3. Files Provided in Assignment Directories

Each programming assignment is found in a separate directory, specified on the assignment web page. You will need to copy the files from that directory into your own working directory.

Make sure your files are protected! It is your responsibility to protect your assignments and other course work from access by your fellow students. Of course, they shouldn't be looking there, but the ODU honor code recognizes that making your work freely available for copying is also unethical behavior.

Leaving your assignment solution files unprotected for your classmates to read is considered a violation of the ODU honor code and may result in sanctions up to and including expulsion from the University.

Typically, each assignment directory will include a number of .java files. Some of these are for you to modify, some should be left alone. You can tell which should be modified by consulting the list of files to be submitted. Anything that you aren't going to turn in must be left unchanged.

Because Java often requires source code files to be arranged in subdirectories of your project, some assignments may provide source code files already arranged i nthe appropriate file structure. In that case, the source will be provided as a .zip file, that you can copy and then unpack into your own working directory.

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