Context-Free Grammars -- Examples

CS390, Spring 2024

Last modified: Jan 15, 2023


Practice designing and working with CFGs, derivations, and parse trees.

1 Automat

  1. Read about Grammars in the Automat Editor.

  2. Use the editor to solve Exercises 5.1.2 b and c from your textbook.

  3. Enter the grammar

    \[ \begin{align} E &\rightarrow I \\ E &\rightarrow E + E \\ E &\rightarrow E * E \\ I &\rightarrow a \\ I &\rightarrow b \\ I &\rightarrow Ia \\ I &\rightarrow Ib \\ I &\rightarrow I0 \\ I &\rightarrow I1 \\ \end{align} \]

  4. Test the string “a $*$ b + a1”.

  5. Generate a derivation of that string. Save the URL of your grammar and derivation.

  6. Copy that URL to a new tab/window. Clear the derivation.

    In this second window, show that this grammar is ambiguous by deriving two distinct parse trees for “a $*$ b + a1”.

2 Sample Problems

The problems in this section are all concerned with the following grammar:

\[ \begin{align} P \rightarrow & S \\ L \rightarrow & S L | S\\ S \rightarrow & s ; | \{ L \} \\ \end{align}

A discussion of what this grammar “means” and how to read it:

2.1 Derivations

  1. Give a derivation for the string: s;

  2. Give a derivation for the string {s;}

  3. Give a (left-most) derivation for the string {s;s;}


    Using recursion in context-free grammars to describe lists of things is a very common pattern, one that you should try to keep in mind both when reading grammars and when writing your own.

  4. Give a right-most derivation for the string {s;s;}


2.2 Parse Trees

  1. Give a parse tree for the string: s;

  2. Give a parse tree for the string {s;}

  3. Give a parse tree for the string {s;s;}


The grammar we have used in these examples was intended to be reminiscent of the idea of a program (P) consisting of either a single statement (S) or a list of statements (L) enclosed in brackets. We can actually expand on this idea to make rhe relationship clearer by replacing the simple idea that a “statement” is simply a single token (s) by the idea that s could go on to derive any of a number of more familiar forms of programming language constructs.

3 Sample Problems – Ambiguity

We’ll continue working with the grammar:

\[ \begin{align} P \rightarrow & S \\ L \rightarrow & S L \; | \; S\\ S \rightarrow & s ; \\ & | \, \{ L \} \\ & | \, i \, ( \, E \, ) \, S \\ & | \, i \, ( \, E \, ) \, S \, e \, S \\ E \rightarrow & x | y \end{align}

This grammar can generate the possible sequences of if and else (represented by i and e, respectively).

  1. Show that the string ‘$i (x) \, i (y) \, x = y; e \, y = x;$’ is in the language described by this grammar.

  2. Give a left-most derivation for that string.

  3. Using that same string, show that the grammar is ambiguous


Some discussion of why ambiguity is both important and can be hard to prove/disprove.