Automating the Testing Oracle

Steven J Zeil

Last modified: Mar 11, 2014

1. Automating the Oracle
1.1 How can oracles be automated?
1.2 Examining Output
1.3 Limitations of Capture-and-Examine Tests
2. Self-Checking Unit & Integration Tests
3. JUnit Testing
3.1 JUnit Basics
4. C++ Unit Testing
4.1 Google Test
4.2 Boost Test Framework

The Testing Process

Earlier we introduced this model of the basic testing process.

1. Automating the Oracle

Why Automate the Oracle?

If a bug is reported or a new feature requested, the first step is to add new tests that fail because of the bug or missing feature. Then we will know we have successfully fixed the problem when we are able to pass that test.

The best way to be sure programmers rerun the tests on a regular basis is to make the test run part of the regular build process (e.g., build the test runs into the project make file) and to make them self-checking.

1.1 How can oracles be automated?

Output Capture

If we are doing systems/regression tests, the first step towards automation is to capture the output:

If a program produces output files, one can self-check by creating a file representing the expected correct output, then running the program to get the actual output file and using a simple comparison utility like the Unix diff or cmp commands to see if the actual output is identical to the expected output.

For system-level regression tests, this is even simpler. Once we have a program that passes our system tests, we run it on those tests and save the outputs. Those become the expected output files for later regression testing. (Remember, the point of regression testing is to determine if any behavior has changed due to recent updates to the code.)

If the program updates a database, it may be possible to capture entire databases in a similar fashion. Alternatively, we write database queries to check for changes in the records most likely to have been affected by a test.

On the other hand, if the program’s main function is to present information on a screen, self-checking is very difficult. Screen captures are often not much use, because we are unlikely to want to deal with changes where, say one window is a pixel wider or a pixel to the left of where it had been in a prior test. Self-checking tests for programs like this either require extremely fine control over all possible interactive inputs and graphics device characteristics, or they require a careful “design for testability” to record, in a testing log file, information about what is being rendered on the screen.[1]

Output Capture and Drivers

At the unit and integration test level, we are testing functions and ADT member functions that most often produce data, not files, as their output. That data could be of any type.

How can we capture that output in a fashion that allows automated examination?

1.2 Examining Output

File Tools


Custom oracles


expect is a shell for testing interactive programs.

Key expect Commands

Launch an interactive program.
Send a string to a spawned program, simulating input from a user.
Monitor the output from a spawned program. Expect takes a list of patterns and actions:
pattern1 {action1}
pattern2 {action2}
pattern3 {action3}

and executes the first action whose pattern is matched.

Allow person running expect to interact with spawned program. Takes a similar list of patterns and actions.

Sample Expect Script

Log in to other machine and ignore “authenticity” warnings.

set timeout 60 
spawn ssh $argv
while {1} {
  expect {
    eof                          {break}
    "The authenticity of host"   {send "yes\r"}
    "password:"                  {send "$password\r"}
    "$argv"                      {break} # assume machine name is in prompt
close $spawn_id

Expect: Testing a program

    puts "in test0: $programdir/testsets\n"
catch {
   spawn $programdir/testsets
   expect \
    "RESULT: 0" {fail "testsets"} \
    "missing expected element" {fail "testsets"} \
    "contains unexpected element" {fail "testsets"} \
    "does not match" {fail "testsets"} \
    "but not destroyed" {fail "testsets"} \
    {RESULT: 1} \{pass "testsets"} \
    eof {fail "testsets"; puts "eofbsl nl"} \
    timeout {fail "testsets"; puts "timeout\n"} 
catch {

1.3 Limitations of Capture-and-Examine Tests

Structured Output

For unit/integration test, output is often a data structure.

Repository Output

For system and high-level unit/integration tests, output may be updates to a database or other repository.

Graphics Output

2. Self-Checking Unit & Integration Tests

In testing an ADT, we are not testing an individual function, but a collection of related functions. In some ways that makes thing easier, because we can use many of these functions to help test one another.

