Clean Coding

Steven J Zeil

Last modified: Sep 28, 2020


Clean coding is a set of principles and practices aimed at producing code that is readable, trusted, and maintainable.

1 What is Clean Coding?

In the end, we write code.

There are certain best practices that “good” programmers follow, maybe without even thinking about them, or maybe because they have learned, to their sorrow, that doing otherwise will cost them, even if only in time and effort.

Good code is

1.1 Perspectives

(from Martin, ch 1)

Grady Booch

Clean code is simple and direct. Clean code reads like well-written prose. Clean code never obscures the designer’s intent but rather is full of crisp abstractions and straightforward lines of control.

Dave Thomas (OTI)

Clean code can be read, and enhanced by a developer other than its original author. It has unit and acceptance tests. It has meaningful names. It provides one way rather than many ways for doing one thing. It has minimal dependencies, which are explicitly defined, and provides a clear and minimal API. Code should be literate since depending on the language, not all necessary information can be expressed clearly in code alone.


Ron Jeffries

In priority order, simple code:

Ward Cunningham

You know you are working on clean code when each routine you read turns out to be pretty much what you expected. You can call it beautiful code when the code also makes it look like the language was made for the problem.

2 Principles

Closely related: SOLID design in OOP

SOLID is an acronym for a collection of design principles related to good object-oriented design.

The overall theme of SOLID is to control the ways in which different classes depend on each other. SOLID design tries to find class interfaces that are robust even in the face of change.

We won’t delve into SOLID in this course, because it requires a certain grasp of object-oriented programming that is covered in CS330, and not everyone in this course will have taken CS330.

But, if you are interested:

  1. Martin: Agile Principles, Patterns, and Practices in C# chapters 8–12

  2. SOLID Design (from CS330)

2.1 Code must Express its Intent

Martin relates a story about replaying an editing session via an editor that captures the entire history of edits.


Code should be expressive of its intent.

2.1.1 Refactor to Improve

Refactoring is the process of making changes to code that make it more expressive, but that should not alter its behavior in any way.

Common examples of refactoring include:

Many IDEs (including Eclipse) have build-in support for these and other refactoring activities.

2.2 Tests should always pass.

We’ll pass on the details for now, as we will be discussing automated unit testing and test driven development in great detail later.

2.3 Keep it small, keep it simple

3 Practices

3.1 Meaningful names

int nCstCnt; // number of customers
int numberOfCustomers;

There was a time when programmers could be forgiven for writing the code on the left.

None of that is true any more!

So please stop writing code like I had to back in the late 1970’s – S. Zeil

3.1.1 Good Names should…

3.2 Limit your Scope

The scope of a declared name is the range of code in which it can be legally referenced.

Place your declarations in as limited a scope as possible.1

This prevents accidental re-uses of the same variable name, including many uses that may interfere with one another.

3.2.1 Example (conditionals)

Don’t do this:

String firstName;
String lastName;
int pos = fullName.find(','); 
if (pos >= 0) {
    lastName = fullName.substr(0, pos);
    firstName = fullName.substr(pos+1);
    println ("Hello " + firstName + ' ' + lastName);
} else {
    println ("Hello " + fullName);

The scopes of firstName and lastName continue to run through the rest of this code block, till the end of the enclosing { }.

Do this instead:

int pos = fullName.find(','); 
if (pos >= 0) {
    String lastName = fullName.substr(0, pos);
    String firstName = fullName.substr(pos+1);
    println ("Hello " + firstName + ' ' + lastName);
} else {
    println ("Hello " + fullName);

Not only is there less chance of an accidental re-use of the names later, but there is also never a period of time in which the variables are uninitialized.

3.2.2 Example (for loops)

Don’t do this:

vector<Author>::iterator iter = authorList.begin();
while (iter != authorList.end())

The scope of iter continues to run through the rest of this code block, till the end of the enclosing { }.

Do this instead:

for (vector<Author>::iterator iter = authorList.begin();
     iter != authorList.end(); ++iter)

The scope of iter runs only to the end of the loop body.

Of course, since C++ 2014 you can do even better:

for (Author& author: authorList)

but the same rule applies whenever you are attempted to use a while loop with some kind of counter or external position marker.

3.3 Functions should do One Thing

This helps to keep them small, and understandable.

Bad: Suppose a Library class had this:




Look, in particular, at the top two functions.

3.4 Error Handling is “One Thing”

Many of those functions were complicated by the pattern of

  1. Try to do something
  2. Handle the errors can arise if the attempt fails

But those are two different “things”…


We have a lot more functions now, but each one is almost trival to read.

3.5 Avoid Duplication

In our library example, the decision on how to handle cataloging errors has encoded three times:

private void addBookToCatalogs(book) {

private void attemptToAddBookToAuthorCatalog(Book book) {
    try {
     } catch (CatalogingError ex) {
          log.error ("Error cataloging " + book.toString(), ex); 

private void attemptToAddBookToTitleCatalog(Book book) {
    try {
        addBookToTitleCatalog (book);
     } catch (CatalogingError ex) {
          log.error ("Error cataloging " + book.toString(), ex); 

private void attemptToAddBookToSubjectCatalog(Book book) {
    try {
        addBookToSubjectCatalog (book);
     } catch (CatalogingError ex) {
          log.error ("Error cataloging " + book.toString(), ex); 

