Building a Linked List - Part 2

Thomas J. Kennedy


1 What is the Goal?

In the previous lecture… we left of with a LinkedList class and an initial test suite. However, we never identified an end goal. Why build a Linked List class?

  1. We need a case study for interfaces with an emphasis on abstract base classes.

  2. One should always know how to build an iterator.

  3. Contrived examples are never fun… we need a non-trivial example to discuss how to add support for extend functionality, the in keyword.

    The contrived examples note refers to the cliché polymorphism “animals eat” inheritance hierarchy that is common to most OOP texts.

Let us state our goal succinctly…

We want a LinkedList class that can be used as a drop-in replacement for the built-in Python list.

2 Okay… What Comes First?

An Iterator is the first piece of the puzzle. Our current implementation allows us to store data, but not retrieve that data. In fact… __str__ is the only way to see the stored data.

Let us start with two abstract base classes from the Python module:

We will need to

  1. tweak our code to include

  2. tweak the beginning of the class definition

    class LinkedList(
  3. add an inner Iterator after Node

        class Iterator(

3 Implementing an Iterator

Let us put everything together.

Draft Linked List Class

Let us start with the Iterator.

    class Iterator(
        def __init__(self, starting_node=None):
            self.current_node = starting_node

        def __next__(self):
            raise StopIteration()

You probably noticed the earlier typo (i.e., __next instead of __next__). That was the first fix.

Take note of the class itself. The __init__ method takes a single argument starting_node which defaults to None. The self.current_node data member will be used to keep track of the position as we move through a list.

        def __next__(self):
            raise StopIteration()

When an Iterator runs out of entries (i.e., reaches the end of a collection) a StopIteration error is used to stop the loop (e.g., for val in collection) or next being used to retrieve data from the container.

In our case…

        def __next__(self):
            if not self.current_node:
                raise StopIteration()

the first step is to check if self.current_node is Node. If it is… there is no more data left. Otherwise we need to:

  1. Create a temporary reference to data within the current node

  2. Move to the next node

  3. Return the temporary reference

        def __next__(self):
            if not self.current_node:
                raise StopIteration()

            value =

            # Move to the next node
            self.current_node = self.current_node.next_node

            return value

Once LinkedList.__next__ implementation is complete. The LinkedList.__iter__ method is a one liner.

    def __iter__(self) -> LinkedList.Iterator:
        return LinkedList.Iterator(starting_node=self.head)

I have opted to use the explicit keyword argument here… for readability.

4 The Iterator was the Key

The next few updates to LinkedList will focus on functionality that was either:

  1. difficult to implement without a LinkedList.Iterator

  2. near impossible to implement without a basic understanding of iterators.

4.1 Rewriting Dunder str

Now that we have an Iterator the __str__ method can be changed from a while loop…

        output_str = ""
        idx = 0

        it = self.head

        while it:
            output_str += f"Node #{idx:} contains {}\n"

            it = it.next_node
            idx += 1

        return output_str

to a for loop…

        output_str = ""

        for idx, data in enumerate(self):
            output_str += f"Node #{idx:} contains {data}\n"

        return output_str

We can replace this with a generator expression combined with a call to "\n".join. This change will solve both the string concatenation issue and the trailing newline issue.

        return "\n".join(
            f"Node #{idx:} contains {data}" for idx, data in enumerate(self)

The final implementation of __str__ can (and should) be done in one line.

4.2 Comparing for Equality

We can now add a __eq__ method to compare two LinkedLists for equality. You will note that this LinkedList discussion has relaxed the pydoc documentation for every method rule. Remember…

  1. practicality beats purity - the purpose of most functions is captured by their names and arguments (e.g., append which mirrors the list.append method).

  2. readability counts - additional redundant documentation can make code less readable, especially if there happen to be typos.