First Cut at a Self-Checking Test

Suppose you were testing a SetOfInteger ADT and had to test the add function in isolation, you would need to know how the data was stored in the set and would have to write code to search that storage for a value that you had just added in your test. E.g.,

void testAdd (SetOfInteger aSet)
   aSet.add (23);
   bool found = false;
   for (int i = 0; i < aSet.numMembers && !found; ++i)
      found = (aSet[i] == 23);

What’s Good and Bad About This?

void testAdd (SetOfInteger aSet)
   aSet.add (23);
   bool found = false;
   for (int i = 0; i < aSet.numMembers && !found; ++i)
      found = ([i] == 23);

Better Idea: Test the Public Functions Against Each Other

On the other hand, if you are testing the add and the contains function, you could use the second function to check the results of the first:

void testAdd (SetOfInteger aSet)
  aSet.add (23);
  assert (aSet.contains(23));

Not only is this code simpler than writing your own search function as part of the test driver, it continues to work even if the data structure used to implement the ADT should be changed. What’s more, it is, in a sense, a more thorough test, since it tests two functions at once. Finally, there’s the simple fact that the test with the explicit loop probably won’t even compile, since it refers directly to data members that are almost certainly private.

In a sense, we have made a transition from white-box towards black-box testing. The new test case deliberately ignores the underlying structure.

Idiom: Preserve and Compare

void testAdd (SetOfInteger startingSet)
  SetOfInteger aSet = startingSet;
  aSet.add (23);
  assert (aSet.contains(23));
  if (startingSet.contains(23))
     assert (aSet.size() == startingSet.size());
     assert (aSet.size() == startingSet.size() + 1);

Note that we

More Thorough Tests

void testAdd (SetOfInteger aSet)
  for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i)
     int x = rand() % 500;
     bool alreadyContained = aSet.contains(x);
     int oldSize = aSet.size();
     aSet.add (23);
     assert (aSet.contains(x));
     if (alreadyContained)
        assert (aSet.size() == oldSize);
        assert (aSet.size() == oldSize + 1);

assert() might not be quite what we want

Our use of assert() in these examples has mixed results

3. JUnit Testing


JUnit is a testing framework that has seen wide adoption in the Java community and spawned numerous imitations for other programming languages. \bai Introduces a structure for a * suite (separately executable program) of * test cases (functions), * each performing multiple self-checking tests (assertions) * using a richer set of assertion operators

3.1 JUnit Basics

Getting Started: Eclipse & JUnit

Let’s suppose we are building a mailing list application. the mailing list is a collection of contacts.
package mailinglist;
 * A contact is a name and address.
 * <p>
 * For the purpose of this example, I have simplified matters 
 * a bit by making both of these components simple strings. 
 * In practice, we would expect Address, at least, to be a
 * more structured type.
 * @author zeil
public class Contact 
  implements Cloneable, Comparable<Contact> {

 private String theName;
 private String theAddress;

  * Create a contact with empty name and address.
 public Contact ()
  theName = "";
  theAddress = "";

  * Create a contact
  * @param nm  name 
  * @param addr address
 public Contact (String nm, String addr)
  theName = nm;
  theAddress = addr;

  * Get the name of the contact
  * @return the name
 public String getName()
  return theName;
  * Change the name of the contact
  * @param nm new name
 public void setName (String nm) 
  theName= nm;

  * Get the address of the contact
  * @return the address
 public String getAddress()
  return theAddress;
  * Change the address of the contact 
  * @param addr new address
 public void setAddress (String addr) 
  theAddress = addr;

  * True if the names and addresses are equal 
 public boolean equals (Object right)
  Contact r = (Contact)right;
  return theName.equals(r.theName)
     && theAddress.equals(r.theAddress);

 public int hashCode ()
  return theName.hashCode() + 3 * theAddress.hashCode();

 public String toString()
  return theName + ": " + theAddress;
 public Object clone()
  return new Contact(theName, theAddress);

