Balanced Search Trees

Steven J. Zeil

Last modified: Oct 26, 2023

We’ve seen that the performance of the main BST operations is bounded by the height of the tree, which can range from an ideal of O(log N) for balanced trees to an all-too-common O(N) for degenerate trees.

Various algorithms have been developed for building search trees that remain balanced. We’ll look at 2:

1 Thinking about tree heights

Clearly, our tree-based algorithms will run faster if our trees are as short as possible. But how short a tree can get depends upon how many nodes we have.

We can imagine trying to fill in a binary tree starting at the root, then filling in all of the depth 1 children, then all of the depth 2 children, and so on.

A binary tree is said to be full when, for some value k, every possible position at a depth $\leq$ k has a node and no nodes occur at depths > k. Alternatively, we can say that a binary tree is full when all nodes have either zero or two children and all the leaves are at the same depth.

Here is an example of a full binary tree.

Not all sets of data that we might want to put into a binary search tree could be arranged into a full tree. Only certain numbers of nodes can be formed into a full tree. (Question to you: what numbers are these?).



An intermediate stage that, like a full tree, packs nodes into the shortest possible tree is the complete tree. A binary tree of height k is complete when all positions at depths < k are filled and the nodes at depth k are arranged from left to right.

The full tree shown earlier is also a complete tree. The tree shown here is complete, but is not full.

In practice, most approaches to generating well-balanced binary search trees do not yield complete trees, either. But complete trees do arise in some later data structures, and they are useful as an ideal against which tree balancing algorithms may be compared.

2 AVL Trees

An AVL tree (Adelson-Velskii and Landis) is a binary search tree for which each node’s children differ in height by at most 1.

AVL insertion starts out identical to normal binary search tree insertion. But after the new node has been created and put in place, each of its ancestors must check to see if still balanced.

If any are unbalanced, the balance is restored by a process called rotation.

template <class T>
class avlNode 
  T value;
  avlNode<T> * parent;
  avlNode<T> * left;
  avlNode<T> * right;
  short balanceFactor;

Conceptually, an AVL tree node looks like an ordinary BST node except for the addition of a new integer data member to hold the height of the node.

As it turns out, however, it’s not really necessary to record the exact height. Because we will never allow our AVL tree to ever get out of balance by more than 1, we can simply get by with an integer value that records the difference in heights between the right and left subtrees.

In a balanced tree, this difference must be -1, 0, or 1. 0 means that both subtrees have the same height. -1 means that the left tree is higher (by 1), and 1 means that the right tree is higher.

Suppose that we started with an AVL tree, made an insertion, and then discovered that a node is no longer balanced:


The diagram here shows one possible arrangement (the mirror image is also possible). The large triangles represent entire subtrees, possibly empty, possibly containing an arbitrarily large number of nodes.

Question: Now, all these nodes must still satisfy the BST ordering properties. For example, what can we say about the nodes in the subtree “y”?


In fact, we can state that all the tree components, arranged into ascending order, would be:

x U y H z

Keep that in mind — it will be important later.

2.1 Example


For the sake of example, let’s say that U has height 18. Now, because we are assuming that U is unbalanced, we know that the height of its children must differ by 2, and we have already said that H is the higher child. So H must have height 17, and x must have height 15.

There are two possibilities for the heights of H’s children. They could both be height 16, or one could be 16 and the other 15. We’ll use the values shown in the diagram for example’s sake.

2.2 Single Rotations

Most texts seem to have a lot of trouble explaining the rotation process and wind up giving the code with little intuitive justification for how it works.

For me, the rotation process become easy to understand when I started to think of the tree nodes as beads connected by strings. When we start out, the whole assembly is “hanging” from its root, U.


But now, picture what would happen if we hoisted the entire assembly of beads by node H instead …

You can see that the entire assembly is shorter and somewhat more balanced. It is not, however, a binary tree any longer, as H now has 3 children.

In fact, if you look closely, you’ll see that U is still unbalanced, because it is left with only a single child.


We can solve both of these problems by shifting the “y” subtree over to become a child of U. The resulting tree is balanced, and is shorter than it had been. But is it still a BST?