Just like __str__, __eq__ needs explicit documentation to capture not the purpose of the function, but the actual criteria used to check for equality.

    def __eq__(self, rhs: LinkedList) -> bool:
        Compare two LinkedList objects for equality based on the elements in
        each list. The two lists must:

            1. Have the same number of elements
            2. Contain identical elements
            3. Contain the identical elements in the same order

We will start with two checks…

        if not isinstance(rhs, LinkedList):
            return False

Let us restrict the comparison to two LinkedList objects. If rhs is another type… it cannot be equal to a LinkedList. (While it is possible to relax this requirement… we will not do so here.)

        if len(self) != len(rhs):
            return False

        return False

The next check is the length. Two LinkedList objects (i.e., self and rhs) cannot be equal if they contain different numbers of elements. The final return False is a placeholder for the remaining check.

If we make it past the length check… we know that the two lists contain the same number of elements. Since we have the LinkedList.Iterator… we can use zip to step through both lists simultaneously.

        for lhs_datum, rhs_datum in zip(self, rhs):
            if lhs_datum != rhs_datum:
                return False

        return True

Note the loop… as soon as we encounter a pair of elements that are not equal… we can stop:

  1. To confirm the equality of two lists… we need only find a single pair of entries that differ. While there may be more… it does not matter if one value differs of multiple values differ.

  2. To confirm that two lists are equal… every pair of values must be equal.

The any or all keywords can both be used to simplify the loop.

  1. If any pair of values (i.e., lhs_datum, rhs_datum) is not equal return False.

            if any(lhs_datum != rhs_datum for lhs_datum, rhs_datum in zip(self, rhs)):
                return False
            return True
  2. Return whether all pairs of values are equal

            return all(lhs_datum == rhs_datum for lhs_datum, rhs_datum in zip(self, rhs))

My preference, in this case, is for the latter option (i.e., all).

4.3 Now for Copying

Let us now implement the __deepcopy__ method. We would like the ability to create an identical copy of a list with a separate copy of all data.

    def __deepcopy__(self, memo) -> LinkedList:

        list_copy = LinkedList()
        for entry in self:

        return list_copy

Now that we have our own iterator… we can write functions that examine or retrieve data more quickly (as you may have noticed with __str__ and __eq__).

Note that literal values (such as int and str) do not actually get copied. All references to a 7 will reference the same 7. The copy logic is intended for mutable objects (e.g., list, or user-defined classes/objects).

5 Adding Data with “extend”

The list class provides an extend method that allows multiple values to be added at the same time instead of one at a time with multiple calls to append.

    def extend(self, collection: -> None:
        Take every value in collection, create a new Node, and append it to
        this list

        for value in collection:

Yes… the extend method is using a for loop and calling append within the loop. We will discuss how to optimize this function in the next lecture.

Did you notice how collection is an Iterable? It does not matter where the data comes from (e.g., generator or list). If we can iterate over the data… our loop can handle it.

6 Adding Debugging Output

LinkedList provides a __str__ for human readable (i.e., production output). We need a __repr__ which provides debugging output… ideally this output takes the form of Python code that can recreate an identical object.


ll = LinkedList()


This code should generate, as output…

Expected Output

LinkedList(2, 3, 5, 7)

Let us add __repr__ to LinkedList.

    def __repr__(self) -> str:

        inner_data_str = ", ".join(f"{datum!r}" for datum in self)

        return f"LinkedList({inner_data_str})"

However, our constructor does not support arguments… and we want to supply multiple arguments. First… let us make a subtle change…

    def __repr__(self) -> str:

        inner_data_str = ", ".join(f"{datum!r}" for datum in self)

        return f"LinkedList(({inner_data_str}))"

Take note of the double parens in LinkedList((...)). We are going to update __init__ to accept an Iterable… and a tuple is iterable!

Updated Output

LinkedList((2, 3, 5, 7))

7 Updating dunder init

The __init__ signature will mirror that of append:

    def __init__(self, initial_data: = None):
        self.head: Node = None
        self.tail: Node = None
        self.length: int = 0

        # Use extend to add any starting data
        if initial_data:

The only addition to the function body is a conditional block that calls extend if starting data was provided.

8 The Code So Far…

The current (complete) LinkedList class from this example can be found (along with a test suite) in Module-10-Linked-List/Example-2 in the Example Code Repository.

Now that we have a reasonably complete LinkedList… we can discuss some refactoring and the Python protocol mechanic. But… that will be the next lecture.