  * Compare this contact to another.
  * Return value > 0 if this contact precedes the other,
  * == 0 if the two are equal, and < 0 if this contact
  * follows the other.  
 public int compareTo (Contact c)
  int nmcomp = theName.compareTo(c.theName);
  if (nmcomp != 0)
   return nmcomp;
   return theAddress.compareTo(c.theAddress);
package mailinglist;

 * A collection of names and addresses
public class MailingList implements Cloneable {

     * Create an empty mailing list
    public MailingList() {
        first = null;
        last = null;
        theSize = 0;

     *  Add a new contact to the list
     *  @param contact new contact to add
    public void addContact(Contact contact) {
        if (first == null) {
            // add to empty list
            first = last = new ML_Node(contact, null);
            theSize = 1;
        } else if (contact.compareTo( > 0) {
            // add to end of non-empty list
   = new ML_Node(contact, null);
            last =;
        } else if (contact.compareTo( < 0) {
            // add to front of non-empty list
            first = new ML_Node(contact, first);
        } else {
            // search for place to insert
            ML_Node previous = first;
            ML_Node current =;
            assert (current != null);
            while (contact.compareTo( < 0) {
                previous = current;
                current =;
                assert (current != null);
   = new ML_Node(contact, current);

     *  Remove one matching contact 
     *  @param c remove a contact equal to c
    public void removeContact(Contact c) {
        ML_Node previous = null;
        ML_Node current = first;
        while (current != null && c.getName().compareTo( > 0) {
            previous = current;
            current =;
        if (current != null && c.getName().equals(
            remove(previous, current);

     * Remove a contact with the indicated name
     * @param name name of contact to remove
    public void removeContact(String name) {
        ML_Node previous = null;
        ML_Node current = first;
        while (current != null && name.compareTo( > 0) {
            previous = current;
            current =;
        if (current != null && name ==
            remove(previous, current);


     * Search for contacts
     * @param name name to search for
     * @return true if a contact with an equal name exists
    public boolean contains(String name) {
        ML_Node current = first;
        while (current != null && name.compareTo( > 0) {
            current =;
        return (current != null && name ==;

     * Search for contacts
     * @param name name to search for
     * @return contact with that name if found, null if not found
    public Contact getContact(String name) {
        ML_Node current = first;
        while (current != null && name.compareTo( > 0) {
            current =;
        if (current != null && name ==
            return null;

     * combine two mailing lists
    public void merge(MailingList anotherList) {
        // For a quick merge, we will loop around, checking the 
        // first item in each list, and always copying the smaller
        // of the two items into result
        MailingList result = new MailingList();
        ML_Node thisList = first;
        ML_Node otherList = anotherList.first;
        while (thisList != null && otherList != null) {
            int comp =;
            if (comp <= 0) {
                thisList =;
                /* if (comp == 0)
                    otherList =;
                                 [Deliberate bug ]  */
            } else {
                otherList =;
        // Now, one of the two lists has been entirely copied. 
        // The other might still have stuff to copy. So we just copy
        // any remaining items from the two lists. Note that one of these
        // two loops will execute zero times.
        while (thisList != null) {
            thisList =;
        while (otherList != null) {
            otherList =;
        // Now result contains the merged list. Transfer that into this list.
        first = result.first;
        last = result.last;
        theSize = result.theSize;

     * How many contacts in list?
    public int size() {
        return theSize;

     * Return true if mailing lists contain equal contacts
    public boolean equals(Object anotherList) {
        MailingList right = (MailingList) anotherList;
        if (theSize != right.theSize) // (easy test first!)
            return false;
        else {
            ML_Node thisList = first;
            ML_Node otherList = right.first;
            while (thisList != null) {
                if (!
                    return false;
                thisList =;
                otherList =;
            return true;

    public int hashCode() {
        int hash = 0;
        ML_Node current = first;
        while (current != null) {
            hash = 3 * hash +;
            current =;
        return hash;

    public String toString() {
        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer("{");
        ML_Node current = first;
        while (current != null) {
            current =;
            if (current != null)
        return buf.toString();

