Task Dependencies: Gradle

Steven J Zeil

Last modified: Mar 6, 2017
1 Gradle Overview
1.1 What to keep and leave from Ant
1.2 What to keep and leave from Maven
1.3 What does Gradle offer?
1.4 The Gradle Wrapper
2 Running Gradle
3 Build Files
3.1 Gradle Tasks
3.2 Anatomy of a Task
3.3 Task Dependencies
3.4 Tasks
3.5 Doing Maven-Like Things with Gradle
4 Case Studies
4.1 Simple Java Build
4.2 Java Build with Code Generation
4.3 C++ Multi-project Build

Gradle is a build manager based upon an Ant-like task dependency graph expressed in a more human-friendly notation, with a Maven-like ability to express standard project layouts and build conventions.

1 Gradle Overview

1.1 What to keep and leave from Ant



1.2 What to keep and leave from Maven



1.3 What does Gradle offer?

Hans Dockter describes Gradle, compares it to Ant and Maven, and shows lots of examples (in Eclipse).

1.4 The Gradle Wrapper

Suppose that you are building your project with Gradle.

If you set up your project with the Gradle Wrapper, you get a simple script named gradlew.

This works nicely for projects that distribute their source code via any of the version control systems that we will be discussing later.

2 Running Gradle


gradle Options

Some useful options:

-m, –dry-run
List steps that would be run without actually doing anything.
-t, –tasks
List tasks that can be used as targets.

-b filename, –build-file filename : Use filename instead of the default build.xml. Also -file or -buildfile

Sets a property (similar to make’s variables)
-q, –quiet
Suppress most output except for error messages.

gradle Tasks

Some built-in tasks that you can use as targets:

list all available tasks
By itself, explains how to get more help on using Gradle. With --task, ask for a description of a specific task.
Used to set up a new project using Gradle default properties.
Adds the Gradle wrapper to the project.

3 Build Files

The gradle build file is a Groovy script, with Java-like syntax. Many of the more common Java API packages are imported automatically.

task upper << {
   String myName = "Steven Zeil";
   println myName;
   println myName.toUpperCase();

If this is placed in build.gradle, then we can run it:

$ gradle upper
Steven Zeil


Total time: 1.747 secs

3.1 Gradle Tasks

The basic elements of a Gradle build file are tasks.

3.2 Anatomy of a Task

3.2.1 The phases of a Gradle run

Before looking at the components of a task, we need to understand a bit about how Gradle works.


A Gradle run occurs in four specific phases.

  1. Initialization takes care of things that affect how Gradle itself will run. The most visible activity during this phase is loading Gradle plugins that add new behaviors.

  2. Configuration involves collecting the build’s tasks, setting the properties of those tasks, and then deciding which tasks need to be executed and the order in which that will be done.

  3. Execution is when the tasks that need to be executed get run.

  4. Finalization covers any needed cleanup before the Gradle run ends.

Software developers will be mainly concerned with the middle two phases. For example, if we need to compile some Java source code for a project, then we would want to configure that task by indicating the source code directory (or directories) and the destination for the generated code. With that information, Gradle can look to see if the .class files already exist from a prior run and whether the source code has been modified since then. Gradle can then decide whether or not the compilation task actually needs to be run this time. This decision is remembered during the execution phase when the task will or will not be run, accordingly.

3.2.2 Declaring tasks

A Gradle task can be declared as easily as:

task myTask

Some tasks may need parameters:

task copyResources (type: copy)

3.2.3 Configuring tasks

You can add code to be run at configuration time by putting it in { } brackets just after the task name:

task copyResources (type: Copy)

copyResources {
    description = 'Copy resources into a directory from which they will be added to the Jar'

You can combine a configuration with the task declaration:

task copyResources (type: Copy) {
    description = 'Copy resources into a directory from which they will be added to the Jar'

3.2.4 Executable Behavior

3.2.5 Adding Executable Behavior

3.3 Task Dependencies


task setupFormat

task setupGraphics

task setupSourceCode

task generatePDFs (dependsOn: 'setup') << {  ➀
    println 'in task generatePDFs'

task setup (dependsOn: ['setupFormat', 
    'setupGraphics', 'setupSourceCode']) << {  ➁
   println 'in task setup'

task deploy (dependsOn: generatePDFs) << {
    println 'in task deploy'

Running this gives:

$ gradle deploy
:setupFormat UP-TO-DATE
:setupGraphics UP-TO-DATE
:setupSourceCode UP-TO-DATE
in task setup
in task generatePDFs
in task deploy

3.3.1 Appending to Tasks

The << is actually an “append” operator.

This allows us to easily extend tasks.

