JFLAP - Pushdown Automata

Steven Zeil

Last modified: Aug 20, 2016


Practice running and constructing PDAs.

  1. Review the Pushdown Automata section of the Tutorial.

  2. Here is the PDA for $0^n1^n$.

    Try executing it (“Input -> Step by Closure”) on these inputs:

  3. Here is the PDA for $ww^R$.

    Try executing it (“Input -> Step by Closure”) on these inputs:

  4. A palindrome is a string that reads the same backwards as forwards. All strings in our $ww^R$ language are palindromes. But “1001001” is also a palindrome, and is not in $ww^R$.

    Can you modify the $ww^R$ PDA so that it recognizes all palindromes over $\{0, 1\}^*$? (This is a good way to see if you have really embraced thinking about non-determinism.)

    Try it before looking at the answer.