Sencha Documentation

A subclass of Ext.dd.DragTracker which handles dragging any Component.

This is configured with a Component to be made draggable, and a config object for the Ext.dd.DragTracker class.

A delegate may be provided which may be either the element to use as the mousedown target or a Ext.DomQuery selector to activate multiple mousedown targets.

Defined By

Config Options

Specify as true to constrain the Component to within the bounds of the constrainTo region.
Specify as true to constrain the Component to within the bounds of the constrainTo region.
Specify as true to constrain the drag handles within the constrainTo region.
Specify as true to constrain the drag handles within the constrainTo region.
Optional. A DomQuery selector which identifies child elements within the Component's encapsulating Element which are ...

A DomQuery selector which identifies child elements within the Component's encapsulating Element which are the drag handles. This limits dragging to only begin when the matching elements are mousedowned.

This may also be a specific child element within the Component's encapsulating element to use as the drag handle.

Defined By


Create a new ComponentTracker
Create a new ComponentTracker


  • comp : object
    The Component to provide dragging for.
  • config : object
    The config object


  • Void