     * Deep copy of contacts
    public Object clone() {
        MailingList result = new MailingList();
        ML_Node current = first;
        while (current != null) {
            current =;
        return result;

    private class ML_Node {
        public Contact contact;

        public ML_Node next;

        public ML_Node(Contact c, ML_Node nxt) {
            contact = c;
            next = nxt;

    private int theSize;

    private ML_Node first;

    private ML_Node last;

    // helper functions
    private void remove(ML_Node previous, ML_Node current) {
        if (previous == null) {
            // remove front of list
            first =;
            if (last == current)
                last = null;
        } else if (current == last) {
            // remove end of list
            last = previous;
   = null;
        } else {
            // remove interior node


A First Test Suite

Right-click on the project and select New ... JUnit Test Case.

A First Test Suite (cont.)

You’ll get something like this:

package mailinglist;

import static org.junit.Assert.*;

import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;

public class TestMailingList {

    public void testMailingList() {
        fail("Not yet implemented");

    public void testAddContact() {
        fail("Not yet implemented");


Save this, and run it (right-click on the new file in the Package Explorer, and select Run As ... JUnit Test)

A First Test

Let’s implement a test for the mailing list constructor.

 * Create an empty mailing list
public MailingList() {

Glancing through the MailingList interface, what would we expect of an empty mailing list?

Testing the Constructor

Change the testMailingList function to

public void testMailingList() {
    MailingList ml = new MailingList();  ➊
    assertFalse (ml.contains("Jones"));  ➋
    assertNull (ml.getContact("Smith"));
    assertEquals (0, ml.size());         ➌

Running the Constructor Test

Testing addContact

Now let’s add a test for addContact:

After adding a contact

Testing addContact - first pass

Try this test (run it!)

public void testAddContact() {
    MailingList ml = new MailingList();
    Contact jones = new Contact("Jones", 
                                "21 Penn. Ave.");
    ml.addContact (jones);
    assertTrue (ml.contains("Jones"));
    assertFalse (ml.contains("Smith"));
    assertEquals ("Jones", ml.getContact("Jones").getName());
    assertNull (ml.getContact("Smith"));
    assertEquals (1, ml.size());

It works. But it feels awfully limited.

A Diversion - Test Setup

Before we try making that test more rigorous, let’s look at how we can organize the set up of auxiliary data like our contacts:

Contact jones;

public void setUp() throws Exception {
    jones = new Contact("Jones", "21 Penn. Ave.");
 public void testAddContact() {
     MailingList ml = new MailingList();
     ml.addContact (jones);


Testing addContact - setup

Contact jones;
Contact baker;
Contact holmes;
Contact wolfe;
MailingList mlist;

public void setUp() throws Exception {
    jones = new Contact("Jones", "21 Penn. Ave.");
    baker = new Contact("Baker", "Drury Ln.");
    holmes = new Contact("Holmes", 
                         "221B Baker St.");
    wolfe = new Contact("Wolfe", 
                        "454 W. 35th St.");
    mlist = MailingList();
    mlist.addContact (holmed);
    mlist.addContact (baker);

Create a series of contacts

Testing addContact - improved

public void testAddContact() {
    assertTrue (mlist.contains("Jones"));
    assertEquals ("Jones", 
    assertEquals (4, ml.size());

Still seems a bit limited - we’ll address that later.

4. C++ Unit Testing

4.1 Google Test

Google Test

Google Test, a.k.a. gtest, provides a similar *Unit environment for C++


This time, the C++ version of the mailing list.

