Sencha Documentation

Provides a registry of all Components (instances of Ext.Component or any subclass thereof) on a page so that they can be easily accessed by component id (see get, or the convenience method Ext.getCmp).

This object also provides a registry of available Component classes indexed by a mnemonic code known as the Component's xtype. The xtype provides a way to avoid instantiating child Components when creating a full, nested config object for a complete Ext page.

A child Component may be specified simply as a config object as long as the correct xtype is specified so that if and when the Component needs rendering, the correct type can be looked up for lazy instantiation.

For a list of all available xtypes, see Ext.Component.

Defined By


create( Object config, Constructor defaultType) : Ext.Component
Creates a new Component from the specified config object using the config object's xtype to determine the class to in...
Creates a new Component from the specified config object using the config object's xtype to determine the class to instantiate.


  • config : Object
    A configuration object for the Component you wish to create.
  • defaultType : Constructor
    The constructor to provide the default Component type if the config object does not contain a xtype. (Optional if the config contains a xtype).


  • Ext.Component   The newly instantiated Component.