Centralized Version Control (CVS, Subversion)

Steven J Zeil

Last modified: Nov 20, 2013

1. CVS
1.1 History
1.2 Exploration
1.3 Collaboration
2. Subversion
2.1 History
2.2 Exploration
2.3 Collaboration
2.4 Eclipse Integration

Centralized Version Control

rcs kept its repository of history information in the “live” working directories.

Centralized version control systems keep a project repository in a location separate from the programmer’s work area.

1. CVS

1.1 History

cvs checkout projectRootDir 

makes a copy of projectRootDir in the working directory, checking out the most recent version of everything in the project.


cd projectRootDir 
cvs commit -m "Added unit tests" 

checks in any changes from the working directory on down.

find . -type f -exec rcsDoSomething {} \;

Where’s the Repository?

The earlier commands presume that we have, somehow, already established a connection with the repository.

Local CVS Repositories

If the repository is on a local file file system,

cvs -d /usr/local/cvsroot checkout myProject/projectRootDir

or record this info in an environment variable:

setenv CVSROOT /usr/local/cvsroot
cvs checkout myProject/projectRootDir

Remote Repositories

The same techniques (-d, CVSROOT) can be used to specify remote repositories.

Connection method: pserver

pserver Exmaple

sirius:~/temp/tmp> setenv CVSROOT :pserver:zeil@cvs.cs.odu.edu:/home/cvs/dlib
sirius:~/temp/tmp> cvs login
Logging in to :pserver:zeil@cvs.cs.odu.edu:2401/home/cvs/dlib
CVS password: *****
sirius:~/temp/tmp> cvs checkout AlgAE
cvs checkout: Updating AlgAE
U AlgAE/.project
U AlgAE/AlgAE_layout.odg
U AlgAE/build.xml
U AlgAE/buttons.gif
U AlgAE/buttons.odg
U AlgAE/jhbasic.jar
U AlgAE/junit-4.10.jar
cvs checkout: Updating AlgAE/AlgAE_screenshot.png
sirius:~/temp/tmp> ls -ld AlgAE
drwxrwxr-x 11 zeil faculty 1024 Feb 21 13:39 AlgAE/

ssh Connections

If you have ssh access to the machine running the CVS server, you can do

sirius:~/temp/tmp> setenv CVSROOT :extssh:zeil@cvs.cs.odu.edu:/home/cvs/dlib
sirius:~/temp/tmp> cvs checkout AlgAE
The authenticity of host 'cvs.cs.odu.edu (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint 

The History Commands

Eclipse Integration

Eclipse includes CVS support in its normal distributions.

Checking Out an Existing Project

Pulling an existing project from CVS into Eclipse is pretty straightforward:

Eclipse Integration: Creating a Project

To add a new project to an existing repository:

Working with History in Eclipse

Right-click on a file or directory and look in the “team” menu

You might want to put .cvsignore under version control.

Examining History in Eclipse

Right-click on a file or directory and look for

1.2 Exploration


Creating Branches

Leave “Start working in the branch” checked. Click OK.

Merging a Branch Back Into the Main Trunk

  1. Make sure that your copy of the branch is up-to-date, all changes checked in.

Right-click on a project with an up-to-date copy of the branch, and select “Team Tag as Version … ”

1: To begin the actual merge, start with an up-to-date copy of the main trunk (HEAD).

2: Right-click on the HEAD project and select “Team Merge … ”.

3: CVS will compare the checked-in copy of the branch against the files in your local HEAD project.

4: Having resolved all changes, you now have a local copy of the project, associated with the HEAD branch in CVS, with a merged copy of code from the former HEAD and from the other branch.

1.3 Collaboration

Resolving Conflicts

During synchronization, changes are categorized as

These presumably need to be updated.

These presumably need to be committed.

These presumably need to be merged

The Conflict Editor

Eclipse has a built-in conflict editor to help merge conflicting versions.

2. Subversion


Subversion (a.k.a. svn) is a later version control system based on the same centralized model as CVS.

Such tools could easily be targeted at CVS as well: CVS, svn

2.1 History

Differences between CVS and Subversion w.r.t. history:

2.2 Exploration

Subversion Doesn’t Understand Branches …

Subversion does not implement a distinct mechanism for branching.

… but it Does Branches Anyway

A typical subversion repository looks like this.

Is This an Improvement?

I can’t decide if Subversion’s approach to branches is inspired or lazy.

The two are not, of course, mutually exclusive.

Subversion Doesn’t Understand Tags …

… but it does tags anyway, the same way it does branches.

2.3 Collaboration

No real differences between CVS and SVN

2.4 Eclipse Integration

has to be installed as a plug-in

Relies on some non-Eclipse libraries that must be installed separately.