Unit Testing

Steven Zeil

Last modified: Jul 16, 2014

1. Types of Testing
2. Unit Testing
2.1 Scaffolding
3. Integration Testing

1. Types of Testing

Testing Stages

V&V is often portrayed as a single phase of waterfall

Actually it’s a full-life-cycle activity

Testing through the lifecycle

Testing is only one form of V&V, but even it is broken into stages

Goals of Testing

Different stages of testing have different overall goals:

A Testing-Aware Waterfall

We can modify the waterfall model to incorporate this broader view of testing:

2. Unit Testing

Unit testing: Testing Individual Modules

By testing modules in isolation from the rest of the system

Main challenge is how to test a module in isolation.

2.1 Scaffolding

To do Unit tests, we have to provide replacements for parts of the program that we will omit from the test.


A driver is test scaffolding that calls the module being tested.

Example: A Test Driver for Time

#ifndef TIMES_H
#define TIMES_H

#include <iostream>

 * Times in this program are represented by three integers: H, M, & S, representing
 * the hours, minutes, and seconds, respecitvely.

struct Time {
  // Create time objects
  Time(); // midnight
  Time (int h, int m, int s);

  // Access to attributes
  int getHours() const;
  int getMinutes() const;
  int getSeconds() const;

  // Calculations with time
  void add (Time delta);
  Time difference (Time fromTime);
   * Read a time (in the format HH:MM:SS) after skipping any
   * prior whitepace.
  void read (std::istream& in);

   * Print a time in the format HH:MM:SS (two digits each)
  void print (std::ostream& out) const;

   *  Compare two times. Return true iff time1 is earlier than or equal to
   *  time2
  bool noLaterThan(const Time& time2);

   *  Compare two times. Return true iff time1 is equal to
   *  time2
  bool equalTo(const Time& time2);

  // From here on is hidden
  int secondsSinceMidnight;

#endif // TIMES_H

 * Test driver for Time ADT

#include "time.h"

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

   Reads multiple lines of input, each with two times.
   Prints these on one line, then applies each of the 
   time operations on the pair, printing the results, one 
   line per operation.

int main (int argc, char** argv)
  // Test default constructor
  Time t1; // test default constructor
  cout << "Default: ";
  t1.print (cout);
  cout << endl;
  while (cin.good()) 
      t1.read (cin);
      if (!cin)
      cout << " ";
      int h, m, s;
      char c;
      cin >> h >> c >> m >> c >> s;
      if (!cin)

      Time t2 (h, m, s); // test other constructor
      t2.print (cout);
      cout << endl;
      cout << "Gets: " << t1.getHours() << " " 
       << t1.getMinutes() << " "
       << t1.getSeconds() << " "
       << t2.getHours() << " "
       << t2.getMinutes() << " "
       << t2.getSeconds() << endl;
    cout << "add: ";
    Time t3 = t1;
    t3.print (cout);
    cout << endl;
    cout << "difference: ";
    t1.difference(t2).print (cout);
    cout << endl;
    cout << "noLaterThan: " << t1.noLaterThan(t2)
         << " equalTo " << t1.equalTo(t2) << endl;
  return 0;

Running the Test Driver

We can run this manually or we could record a set of test inputs in a file:

01:00:10 14:00:00
14:00:00 01:00:10 
00:00:00 23:59:59
00:00:01 23:59:59

and a set of expected outputs:

Default: 00:00:00
01:00:10 14:00:00
Gets: 1 0 10 14 0 0
add: 15:00:10
difference: 00:00:00
noLaterThan: 1 equalTo 0
14:00:00 01:00:10
Gets: 14 0 0 1 0 10
add: 15:00:10
difference: 00:00:00
noLaterThan: 0 equalTo 0
00:00:00 23:59:59
Gets: 0 0 0 23 59 59
add: 23:59:59
difference: 00:00:00
noLaterThan: 1 equalTo 0
00:00:01 23:59:59
Gets: 0 0 1 23 59 59
add: 24:00:00
difference: 00:00:00
noLaterThan: 1 equalTo 0

and then comparing our output to the expected:

./testTime < testTime0.dat > testTime0.out
diff testTime0.expected testTime0.out


A stub is test scaffolding written to replace types and functions used by the module under test.

Stub Example


#include "bids.h"
#include <iostream>

class BidCollection {

  int MaxSize;
  int size;
  Bid* elements; // array of bids 


   * Create a collection capable of holding the indicated number of bids
  BidCollection (int MaxBids = 1000);

  ~BidCollection ();


  // Access to attributes
  int getMaxSize() const {return MaxSize;}

  int getSize() const {return size;}

  // Access to individual elements

  const Bid& get(int index) const {return elements[index];}

  // Collection operations

  void addInTimeOrder (const Bid& value);
  //  Adds this bid into a position such that 
  //   all bids are ordered by the time the bid was placed
  //Pre: getSize() < getMaxSize()

  void remove (int index);
  // Remove the bid at the indicated position
  //Pre: 0 <= index < getSize()

   * Read all bids from the indicated file
  void readBids (std::string fileName);

  // Print the collection
  void print (std::ostream& out) const;


       but had not yet implemented `Bid`

A Bid Stub

We would need something a little elaborate

#ifndef BIDS_H
#define BIDS_H

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

#include "time.h"

//  Stub for Bids class

class Bid {

  std::string data;


  Bid (std::string bidder, double amt, 
       std::string item, Time placedAt) 
    : data (bidder + " " + item)

  Bid() : data("default") {}

  // Access to attribute
  std::string getBidder() const {return data;}
  double getAmount() const {return 1.0;}
  std::string getItem() const {return data;}
  Time  getTimePlacedAt() const {return data;}

  // Print a bid
  void print (std::ostream& out) const
  {out << data;}


3. Integration Testing

Integration testing is testing that combines several modules, but still falls short of exercising the entire program all at once. Integration testing usually combines a small number of modules that call upon one another.

Integration testing can be conducted