Function Members

Steven Zeil

Last modified: Jun 25, 2014

1. Function Members
2. Calling Member Functions
3. Implementing Member Functions

Structs can have Function Members

1. Function Members

Function Members

Example: Times

struct Time {
  int hours;
  int minutes;
  int seconds;

void read (std::istream& in, Time& time);

void print (std::ostream& out, const Time& time);

bool noLaterThan(const Time& time1, const Time& time2);

We can move these functions inside the struct…

Example: Times

struct Time {
  int hours;
  int minutes;
  int seconds;

  void read (std::istream& in);

  void print (std::ostream& out);

  bool noLaterThan(const Time& time2);

Note that we remove a Time parameter from each function declaration.

2. Calling Member Functions

Calling Member Functions

The parameter that we removed is now written to the left of the call:

Question: Where have you seen this style of call before?


3. Implementing Member Functions

Implementing Member Functions

void Time::print (std::ostream& out)

Fully Qualified Names

A fully qualified name of a C++ entity combines the name of the specific entity with the fully qualified names of any structs/classes/namespaces that contains it.

Let’s Say That Again


struct Time {
   void print (std::ostream& out);

we might write both

void print (std::ostream& out)

void Time::print (std::ostream& out)

Implementing Member Functions

void Time::print (std::ostream& out)
    if (hours < 10)
        out << '0';
    out << hours << ':';
    if (minutes < 10)
        out << '0';
    out << minutes << ':';
    if (seconds < 10)
        out << '0';
    out << seconds;

Implicit Access to Members

void Time::print (std::ostream& out)
    if (hours < 10)
        out << '0';
    out << hours << ':';
    if (minutes < 10)
        out << '0';
    out << minutes << ':';
    if (seconds < 10)
        out << '0';
    out << seconds;

Multiple Struct Arguments

Example: Time with Function Members

#ifndef TIMES_H
#define TIMES_H

#include <iostream>

 * The time of the day, to the nearest second.

struct Time {
  int hours;
  int minutes;
  int seconds;

   * Read a time (in the format HH:MM:SS) after skipping any
   * prior whitespace.
  void read (std::istream& in);

   * Print a time in the format HH:MM:SS (two digits each)
  void print (std::ostream& out);
   *  Compare two times. Return true iff time1 is earlier than or equal to
   *  time2
   *  Pre: Both times are normalized: seconds and minutes are in the range 0..59,
   *         hours are non-negative
  bool noLaterThan(const Time& time2);


#endif // TIMES_H

#include "times.h"

using namespace std;

 * Times in this program are represented by three integers: H, M, & S, representing
 * the hours, minutes, and seconds, respecitvely.

 * Read a time from the indicated stream after skipping any 
 * leading whitespace
void Time::read (istream& in)
  char c;
  in >> hours >> c >> minutes >> c >> seconds;

 * Print a time in the format HH:MM:SS (two digits each)
void Time::print (std::ostream& out)
    if (hours < 10)
        out << '0';
    out << hours << ':';
    if (minutes < 10)
        out << '0';
    out << minutes << ':';
    if (seconds < 10)
        out << '0';
    out << seconds;

 *  Compare two times. Return true iff time1 is earlier than or equal to
 *  time2
 *  Pre: Both times are normalized: sconds and minutes are in the range 0..59,
 *         hours are non-negative
bool Time::noLaterThan(const Time& time2)
    // First check the hours
    if (hours > time2.hours)
        return false;
    if (hours < time2.hours)
        return true;
    // If hours are the same, compare the minutes
    if (minutes > time2.minutes)
        return false;
    if (minutes < time2.minutes)
        return true;
    // If hours and minutes are the same, compare the seconds
    if (seconds > time2.seconds)
        return false;
    return true;

