
Palindromes are character sequences that read the same forward or backward (e.g. the strings "mom" or "radar" or “kayak” or “1234321”). You will write a program to determine whether a string is a character-unit palindrome.

Note: Programming Project should be done primarily on your own. However, it is appropriate to get some support from your professor, and even other students. Refer to the Syllabus for guidelines. Remember to use Piazza and post your partial code if you are stuck with a problem in your code.


Example Output

Enter the string to evaluate for palindrome: Kayak
Kayak is a palindrome
Do you want to try again (Y or N)? Y

Enter the string to evaluate for palindrome: evil
evil is not a palindrome
Do you want to try again (Y or N)? N
Thanks for playing!

Due: November 02, 2016 by 4.00 PM. Submit your .cpp file to Blackboard.

Total Points = 100 + 5 Bonus Points