  1. Source code is here.
  2. With Eclipse create a C++ project in that directory.
  3. Compile
  4. Run the resulting executable as a local C++ application
  5. Run as a *unit test:

Examining the ADT


#include <iostream>
#include <string>

#include "contact.h"

   A collection of names and addresses
class MailingList
  MailingList(const MailingList&);

  const MailingList& operator= (const MailingList&);

  // Add a new contact to the list
  void addContact (const Contact& contact);

  // Does the list contain this person?
  bool contains (const Name&) const;

  // Find the contact
  const Contact& getContact (const Name& nm) const;
  //pre: contains(nm)

  // Remove one matching contact
  void removeContact (const Contact&);
  void removeContact (const Name&);

  // combine two mailing lists
  void merge (const MailingList& otherList);

  // How many contacts in list?
  int size() const;

  bool operator== (const MailingList& right) const;
  bool operator< (const MailingList& right) const;


  struct ML_Node {
    Contact contact;
    ML_Node* next;

    ML_Node (const Contact& c, ML_Node* nxt)
      : contact(c), next(nxt)

  ML_Node* first;
  ML_Node* last;
  int theSize;

  // helper functions
  void clear();
  void remove (ML_Node* previous, ML_Node* current);

  friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& out, const MailingList& addr);

// print list, sorted by Contact
std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& out, const MailingList& list);


Should look familiar after the Java version

Examining the Tests

#include "mailinglist.h"

#include <string>
#include <vector>

#include "gtest/gtest.h"

namespace {

using namespace std;

// The fixture for testing class MailingList.
class MailingListTests : public ::testing::Test {  ➊
  Contact jones;                                 ➍
  MailingList mlist;

  virtual void SetUp() {
    jones = Contact("Jones", "21 Penn. Ave.");     ➎
    mlist = MailingList();
    mlist.addContact (Contact ("Baker", "Drury Ln."));
    mlist.addContact (Contact ("Holmes", "221B Baker St."));
    mlist.addContact (Contact ("Wolfe", "454 W. 35th St."));

  virtual void TearDown() {


TEST_F (MailingListTests, constructor) {
  MailingList ml;
  EXPECT_EQ (0, ml.size());                ➋
  EXPECT_FALSE (ml.contains("Jones"));

TEST_F (MailingListTests, addContact) {
  mlist.addContact (jones);                      ➏
  EXPECT_TRUE (mlist.contains("Jones"));         ➌
  EXPECT_EQ ("Jones", mlist.getContact("Jones").getName());
  EXPECT_EQ (4, ml.size());

}  // namespace

Roughly similar to the JUnit tests

4.2 Boost Test Framework

Boost UTF

Boost is a well-respected collection of libraries for C++.

Boost Test


Again, the C++ version of the mailing list.

  1. Source code is here.
  2. With Eclipse create a C++ project in that directory.
  3. Compile
  4. Run the resulting executable as a local C++ application
  5. Run as a *unit test:

Examining the Tests

#define BOOST_TEST_MODULE MailingList test

#include "mailinglist.h"

#include <string>
#include <vector>

#include <boost/test/included/unit_test.hpp>

using namespace std;

// The fixture for testing mailing lists.
class MailingListTests  {                        ➊
  Contact jones;                                 ➋
  MailingList mlist;

  MailingListTests() {                           ➍
    jones = Contact("Jones", "21 Penn. Ave.");
    mlist.addContact (Contact ("Baker", "Drury Ln."));
    mlist.addContact (Contact ("Holmes", "221B Baker St."));
    mlist.addContact (Contact ("Wolfe", "454 W. 35th St."));

  ~MailingListTests() {


BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE ( constructor ) {         ➎
  MailingList ml;
  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL (0, mlist.size());            ➏
  BOOST_CHECK (!mlist.contains("Jones"));

BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE (addContact, MailingListTests) { ➐
  mlist.addContact (jones);                         ➌
  BOOST_CHECK (mlist.contains("Jones"));           
  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL ("Jones", mlist.getContact("Jones").getName());
  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL (4, mlist.size());

  1. We’ll revisit this idea later in the semester when we discuss the MVC pattern for designing user interfaces.  ↩