Example: Money with Function Members

 * money.h
 *  Created on: Aug 23, 2013
 *      Author: zeil

#ifndef MONEY_H_
#define MONEY_H_

#include <iostream>

 * An amount of U.S. currency
struct Money {
    int dollars;
    int cents; //< @invariant should be in the range 0..99, inclusive

   * Read a money value from the input.  Acceptable formats are
   * or ddd
   * where ddd is any positive/negative integer of
   * one or more digits denoting dollars, and cc, if
   * supplied, is a two-digit integer.
   * @param in   stream from which to read
   * @param money the value read in. Result is unpredictable if an 
   *              I/O error occurs
  void read (std::istream& in);
   * Print a monetary amount.The output format will always
   * include a decimal point and a two-digit cents amount.
   * @param out the stream to which to print
   * @param money the value to be printed
  void print (std::ostream& out);
   * Compare two Money amounts to see if they are equal
   * @param left  1st value to be compared
   * @param right 2nd value to be compared
   * @return true iff the two amounts are equal
  bool equal (const Money& right);
   * Compare two Money amounts to see if the 1st is smaller
   * than the second
   * @param left  1st value to be compared
   * @param right 2nd value to be compared
   * @return true iff left is a smaller amount than right
  bool lessThan (const Money& right);
   * Adds two Money amounts together
   * @param left  1st value to be added
   * @param right 2nd value to be added
   * @return sum of the two amounts
  Money add (const Money& right);
   * Subtract one Money amount from another
   * @param left  the minuend
   * @param right the subtrahend
   * @return difference of the two amounts
  Money subtract (const Money& right);


#endif /* MONEY_H_ */

 * money.h
 *  Created on: Aug 23, 2013
 *      Author: zeil

#include "money.h"
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

 * Read a money value from the input.  Acceptable formats are
 * or ddd
 * where ddd is any positive/negative integer of
 * one or more digits denoting dollars, and cc, if
 * supplied, is a two-digit integer.
 * @param in   stream from which to read
 * @param money the value read in. Result is unpredictable if an I/O error occurs
void Money::read (std::istream& in)
  if (!in) return;
  in >> dollars;
  if (!in) return;
  if (in.peek() == '.') // if next input is a '.'
      char decimal;
      in >> decimal;
      in >> cents;
    } else
    cents = 0;

 * Print a monetary amount.The output format will always
 * include a decimal point and a two-digit cents amount.
 * @param out the stream to which to print
 * @param money the value to be printed
void Money::print (std::ostream& out)
  out << dollars;
  out << '.';
  if (cents < 10)
    out << '0';
  out << cents;

 * Compare two Money amounts to see if they are equal
 * @param left  1st value to be compared
 * @param right 2nd value to be compared
 * @return true iff the two amounts are equal
bool Money::equal (const Money& right)
  return (dollars == right.dollars)
    && (cents == right.cents);

 * Compare two Money amounts to see if the 1st is smaller
 * than the second
 * @param left  1st value to be compared
 * @param right 2nd value to be compared
 * @return true iff left is a smaller amount than right
bool Money::lessThan (const Money& right)
  if (dollars < right.dollars)
    return true;
  else if (dollars == right.dollars)
    return cents < right.cents;
  return false;

 * Adds two Money amounts together
 * @param left  1st value to be added
 * @param right 2nd value to be added
 * @return sum of the two amounts
Money Money::add (const Money& right)
  Money result;
  result.dollars = dollars + right.dollars;
  result.cents = cents + right.cents;
  while (result.cents > 99)
      result.cents -= 100;
  while (result.cents < 0)
      result.cents += 100;
  return result;

 * Subtract one Money amount from another
 * @param left  the minuend
 * @param right the subtrahend
 * @return difference of the two amounts
Money Money::subtract (const Money& right)
  Money result;
  result.dollars = dollars - right.dollars;
  result.cents = cents - right.cents;
  while (result.cents > 99)
      result.cents -= 100;
  while (result.cents < 0)
      result.cents += 100;
  return result;