Project Phase 4: Configuration Management and Continuous Integration


Last modified: Jan 31, 2017
1 Continue Building
2 Evaluation
3 Project Review Meetings

In this phase of the project, you will continue the software construction process. Your priorities during this phase will be adding configuration management to your automated build, enacting continuous integration, and incorporating analysis tools.

Your reference materials for this phase include

Your reference materials for this phase include

1 Continue Building

  1. Continue your build, following the TDD procedures of the prior phase. Ideally, this phase will focus on your second planned increment.

    • Update your Wiki to reflect your plans for this increment of the project.

  2. Add configuration management to your build. Your build should use Gradle to retrieve all required 3rd party libraries from a Maven/Ivy repository.

  3. Choose a location from which to serve web pages containing project status reports You will need a mechanism by which you can permit any team member to update these pages. The file drop areas you created using ssh keys would be ideal for this purpose.

    Create a “Reports” web page there with the names of and links to the reports that you are posting (see below).

    Add a link to your reports web page in the Reports section of your Wiki opening page.

  4. Modify your build so that an appropriate target (e.g., “reports”) guarantees that both updated Javadocs and JUnit test reports are generated.

  5. Either

  6. “Submit” your project for this phase by tagging the version as “phase4”.

  7. Each team member must individually take the peer evaluation survey.

2 Evaluation

Evaluations will be conducted as was done in Phase 3.

3 Project Review Meetings

This phase concludes with a project review meeting, conducted according to the same guidelines as in phase 3.

There will, however, be no individual assignments after the meeting unless the instructor is given serious reasons to doubt team members’ abilities during the meeting.