We now know a bit more about how ADTs in C++ are supposed to look, so let’s bring this up to date a bit.

Bids Collection

class BidCollection {
  int MaxSize;
  int size;
  Bid* elements; // array of bids 

   * Create a collection capable of holding the indicated number of bids
  BidCollection (int MaxBids = 1000);

  ~BidCollection ();
  // Access to attributes
  int getMaxSize() const {return MaxSize;}
  int getSize() const {return size;}

  // Access to individual elements
  const Bid& get(int index) {return elements[i];}

  // Collection operations

  void addInTimeOrder (const Bid& value);
  //  Adds this bid into a position such that 
  //   all bids are ordered by the time the bid was placed
  //Pre: getSize() < getMaxSize()

  void remove (int index);
  // Remove the bid at the indicated position
  //Pre: 0 <= index < getSize()

   * Read all bids from the indicated file
  void readBids (std::string fileName);

Note that it is impossible for the application code to do anything that would get the bids out of order.

Sharing a Constant

As currently defined, all BidCollections have distinct max sizes.


class BidCollection {
  static const int MaxSize;
  int size;
  Bid* elements; // array of bids 

   * Create a collection capable of holding the indicated number of bids
  BidCollection (/* int MaxBids = 1000 */);

  ~BidCollection ();
  // Access to attributes
  int getMaxSize() const {return MaxSize;}
  int getSize() const {return size;}

  // Access to individual elements
  const Bid& get(int index) {return elements[i];}

  // Collection operations

  void addInTimeOrder (const Bid& value);
  //  Adds this bid into a position such that 
  //   all bids are ordered by the time the bid was placed
  //Pre: getSize() < getMaxSize()

  void remove (int index);
  // Remove the bid at the indicated position
  //Pre: 0 <= index < getSize()

   * Read all bids from the indicated file
  void readBids (std::string fileName);
// in the .cpp file:
const int BidCollection::MaxSize = 1000;

Example 2: Assigning Unique IDs

class Bid {
  std::string bidderName;
  double amount;
  std::string itemName;
  Time bidPlacedAt;
  Bid (std::string bidder, double amt, 
       std::string item, Time placedAt);

  std::string getBidder() {return bidderName;}
  double getAmount() {return amount;}
  std::string getItem() {return itemName;}
  Time  getTimePlacedAt() {return bidPlacedAt;}

Bid::Bid (std::string bidder, double amt, 
     std::string item, Time placedAt);
  : bidderName(bidder), amount(amt),
    itemName(item), bidPlacedAt(placedAt)

Suppose that we wished to assign a unique ID number to every bid

First Attempt

**Question: **What’s wrong with this?

class Bid {
  int bidCounter = 0;
  int id;
  std::string bidderName;
  double amount;
  std::string itemName;
  Time bidPlacedAt;
  Bid (std::string bidder, double amt, 
       std::string item, Time placedAt);

  std::string getBidder() {return bidderName;}
  double getAmount() {return amount;}
  std::string getItem() {return itemName;}
  Time  getTimePlacedAt() {return bidPlacedAt;}

  int getID() {return id;}
Bid::Bid (std::string bidder, double amt, 
     std::string item, Time placedAt);
  : bidderName(bidder), amount(amt),
    itemName(item), bidPlacedAt(placedAt)
  id = bidCounter;



class Bid {
  static int bidCounter;
  int id;
  std::string bidderName;
  double amount;
  std::string itemName;
  Time bidPlacedAt;
  Bid (std::string bidder, double amt, 
       std::string item, Time placedAt);

  std::string getBidder() {return bidderName;}
  double getAmount() {return amount;}
  std::string getItem() {return itemName;}
  Time  getTimePlacedAt() {return bidPlacedAt;}

  int getID() {return id;}
int Bid::bidCounter = 0;

Bid::Bid (std::string bidder, double amt, 
     std::string item, Time placedAt);
  : bidderName(bidder), amount(amt),
    itemName(item), bidPlacedAt(placedAt)
  id = bidCounter;

1.2 Static Function Members

Less often, we will make function members static

Example: Presetting the Max

Suppose we want to make sure that all BidCollections has the same max size, but wantto be able to vary that size from one program execution to another.


class BidCollection {
  static int MaxSize;
  int size;
  Bid* elements; // array of bids 

  static void setMaxSize(int max);
  // Establish the common max size used for all bid collections
  // Must be called BEFORE any collections have been constructed

   * Create a collection capable of holding the indicated number of bids
  BidCollection (/* int MaxBids = 1000 */);

  ~BidCollection ();
  // Access to attributes
  int getMaxSize() const {return MaxSize;}
  int getSize() const {return size;}

  // Access to individual elements
  const Bid& get(int index) {return elements[i];}

  // Collection operations

  void addInTimeOrder (const Bid& value);
  //  Adds this bid into a position such that 
  //   all bids are ordered by the time the bid was placed
  //Pre: getSize() < getMaxSize()

  void remove (int index);
  // Remove the bid at the indicated position
  //Pre: 0 <= index < getSize()

   * Read all bids from the indicated file
  void readBids (std::string fileName);
// in the .cpp file:
int BidCollection::MaxSize = 1000;

void BidCollection::setMaxSize(int max)
  maxSize = max;

2 const

What does it mean if we label something as “const”?

