Lab: Black Box Testing

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1. Discussion

In this lab, we will look at black-box testing of a program that you should now be quite familiar with.

1. Discussion

  1. Review the program from the Functions assignment in light of what you have learned in this lesson about black-box testing.

  2. Prepare a test specification for that program. Include each of the 4 types of black-box test we have discussed. Prepare this as a simple text document.

  3. Post your spec in the Forum in the “Test Specifications” thread (see the bottom of this page).

  4. Compare your tests to the ones other have posted.

  5. Did you come up with any that no one else thought of? Give yourself a pat on the back.

  6. Did anyone else come up with tests that you hadn’t thought of? Think back to some of the issues you had with that assignment. Could any of these tests have helped you, either by revelaing problems with your code or maybe just by warning you about potential pitfalls to avoid when writing your code?

  7. Because of the loose scheduling of assignments in this course, there might not be many posts yet when you post your spec. Come back to this thread periodically to see what new postings have been made.