CS410 2013: Blue Team

Marissa Jimenez is serving as the Mentor for the Blue Team. She is currently an Instruction Resource Specialist at the Old Dominion Student Success Center. She is interested in this project because of its potential for helping the ODU tutoring center and its management.

Email: mjimenez@odu.edu


Jeffrey Turner is serving as a Mentor for the Blue Team with Marissa. He is currently a Higher Education Teacher Res Asst at Old Dominion University. He was the original submitter of the tutoring problem to the CS 410 team.

Email: jaturner@odu.edu

Seth Hohensee

Seth Hohensee is currently a senior at Old Dominion University in the undergraduate program of the Computer Science department. He also works as a Systems Administrator for the CS department. He spends his free time playing PC games and reading. He also enjoys sushi. Yum, sushi.

Official Responsibilities: Project Leader and Software Engineer

Email: shohe002@odu.edu

Zachary Regelski

Zachary Regelski is a Computer Science major at Old Dominion University. He intends to put his degree to good use, but isn't quite sure how to yet. He enjoys reading, video games, and football. He has never tried underwater basket weaving.

Official Responsibilities: User Interface Designer and Documentation Manager

Email: zrege002@odu.edu

Eric Diep

Eric Diep is a senior at Old Dominion University majoring in Computer Science with a minor in Information Technology. He is currently working as a research assistant for the Hands On lab for the Computer Science Department. When not studying or working, Eric is organizing and running a student organization, Asian Pacific American Student Union, on campus. Eric also enjoys all kinds of outdoor activities and adventures, cooking/eating food, and riding his fixed gear bike.

Official Responsibilities: Database Expert and Risk Analyst

Email: ediep001@odu.edu

Corey Campbell

Corey Campbell is a Computer Science major at Old Dominion University. He likes the mechanics of object-oriented programming. He and his wife have two beautiful daughters. Corey is also an intense Baltimore Ravens fan.

Official Responsibilities: Site Administrator and Testing Specialist

Email: ccamp023@odu.edu

Matthew Letchworth

Matthew Letchworth is a senior at Old Dominion University. He currently works at Petsmart as the lead pet care associate. He enjoys outdoor activities like backpacking and fishing. He also enjoys crafts from building skateboards to building computers.

Official Responsibilites: Database Expert and Hardware Specialist

Email: mletc001@odu.edu

Denis Mileyko

Denis Mileyko is pursuing bachelor degree in Computer Science major at Old Dominion University. He is currently working as a Director of Software Solutions at local fast growing IT company. He enjoys architecturing and developing of the new products. He likes volley-ball, mountain biking, downhill skiing and fishing. He loves his wife and newborn son.

Official Responsibilities: Software Engineer and User Interface Designer

Email: dmile008@odu.edu