Straight-Line Computation in C++

Steven Zeil

Last modified: May 28, 2014

1. Data Types
2. Assignment Statements
3. Examples of Straight-Line Computations
3.1 Farenheit to Centigrade
3.2 Quadradic Formula

Read chapters 1 and 2 of your text, if you have not already done so.

Chapter 2 of your text takes off at a pretty good pace. Don’t worry if not everything in there is clear right now – it’s really intended as an overview and we’ll be revisiting a lot of it in more detail later.

At its most basic, a program is a collection of instructions for manipulating data. Data comes in many different types in C++, and you will eventually see that one of the language’s strengths is in allowing you to define new types of data of your own.

Similarly, there are many different kinds of instructions that we can issue to manipulate data. More importantly, however, we can arrange instructions in varied and subtle ways. Just like when you follow someone’s directions on how to drive to a destination, or try to carry out a recipe when cooking, or when following an instruction booklet to assemble something, sometimes the instructions are simple and straightforward (“Go straight on down the road. You can’t miss it!”, “Insert tab A into slot B”) or moderately complicated (“Turn right at the schoolhouse, then go to the next light, make a U-turn, come halfway back”, “Bake at 350 for one hour or until the internal temprature reaches 165 degrees”) or downright complicated (“Bake for longer at high altitudes. Reduce baking time if using a glass pan.”).

In programming, the simplest way to arrange instructions is in a “straight line” computation so that we do the first instruction, then the second, then the third, and so on, never varying the order. That’s our goal for this section.

1. Data Types

C++ manipulates many types of data. The language provides certain basic types, sometimes called primitive types because they are build into the language. There are also a selection of “type builders” that let us build new types of data from existing ones, either primitives or still others of our own that we have already built.

The primitive data types in C++ are

The type builders in C++ will be covered later, but I will mention them briefly for now:

2. Assignment Statements

One of the most common statements (instructions) in C++ is the assignment statement, which has the form:

destination = expression;

= is the assignment operator. This statement means that the expression on the right hand side should be evaluated, and the resulting value stored at the desitnation named on the left. Most often this destination is a variable name, although in come cases the destination is itself arrived at by evaluating an expression to compute where we want to save the value.

Some examples of assignment statements would be

  pi = 3.14159;
  areaOfCircle = pi * r * r;
  circumferenceOfCircle = 2.0 * pi * r;

Now, a few things worth noting:

When using variables on either side of an assignment, we need to declare the variables first:

  double pi;
  double areaOfCircle;
  double circumferenceOfCircle;
  pi = 3.14159;
  areaOfCircle = pi * r * r;
  circumferenceOfCircle = 2.0 * pi * r;

Actually, we can combine the operations of declaring a varable and of assigning its first, or initial value:

  double pi = 3.14159;
  double areaOfCircle = pi * r * r;
  double circumferenceOfCircle = 2.0 * pi * r;

Technically these are no longer assignments. Instead they are called initialization statements. But the effect is much the same.

I actually prefer this second, combined version, by the way.

Let me restate that. I strongly prefer that second version combining declarations with initialization.

One of the most common programming errors is declaring a variable, forgetting to assign it a value, but later trying to use it in a computation anyway. If the variable isn’t initialized, you basically get whatever bits happened to be left in memory by the last program that used that address. So you wind up taking an essentially random group of bits, feeding them as input to a calculation, feeding that result into another calculation, and so on, until eventually some poor schmuck gets a telephone bill for $1,245,834 or some piece of expensive computer-controlled machinery tears itself to pieces.

By getting into a habit of always initializing variables while declaring them, I avoid most of the opportunities for ever making this particular mistake.

3. Examples of Straight-Line Computations

3.1 Farenheit to Centigrade

We can convert a temperature F, expressed in degrees on the Farenheit scale, to degrees Centigrade by the formula: which renders in code as

double f;
double c = (5.0 / 9.0) * (f - 32.0);

Note, by the way, the use of the constants “5.0” and “9.0” rather than just “5” and “9”. That’s actually important. 5.0/9.0 is a floating point calculation that yields a floating-point answer of approximately 0.5556. But 5/9 is an integer calculation that truncates any fractional part and actually returns an answer of 0.

So if we had written

double f;
double c = (5 / 9) * (f - 32);

then, no matter how hot it gets on the Farenheit scale, we would think it’s still freezing in Centigrade!

3.2 Quadradic Formula

You may remember, from way back when in a math class you have tried hard to forget, that when you have something described by the quadratic equation, then you can compute the (two) solutions by the quadratic formula:

\[ x = \frac{-b \pm \sqrt{b^2 - 4ac}}{2a} \]

We can do this in C++ like this

double a, b, c;
double x1 = (-b + sqrt(b*b - 4.0*a*c))/(2.0*a);
double x2 = (-b - sqrt(b*b - 4.0*a*c))/(2.0*a);

We can simplify this a bit by introducing a new variable to hold the shared part of the calculation:

double a, b, c;
double shared = sqrt(b*b - 4.0*a*c);
double x1 = (-b + shared/(2.0*a);
double x2 = (-b - shared)/(2.0*a);

This might even be a little faster, as we avoid computing the same shared value twice.