We said that, before the rotation, the elements of the tree arranged into ascending order would be: x U y H z

Look at the rotated tree. U is a left child of H and so must have a lower value. x is the set of U’s left descendants, all of which must be less than U. y is the set of right descendants of U but are also left descendants of H, so everything in y needs to be greater than U and less than H. z is the set of right descendants of H and so must be greater. In other words, the BST ordering rules suggest that the elements of the rotated tree, in ascending order, would be: x U y H z.

So the implied ordering is the same as before, and this is still a BST after the rotation.

This transformation is called a single left rotation. If H had originally been a right child of U, we could perform the mirror-image transformation, a single right rotation.

Here you see the code to effect a single left rotation of a node.

template <class T>
avlNode<T>* avlNode<T>::singleRotateLeft ()
  // perform single rotation rooted at current node
  avlNode<T>* U = this;      ➀
  avlNode<T>* H = U->right;
  avlNode<T>* I = H->left;  ➁
  U->right = I;             ➂
  H->left = U;              ➃
  if (I != 0)               
    I->parent = U;
  H->parent = U->parent;    ➄
  U->parent = H;

  // now update the balance factors
  int Ubf = U->balanceFactor;
  int Hbf = H->balanceFactor;
  if (Hbf <= 0) {
    if (Ubf >= 1)  
      H->balanceFactor = Hbf - 1;
      H->balanceFactor = Ubf + Hbf - 2;

    U->balanceFactor = Ubf - 1;
  else {
    if (Ubf <= Hbf)  
      H->balanceFactor = Ubf - 2;
      H->balanceFactor = Hbf - 1;
    U->balanceFactor = (Ubf - Hbf) - 1;
  return H;

The basic steps are

In fact, these same steps work for right rotations as well, it’s just that for left rotations, H is a right child and for right rotations, H is a left child.

Once the nodes have been rearranged, we have to recompute the heights of the affected nodes. Because we are using balance factors (+1, 0, -1) instead of heights, this gets a trifle messier, but it still not too bad.

2.3 Double Rotations

A single rotation doesn’t always do the job. In setting up our rotation example, we assumed that subtree z was higher than y.


What would happen if y were the higher of the two?

In this case, the rotation does not produce a balanced tree.

A single rotation produces a balanced tree only if the interior subtree of H is no higher than the other subtree of H.

But, we can note that a left rotation shifts height from the right of the root to the left. Similarly, a right rotation shifts height from left to right.

So in this case, we are faced with a problem in that “y” is too high compared to “z”. The solution is to do a single right rotation of H to shift height to the right, making “z” higher, then do the single left rotation of U.

This combination is called a double left rotation. (There is, of course, a mirror image “double right rotation” as well.)

So the process of rebalancing a node consists mainly of determining whether we need a single or double rotation, then applying the appropriate rotation routines.

template <class T>
avlNode<T>* avlNode<T>::balance ()
{  // balance tree rooted at node
   //  using single or double rotations as appropriate
  if (balanceFactor < 0) {
    if (left->balanceFactor <= 0)
      // perform single rotation
      return singleRotateRight();
    else {
      // perform double rotation
      left = left->singleRotateLeft();
      return singleRotateRight();
  else {
    if (right->balanceFactor >= 0)
      return singleRotateLeft();
    else {
      // perform double rotation
      right = right->singleRotateRight();
      return singleRotateLeft();

2.4 Inserting into AVL Trees

We bring this all together in the AVL insert routine shown here.

template <class T> 
avlNode<T>* avlNode<T>::insert (const T& val)
  // insert a new element into balanced AVL tree
  if (val < value) { // insert into left subtree  ➀
     if (left != 0) {
        int oldbf = left->balanceFactor;          
      left = left->insert (val);
      // check to see if tree grew                ➁
      if ((left->balanceFactor != oldbf) &&
    else {
       left = new avlNode(val, this);
  else { // insert into right subtree
     if (right != 0) {
        int oldbf = right->balanceFactor;
      right = right->insert (val);
      // check to see if tree grew                ➁
      if ((right->balanceFactor != oldbf) &&
    else {
       right = new avlNode(val, this);

  // check if we are now out of balance, if so balance     
  if ((balanceFactor < -1) || (balanceFactor > 1))      ➂
    return balance();
    return this;

2.5 Complexity

An AVL tree is balanced, so its height is $O(\log N)$ where $N$ is the number of nodes.