Better is to collect that common decision either like this:

private void addBookToCatalogs(book) {

private void handleCatalogingError (Book book, CatalogingError ex)
    log.error ("Error cataloging " + book.toString(), ex);

private void attemptToAddBookToAuthorCatalog(Book book) {
    try {
     } catch (CatalogingError ex) {
          handleCatalogingError (book, ex);

private void attemptToAddBookToTitleCatalog(Book book) {
    try {
        addBookToTitleCatalog (book);
     } catch (CatalogingError ex) {
          handleCatalogingError (book, ex);

private void attemptToAddBookToSubjectCatalog(Book book) {
    try {
        addBookToSubjectCatalog (book);
     } catch (CatalogingError ex) {
          handleCatalogingError (book, ex);

or like this:

private void attemptToAddBookToCatalogs(book) {
    try {
     } catch (CatalogingError ex) {
        log.error ("Error cataloging " + book.toString(), ex);

private void addBookToCatalogs(book) {

3.6 Distinguish between data structures and “true” objects

Some classes/structs exist purely to specify a data structure, e.g.,

struct AuthorLinkedListNode {
    Author data;
    AuthorLinkedListNode* next;

    AuthorLinkedListNode (const Author& author,
                          AuthorLinkedListNode* nextNode = nullptr)
        : data(author), next(nextNode)


This data type is not intended to be seen outside of Book:

class Book {
    AuthorLinkedListNode* first;
    AuthorLinkedListNode* last;

so there’s really little reason to encapsulate its data members.

In some cases we might even enforce that idea

class Book {
    struct AuthorLinkedListNode {
       Author data;
       AuthorLinkedListNode* next;

       AuthorLinkedListNode (const Author& author,
                     AuthorLinkedListNode* nextNode = nullptr)
         : data(author), next(nextNode)

    AuthorLinkedListNode* first;
    AuthorLinkedListNode* last;

although this is not always possible.

3.7 The Law of Demeter

“Talk to friends, not strangers.”

The law of Demeter: a method f of a class C should only call the methods of:

  • C
  • an object created by f
  • an object passed as an argument to f
  • an object held in a (data structure of a) data member of C

This law is intended to discourage code like this:

class Library {
    void checkOutBookToPatron (Book book, Patron patron)
       if (patron.getBranch().getLendingRecord(patron).getNumCheckedOut()
           < patron.getBranch().getLendingRecord(patron).getCheckOutLimit()) {
           Date dueDate =;
              .addCheckout(book, dueDate); 
           book.checkOutTo(patron, dueDate);
       } else {
           throw new CheckoutLimitReached(patron);

Some people find the chained calls hard to read.

Perhaps more to the point, this style hides a coupling of this function to the interface of classes LibraryBranch and LendingRecord.

Making the coupling explicit might be an improvement:

class Library {
    void checkOutBookToPatron (Book book, Patron patron)
       LibraryBranch patronsHomeBranch = patron.getBranch();
       LendingRecord patronLendingRecord = branch.getLendingRecord(patron);
       if (patronLendingRecord.getNumCheckedOut()
           < patronLendingRecord.getCheckOutLimit()) {
           Date dueDate =;
           patronLendingRecord.addCheckout(book, dueDate); 
           book.checkOutTo(patron, duedate);
       } else {
           throw new CheckoutLimitReached(patron);

but it doesn’t make the coupling go away.

If anything, it makes it clearer that we are not sticking to a uniform level of abstraction here. So, better still:

class Library {
    void checkOutBookToPatron (Book book, Patron patron)
       if (patron.canCheckOutMoreBooks()) {
           Date dueDate =;
           patron.addBookToCheckedOutList(book, dueDate);
           book.checkOutTo(patron, duedate);
       } else {
           throw new CheckoutLimitReached(patron);

class Patron {
    public void addBookToCheckedOutList (Book book, Date dueDate) {
       LibraryBranch patronsHomeBranch = branch;
       LendingRecord patronLendingRecord = branch.getLendingRecord(patron);
       patronLendingRecord.addCheckout(book, dueDate);

    public boolean canCheckOutMoreBooks() {
       LibraryBranch patronsHomeBranch = branch;;
       LendingRecord patronLendingRecord = branch.getLendingRecord(patron);
       return patronLendingRecord.getNumCheckedOut()
           < patronLendingRecord.getCheckOutLimit()       

which still has multiple violations, so we need to keep going:

class Patron {
    public void addBookToCheckedOutList (Book book, Date dueDate) {
       LibraryBranch patronsHomeBranch = branch;
       branch.addBookToCheckedOutList(patron, book, dueDate);

    public boolean canCheckOutMoreBooks() {
       LibraryBranch patronsHomeBranch = branch;;
       return branch.getNumCheckedOut(patron)
           < branch.getCheckOutLimit(patron);      

class LibraryBranch {
    public void addBookToCheckedOutList (Patron patron, 
                                         Book book, Date dueDate) {
       LendingRecord patronLendingRecord = lendingRecords.get(patron);
       patronLendingRecord.addCheckout(book, dueDate);

    public boolean canCheckOutMoreBooks() {
       LendingRecord patronLendingRecord = lendingRecords.get(patron);
       return patronLendingRecord.getNumCheckedOut()
           < patronLendingRecord.getCheckOutLimit();       

3.8 Error Handling

3.9 Classes should be small!


Martin: We should also be able to write a brief description of the class in about 25 words, without using the words “if,” “and,” “or,” or “but.”

1: This practice is not commonly included in writing about Clean Coding, but I think that’s because it is generally taken for granted that “every” programmer does this. But I see lots of violations of this practice in student coding every semester. – SJZ