CS333, Fall 2015

CS333 Modules

1 Orientation
  1. lecture: Course Orientation & Intro (08/24/2015, 07:00PM)

  2. lab: Account Setup (Due: 08/28/2015)

  3. unix: Logging In

2 Part I. Coding in C++
2.1 Basics
2.1.1 Primitive Data Types and Assignments
  1. reading: Chapters 1, "An Overview...", and 2, "Basic Elements of C++"

  2. slides: Straight-Line Computation in C++

  3. quiz: Self-test (ungraded)

2.1.2 I/O
2.1.3 Control Flow
  1. reading: Chapters 4 and 5, "Control Structures"

  2. slides: Operators

  3. quiz: Self-test (ungraded)

  4. asst: Assignment: Control Flow

2.2 Function Calls and Parameter Passing
2.3 Strings
  1. reading: Chapter 7, "User-Defined Simple Data Types, ..."

  2. slides: The std::string Class

  3. quiz: Self-test (ungraded)

  4. lab: Lab: I/O, Control Flow, and Strings

2.4 Structuring Data
2.4.1 Basic Arrays
  1. reading: Chapter 8, "Arrays and Strings"

  2. slides: Basic Arrays

  3. quiz: Self-test (ungraded)

2.4.2 Records (structs)
  1. reading: Chapter 9, "Records (structs)"

  2. slides: Structured Data

  3. asst: Structs

2.5 End of Part I
  1. asst: All assignments from Part I are due by the end of the day (09/24/2015)

  2. exam: Exam 1 - available on Blackboard in "Exams" section (09/25/2015 - 09/26/2015)

3 Part II. Programming in C++
3.1 Overview
3.2 The Structure of a C++ Program
3.3 Testing I
3.4 Member Functions
  1. reading: Chapter 10, "Classes"

  2. slides: Function Members

  3. slides: Constructors

  4. asst: Member Functions

3.5 Design I: Top-Down Design
  1. slides: Stepwise Refinement

  2. asst: Stepwise Refinement (part 1)

  3. asst: Stepwise Refinement (part 2) - refer to the message from the autograder on part 1

  4. project: Project: Top-Down Design (10/26/2015)

3.6 Filling & Searching Arrays
  1. reading: Chapter 12, "Pointers, Classes, ...", through "Shallow versus Deep Copy and Pointers"

  2. slides: Pointers and References

  3. reading: Chapter 16, "Sorting, Searching, ..."

  4. slides: Patterns: Working with Arrays

  5. slides: Working with Ordered Data

  6. unix: Basic Unix Commands

  7. asst: Arrays

3.7 Design II: Abstract Data Types
  1. reading: Chapter 10, "Data Abstraction ..." through "Information Hiding""

  2. slides: Information Hiding and ADTs

3.8 Programming III: Classes & ADTS
  1. reading: Chapter 10, (remainder)

  2. slides: Encapsulation

  3. reading: Chapter 12, "Pointers, Classes, ...", sections "Shallow versus Deep Copy" through "Classes and Pointers: Some Peculiarities"

  4. slides: Default and Copy Constructors

  5. asst: Working with ADTs

  6. project: Project: ADT Interfaces (11/04/2015)

  7. slides: Common Modifications of Class Members

  8. lecture: Project: ADT Discussion (TBD)

  9. project: Project: Implementation (12/04/2015)

3.9 End of Part II
  1. asst: All assignments from Part II are due by the end of the day (10/31/2015)

  2. exam: Exam 2 (11/02/2015 - 11/03/2015)

4 Part III. Programming in C++ (continued)
4.1 Debugging I: Reproducing Failures
4.2 Testing II: Scaffolding
4.3 Programming IV: Overloading
  1. reading: Chapter 13, "Overloading and Templates"

  2. slides: Operator Overloading

  3. slides: Copying Data

  4. asst: Operator Overloading

4.4 Programming V: Linked Lists
  1. reading: Chapter 17, "Linked Lists"

  2. slides: Linked Lists

  3. asst: Linked Lists

4.5 Testing III
4.6 Programming VI: Recursion
  1. reading: Chapter 15, "Recursion"

  2. slides: Recursion

  3. slides: Trees

4.7 Debugging II: Debugging Tools
4.8 Design III: Class Designer's Checklist
4.9 End of Part III
  1. asst: All assignments from Part III are due by the end of the day (12/04/2015)

  2. exam: Exam 3 (12/05/2015 - 12/07/2015)

5 Special Dates
  1. event: Classes begin (08/22/2015)

  2. event: Last day to withdraw (11/03/2015)

  3. event: Last day of classes (12/04/2015)

6 Supplemental Materials

Symbol Key
conference Conference
slides Slides & Lecture Notes
text Text
exam Exam
lab Lab Assignment
asst Assignment
project Project
cs252 CS252 (Unix) Assignment
All times in this schedule are given in Eastern Time.