The rotation routines are all themselves $O(1)$ (messy as they are, notice that they have no loops or recursion), so they don’t significantly impact the insert operation complexity, which is still $O(k)$ where $k$ is the height of the tree. But as noted before, this height is $O(\log N)$, so insertion into an AVL tree has a worst case $O(\log N)$.

Searching an AVL tree is completely unchanged from BST’s, and so also takes time proportional to the height of the tree, making $O(\log N)$.

Removing nodes from a binary tree also requires rotations, but remains $O(\log N)$ as well.

3 B Trees

B-trees are a form of balanced search tree based upon general trees (trees that are not restricted to two children).

A B-tree node can contain several data elements, rather than just one as in binary search trees.

They are especially useful for search structures stored on disk. Disks have different retrieval characteristics than internal memory (RAM).

B-trees are a good match for on-disk storage and searching because we can choose the node size to match the cylinder size. In doing so, we will store many data members in each node, making the tree flatter, so fewer node-to-node transitions will be needed.

3.1 Properties of B-Trees

For a B-tree of order m:

Here is an example of a B-tree of order 4.

The find operation for B-trees is similar to that of binary search trees.

BTree find (const Etype & x, BTree t) 
  if (t is a leaf)
     return t;
     i = 1;
     while ((i < m) && (x >= t->key[i]))
     return find(x, t->child[i]);

Inserting into a B-tree starts out by “find”ing the leaf in which to insert.

Deletion is usually lazy or semi-lazy (delete from leaf but do not remove keys within the interior nodes).

3.2 Complexity of BTree operations

Worst cases are:

But, since $\log_{m}(n) = \frac{\log(n)}{\log(m)}$, this simplifies to $O(\log(n))$.

4 Red-Black Trees

B-trees are generally used with a fairly high width (order). That’s because the most common application of B-trees is for search trees stored on disks, and the physical and electronic properties of a disk generally give the best performance to programs that read and process an entire sector or cylinder of the disk at a time. An on-disk B-tree is therefore usually configured to fill an entire sector or cylinder of the disk.

A closely related data structure arises when we take a B-tree of order 4 and relax just a few rules, including not storing all the data in the leaves but allowing some data to reside in the internal tree nodes.

The result is called a 2-3-4 tree because each non-leaf node will, depending upon how full it is, have either 2, 3, or 4 children.

2-3-4 trees are, like all B-trees, a balanced tree whose height grows no faster than the log of the number of elements in tree.

Unlike B-trees, 2-3-4 trees are commonly used for in-memory data structures. But programmers seldom implement 2-3-4 trees directly. Instead, there is a fairly simple way to map 2-3-4 trees onto binary trees to which a “color” has been added.

class RedBlackNode 
  T value;
  RedBlackNode<T> * parent;
  RedBlackNode<T> * left;
  RedBlackNode<T> * right;
  bool color;  // true=red, false=black

A 2-3-4 node with 2 children (1 data value) is represented by a black binary tree node whose children are either leaves or black nodes.

A 2-3-4 node with 3 children (2 data values) is represented by a black binary tree node with one red child, the other child being a leaf or a black node. (Either child could be the red one, so the mirror image of the binary tree in this diagram is also legal.)

A 2-3-4 node with 4 children (3 data values) is represented by a black binary tree node with two red children.

In essence, the red nodes define a kind of extension of their parent node. Each red node can be thought of as adding one extra data field and child pointer to its parent.

Here is an example of the red-black equivalent to a 2-3-4 search tree.


Some things to note:

The algorithms to insert nodes into a red-black tree add no more than a constant time for each node in the path from the root to the newly added leaf. Consequently, insertions into a red-black tree are worst case $O(\log N)$. In fact the code for red-black trees are based on rotations very similar to those of AVL trees.

Red-black trees are used in most implementations of set, mset, map, and mmap in the C++ std library.