What We Are About

We are making tutoring more centralized and convenient for university students. Tutor Dash is a mobile application that merges the current tutoring resources at several universities with the current process flows of students seeking tutoring and students seeking advertisement for tutoring into one convenient tool. With such a platform, finding a tutor and being a tutor has never been this easy!

The Concept

  • There are various instances where students need academic assistance.
  • Universities provide tutoring services, but sometimes they don't suffice.
  • Many students attending university qualify to be tutors, but often, they aren't employed by the university.
  • Tutor Dash combines all of these factors into one solution. By allowing students to become tutors, this makes tutoring more appealing, convenient, and widespread for all parties involved!


Students Seeking Academic Assistance

Students Seeking Tutoring Advertisement

Tutor Dash

tech tutor concept