4.4. What Goes Into the Forum

In general, the Forum should be your primary means of asking questions in this course. Although you have been provided in the course syllabus with an email address to contact the instructor, email should generally be used only for questions that can't, by their nature, be asked in the Forum (the website is down, your password doesn't work, etc.) or for which you can't find an appropriate document related to the question.

If you send e-mail to the instructor that should, in the instructor's opinion, have been posted to the Forum, the instructor may copy your e-mail into the Forum and reply there. Or the instructor may simply send you a message reminding you that you should have used the Forum.

Conversely, if you post something in the Forum that the instructor feels is inappropriate, the instructor may remove your post and reply, if necessary, via email.

In the Forum:

(no threads at this time)