Simple Constants

int i = 0;
const j = 0;
i = i + 1; // legal
j = j + 1; // illegal

We can’t modify const variables.

Not-So-Simple Constants

  • This is legal

  • j is a constant

    • Even though it takes on a thousand different values

for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i)
   const j = i-1;
   cout << j << endl;

What Does const Mean ?

  • Once a const has been initialized, it’s value cannot be changed.
    • But, in this case, a new const variable gets initialized every time we re-enter the loop body.

for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i)
   const j = i-1;
   cout << j << endl;

2.1 const Pointers and References

const pointers

const int *p = new int;
p = new int; // legal
*p = 0; // illegal

  • A const pointer can be shifted to point somewhere else

  • but it cannot be used to change the bits at any location to which it points


int[] myArray = {<: ... :>};
int& i23 = myArray[23];
i23 = 4; 

  • i23 “points to” myArray[23]

  • The assignment changes the value at that location

    • does not change where i23 “points”

Moving References

int[] myArray = {<: ... :>};
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i)
   int& x = myArray[i]; // OK
   x = 4; // OK

const References

  • Like const pointers, const references cannot be used to alter the value at the location to which they point
int[] myArray = {<: ... :>};
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i)
   const int& x = myArray[i]; // OK
   int y = x; // OK
   x = 4; // illegal

2.2 Is your class const-correct?

Is your class const-correct?

In C++, we use the keyword const to declare constants. But it also has two other important uses:

  1. indicating what formal parameters a function will look at, but promises not to change

  2. indicating which member functions don’t change the object they are applied to

These last two uses are important for a number of reasons


A class is const-correct if

  1. Any formal function parameter that will not be changed by the function is passed by copy or as a const reference (const &).

  2. Every member function that does not alter the object it’s applied to is declared as a const member.

Const and Member Functions

class Point {
   double x;
   double y;

   double distanceFrom (Point p);

Question: How many parameters does distanceFrom have?


This is Interesting!

class Point {
   double x;
   double y;

   double distanceFrom (/* Point* this,*/ Point p);

Protecting Parameters

class Point {
   double x;
   double y;

   double distanceFrom (/* Point* this,*/ Point p);

   double distanceFrom (/* Point* this,*/ 
                        const Point& p);

Protecting this

class Point {
   double x;
   double y;

   double distanceFrom (/* Point* this,*/ 
                        const Point& p) const;

Const member Functions

As a general rule, any member functions that, logically, do not change the object they are applied to, should be marked as const.

Const Correctness: BidCollection

Passed by copy, passed by const ref, & const member functions


class BidCollection {
  static int MaxSize;
  int size;
  Bid* elements; // array of bids 

  static void setMaxSize(int max);
  // Establish the common max size used for all bid collections
  // Must be called BEFORE any collections have been constructed

   * Create a collection capable of holding the indicated number of bids
  BidCollection ();

  ~BidCollection ();
  // Access to attributes
  int getMaxSize() const {return MaxSize;}
  int getSize() const {return size;}

  // Access to individual elements
  const Bid& get(int index) const {return elements[i];}

  // Collection operations

  void addInTimeOrder (const Bid& value);
  //  Adds this bid into a position such that 
  //   all bids are ordered by the time the bid was placed
  //Pre: getSize() < getMaxSize()

  void remove (int index);
  // Remove the bid at the indicated position
  //Pre: 0 <= index < getSize()

   * Read all bids from the indicated file
  void readBids (std::string fileName);
// in the .cpp file:
int BidCollection::MaxSize = 1000;

void BidCollection::setMaxSize(int max)
  maxSize = max;


Question: What changes would you make so that Bid would be const-correct?

class Bid {
  static int bidCounter;
  int id;
  std::string bidderName;
  double amount;
  std::string itemName;
  Time bidPlacedAt;
  Bid (std::string bidder, double amt, 
       std::string item, Time placedAt);

  std::string getBidder() {return bidderName;}
  double getAmount() {return amount;}
  std::string getItem() {return itemName;}
  Time  getTimePlacedAt() {return bidPlacedAt;}

  int getID() {return id;}
int Bid::bidCounter = 0;

Bid::Bid (std::string bidder, double amt, 
     std::string item, Time placedAt);
  : bidderName(bidder), amount(amt),
    itemName(item), bidPlacedAt(placedAt)
  id = bidCounter;