If we add the following to the previous script:

setup << {
    println 'still in task setup'

Without the keyword task in front, the setup << is just operating on an already declared task object.

Running this gives:

$ gradle deploy
:setupFormat UP-TO-DATE
:setupGraphics UP-TO-DATE
:setupSourceCode UP-TO-DATE
in task setup
still in task setup
in task generatePDFs
in task deploy

3.4 Tasks

At its heart, a build file is a collection of tasks and declarations.

3.4.1 Using Java within tasks

task playWithFiles << {
    def files = file('src/main/data').listFiles().sort()    ➀
    files.each { File file ->                               ➁
        if (file.isFile()) {                                ➂
            def size = file.length()                        ➃
            println "** $file.name has length " + size      ➄

3.4.2 Using Ant within Tasks

The ant tasks library is included within gradle. So any useful ant task can be called:

 task compile << {
    // Compile src/.../*.java into bin/
    ant.mkdir (dir: 'bin')
    ant.javac (srcdir: 'src/main/java', destdir: 'bin',
              debug: 'true', includeantruntime: 'false')
    ant.javac (srcdir: 'src/test/java', destdir: 'bin',
              debug: 'true', includeantruntime: 'false',
              classpath: testCompilePath)
    println 'compiled'

However, we probably would npot use any of these:

3.5 Doing Maven-Like Things with Gradle

Like Maven, Gradle can be used to quickly create new projects with a standard directory/file layout and a standard sequence of build tasks. E.g.,

    gradle init --type java-library  

sets up a project with src/main/java and src/test/java directories.

4 Case Studies

4.1 Simple Java Build

Using the Java plugin, a basic build with unit tests is easy:


// A simple Java project

This file needs to exist, but can be empty.


apply plugin: 'java'    ➀

repositories {          ➁

dependencies {
    testCompile "junit:junit:4.11" 

You can find this entire project, with the Gradle files, here.

4.2 Java Build with Code Generation

This project adds a stage before compilation to generate some of the source code that then needs to be compiled.

The settings.gradle file is unchanged.

Here is the build.gradle file:

apply plugin: 'java'

buildscript {               ➀
    repositories {
        maven {
            url "http://xbib.org/repository"
    dependencies {
        classpath 'org.xbib.gradle.plugin:gradle-plugin-jflex:1.1.0'

apply plugin: 'org.xbib.gradle.plugin.jflex' ➁

repositories {

You can find this entire project, with the Gradle files, here.

4.3 C++ Multi-project Build

A multi-project build in gradle is kept in a directory tree.

4.3.1 The master project

Any multi-project build in Gradle uses the settings.gradle file (usually in the common root containing the subproject directories) to identify the subprojects:

rootProject.name = 'manhattan'  

include "exe", "lib", "gtest"

In this case, we have three subprojects. One provides the executable, one the library of ADTs, with unit tests, constituting the bulk of the code design, and one a copy of the GoogleTest framework itself.

There is no need for build.gradle file at this level, although it would be legal to provide one if you have project-level steps to be carried out.

4.3.2 The lib subproject

Of the three subprojects, the lib subproject is probably most interesting because it does the most. it compiles code into a library, then compiles and runs unit tests on that library code. By contrast, the exe subproject only compiles code, and the gtest only compiles code into a library.

Here is the build.gradle file for the lib subproject:

apply plugin: "cpp"
apply plugin: 'google-test'

model {
  components {

  binaries {
    withType(GoogleTestTestSuiteBinarySpec) {
      lib project: ":gtest", library: "gtest"

      if (targetPlatform.operatingSystem.linux) {
	cppCompiler.args '-pthread'
	linker.args '-pthread'


In this case, we specify that we are building a component that is a native (object code) library and that we will also generate a “binary” consisting of a Google Test test suite.

  * We also give some operating-system dependent 
    instructions. If we are compiling on Linux, Google
    Test needs the `pthread` library linked into the 
    test driver executable.

4.3.3 The exe subproject

The exe subproject is simpler, because it only has one job to do – create an executable. Here is it

apply plugin: "cpp"

model {
    components {
	main(NativeExecutableSpec) {
	    sources {
		cpp {
		    lib project: ':lib', library: 'main'

4.3.4 The gtest subproject

The gtest subproject is atypical. That’s because I wanted to drop the code of Google Test directly into the subproject without modifying it, and it has a somewhat quirky arrangement:

Here is build.gradle file:

apply plugin: "cpp"

model {
    components {
	main(NativeExecutableSpec) {
	    sources {
		cpp {
		    lib project: ':lib', library: 'main'

This is a trfle messier thatn what we have seen before, but still significantly simpler, IMO, than the equivalent make or Ant files.

You can find this entire project, with the Gradle files, here.